/* * BIRD -- Configuration Lexer * * (c) 1998--1999 Martin Mares * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ %{ #undef REJECT /* Avoid name clashes */ #include "filter/filter.h" #include #include #include #include #include "nest/bird.h" #include "conf/conf.h" #include "conf/cf-parse.tab.h" static struct keyword { byte *name; int value; struct keyword *next; } keyword_list[] = { #include "conf/keywords.h" { NULL, -1 } }; #define KW_HASH_SIZE 64 #define SYM_HASH_SIZE 128 #define SYM_MAX_LEN 32 static struct keyword *kw_hash[KW_HASH_SIZE]; static struct symbol **sym_hash; int conf_lino; static int cf_hash(byte *c); static struct symbol *cf_find_sym(byte *c, unsigned int h0); linpool *cfg_mem; int (*cf_read_hook)(byte *buf, unsigned int max); #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max) result = cf_read_hook(buf, max); #define YY_NO_UNPUT #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) cf_error(msg) %} %option noyywrap %x COMMENT CCOMM CLI ALPHA [a-zA-Z_] DIGIT [0-9] XIGIT [0-9a-fA-F] ALNUM [a-zA-Z_0-9] WHITE [ \t] %% {DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+ { #ifdef IPV6 if (ipv4_pton_u32(yytext, &cf_lval.i32)) return RTRID; cf_error("Invalid IPv4 address %s", yytext); #else if (ip_pton(yytext, &cf_lval.a)) return IPA; cf_error("Invalid IP address %s", yytext); #endif } ({XIGIT}*::|({XIGIT}*:){3,})({XIGIT}*|{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+) { #ifdef IPV6 if (ip_pton(yytext, &cf_lval.a)) return IPA; cf_error("Invalid IP address %s", yytext); #else cf_error("This is an IPv4 router, therefore IPv6 addresses are not supported"); #endif } 0x{DIGIT}+ { char *e; long int l; errno = 0; l = strtoul(yytext+2, &e, 16); if (e && *e || errno == ERANGE || (long int)(int) l != l) cf_error("Number out of range"); cf_lval.i = l; return NUM; } {DIGIT}+ { char *e; long int l; errno = 0; l = strtoul(yytext, &e, 10); if (e && *e || errno == ERANGE || (long int)(int) l != l) cf_error("Number out of range"); cf_lval.i = l; return NUM; } {ALPHA}{ALNUM}* { unsigned int h = cf_hash(yytext); struct keyword *k = kw_hash[h & (KW_HASH_SIZE-1)]; while (k) { if (!strcmp(k->name, yytext)) return k->value; k=k->next; } cf_lval.s = cf_find_sym(yytext, h); return SYM; } ! { BEGIN(INITIAL); return CLI_MARKER; } [={}:;,()+*/%-<>~\[\]] { return yytext[0]; } ["][^"\n]*["] { cf_lval.t = yytext+1; yytext[yyleng-1] = 0; return TEXT; } ["][^"\n]*\n cf_error("Unterminated string"); <> return END; {WHITE}+ \n conf_lino++; # BEGIN(COMMENT); \/\* BEGIN(CCOMM); . cf_error("Unknown character"); \n { conf_lino++; BEGIN(INITIAL); } . \*\/ BEGIN(INITIAL); \n conf_lino++; \/\* cf_error("Comment nesting not supported"); <> cf_error("Unterminated comment"); . %% static int cf_hash(byte *c) { unsigned int h = 13; while (*c) h = (h * 37) + *c++; return h; } static struct symbol * cf_find_sym(byte *c, unsigned int h0) { unsigned int h = h0 & (SYM_HASH_SIZE-1); struct symbol *s; int l; if (!sym_hash) sym_hash = cfg_allocz(SYM_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(struct keyword *)); else for(s = sym_hash[h]; s; s=s->next) { if (!strcmp(s->name, c)) return s; s = s->next; } l = strlen(c); if (l > SYM_MAX_LEN) cf_error("Symbol too long"); s = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct symbol) + l); s->next = sym_hash[h]; sym_hash[h] = s; s->class = SYM_VOID; s->def = NULL; s->aux = 0; strcpy(s->name, c); return s; } struct symbol * cf_find_symbol(byte *c) { return cf_find_sym(c, cf_hash(c)); } struct symbol * cf_default_name(char *prefix, int *counter) { char buf[32]; struct symbol *s; do { sprintf(buf, "%s%d", prefix, ++(*counter)); s = cf_find_sym(buf, cf_hash(buf)); if (!s) cf_error("Unable to generate default name"); } while (s->class != SYM_VOID); return s; } void cf_define_symbol(struct symbol *sym, int type, void *def) { if (sym->class) cf_error("Symbol already defined"); sym->class = type; sym->def = def; } void cf_lex_init(int is_cli) { sym_hash = NULL; conf_lino = 1; yyrestart(NULL); if (is_cli) BEGIN(CLI); else BEGIN(INITIAL); } void cf_lex_init_tables(void) { struct keyword *k; for(k=keyword_list; k->name; k++) { unsigned h = cf_hash(k->name) & (KW_HASH_SIZE-1); k->next = kw_hash[h]; kw_hash[h] = k; } }