package; import jrummikub.control.RoundControl; import jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl; import jrummikub.model.IRoundState; import jrummikub.model.ITable; import jrummikub.model.PlayerSettings.Type; import jrummikub.util.IListener; import jrummikub.util.IListener1; import jrummikub.view.IView; /** * Round control for network games */ public class NetworkRoundControl extends RoundControl { private IConnectionControl connectionControl; private boolean currentlyActive; /** * Creates new network round control * * @param roundState * current round state * @param view * the view * @param connectionControl * connection control for the current connection * @param startActive * true for host */ public NetworkRoundControl(IRoundState roundState, IView view, final IConnectionControl connectionControl, boolean startActive) { super(roundState, view, false); this.connectionControl = connectionControl; currentlyActive = startActive; connections.add(connectionControl.getRoundStateUpdateEvent().add( new IListener1() { @Override public void handle(IRoundState state) { setRoundState(state); } })); connections.add(connectionControl.getTurnStartEvent().add( new IListener() { @Override public void handle() { startTurn(); } })); connections.add(connectionControl.getNextPlayerEvent().add( new IListener() { @Override public void handle() { NetworkRoundControl.super.nextPlayer(); } })); } @Override protected void addTurnControlListeners(ITurnControl turnControl) { turnControl.getTableUpdateEvent().add(new IListener1() { @Override public void handle(ITable table) { connectionControl.updateTable(table); } }); } @Override protected ITurnControl createTurnControl(Type type) { switch (type) { case HUMAN: currentlyActive = true; break; case NETWORK: currentlyActive = false; break; } if (!currentlyActive) { return new NetworkTurnControl(connectionControl); } return super.createTurnControl(type); } @Override protected void prepareTurn() { if (currentlyActive) { connectionControl.startTurn(); } doPrepareTurn(); } @Override protected void deal() {; if (currentlyActive) { connectionControl.updateRoundState(roundState); } } @Override protected void nextPlayer() { if (currentlyActive) { connectionControl.nextPlayer(); } } @Override protected void endOfTurn(InvalidTurnInfo invalidTurnInfo) { if (currentlyActive) { connectionControl.endTurn(roundState, invalidTurnInfo); } super.endOfTurn(invalidTurnInfo); } @Override protected void redeal() { if (currentlyActive) { connectionControl.redeal(); } super.redeal(); } }