Package jrummikub.model

Interface Summary
IGameState Interface for GameState model
IHand Interface for the Hand model
IPlayer Interface for Player model
IStoneTray<E extends Sizeable> Interface for the StoneTray model
ITable Interface for the Table model
Sizeable Objects that have a size.

Class Summary
GameState Class managing the overall and momentary GameState
Hand Class managing a Player's Stones
Player Class managing player data.
Position Stone Position class to determine positions on Table or Hand
Stone Basic Rummikub Stone
StoneHeap StoneHeap creates all Stones for a game, manages them and allows players to draw one or more random Stones.
StoneSet Class managing Stones joined together to form sets
StoneTray<E extends Sizeable> A StoneTray is a collection of positioned objects (for example Stones or StoneSets.
Table Class administering the Stones on the game-Table

Enum Summary
StoneColor Class specifying possible StoneColors
StoneSet.Type Validity type of the set
StoneTray.Direction Possible move directions in case of overlapping Stones/Sets