package jrummikub.control; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import jrummikub.model.GameSettings; import jrummikub.model.GameState; import jrummikub.model.IRoundState; import jrummikub.model.RoundState; import jrummikub.model.Score; import jrummikub.util.Connection; import jrummikub.util.IListener; import jrummikub.util.IListener1; import jrummikub.view.IView; /** * Controls a Game, at some point including all Rounds, starts new Rounds */ public class GameControl { private GameSettings gameSettings; private IView view; RoundControl roundControl; private GameState gameState; private List connections = new ArrayList(); /** * Constructor * * @param gameSettings * the game settings * @param view * the view */ public GameControl(GameSettings gameSettings, IView view) { this.gameSettings = gameSettings; this.view = view; gameState = new GameState(); gameState.setFirstRoundFirstPlayer((int) (Math.random() * gameSettings .getPlayerList().size())); connections.add(view.getNewRoundEvent().add(new IListener() { @Override public void handle() { startRound(); } })); connections.add(view.getFinalScoreEvent().add(new IListener() { @Override public void handle() { finalScore(); } })); } /** * Game gets started by initializing the first Round */ public void startGame() { startRound(); } private void startRound() { if (roundControl != null) { return; } view.showScorePanel(false); IRoundState roundState = new RoundState(gameSettings); roundState.setActivePlayerNumber(gameState.getFirstRoundFirstPlayer() + gameState.getScores().size()); roundControl = new RoundControl(roundState, view); roundControl.getEndOfRoundEvent().add(new IListener1() { @Override public void handle(Score roundScore) { endOfRound(roundScore); } }); roundControl.getRestartRoundEvent().add(new IListener() { @Override public void handle() { restartRound(); } }); roundControl.startRound(); } private void restartRound() { roundControl = null; startRound(); } private void endOfRound(Score roundScore) { gameState.getScores().add(roundScore); roundControl = null; view.enableWinPanel(true); view.getScorePanel().setPlayers(gameSettings.getPlayerList()); view.getScorePanel().setScores(gameState.getScores()); view.getScorePanel().setAccumulatedScore(gameState.getAccumulatedScore()); view.getScorePanel().update(); view.showScorePanel(true); } private void finalScore() { System.exit(0); } }