package jrummikub.model; import static jrummikub.model.StoneTray.Direction.LEFT; import static jrummikub.model.StoneTray.Direction.RIGHT; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import jrummikub.control.AIUtil; import jrummikub.util.Pair; /** Class managing a {@link Player}'s {@link Stone}s */ public class Hand extends StoneTray implements IHand { private static final long serialVersionUID = 192210056255744909L; /** * The width of the hand */ public final static int WIDTH = 14; @Override public int getFreeRowSpace(int row) { int count = 0; for (Pair entry : this) { if (entry.getSecond().getY() == row) { count++; } } return WIDTH - count; } @Override public int getRowCount() { int rows = 0; for (Pair entry : this) { if (entry.getSecond().getY() > rows) { rows = (int) entry.getSecond().getY(); } } return rows + 1; } @Override protected Pair fixInvalidDrop(Stone stone, Position pos, Direction dir) { double x = pos.getX(); double y = pos.getY(); if (x >= 0 && x <= WIDTH - 1) { return null; } if (x < 0) { return new Pair(new Position(0, y), RIGHT); } else { if (getFreeRowSpace((int) y) == 0) { return new Pair(new Position(0, y + 1), RIGHT); } else { return new Pair( new Position(WIDTH - 1, y), LEFT); } } } @Override public int getStonePoints(GameSettings settings) { int points = 0; for (Pair entry : this) { if (entry.getFirst().isJoker()) { points += settings.getJokerPoints(); } else { points += entry.getFirst().getValue(); } } return points; } @Override public boolean isInitialMeldPossible(GameSettings settings) { List handStones = new ArrayList(); for (Pair entry : this) { handStones.add(entry.getFirst()); } TurnLogic turnLogic = new TurnLogic(settings, Collections. emptyList(), handStones); turnLogic.needIntialMeldThreshold(); return turnLogic.solve(); } @Override public int getIdenticalStoneCount() { List stones = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator> iter = this.iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { stones.add(; } Pair, Integer>, Integer> stoneCounts = AIUtil .countStones(stones); int pairCount = 0; for (int count : stoneCounts.getFirst().values()) { pairCount += count / 2; } return pairCount; } }