/* * This is an example configuration file. * FIXME: add all examples from docs here. */ # Yet another comment router id; define xyzzy = (120+10); function callme(int arg1; int arg2) int local1; int local2; int i; { printn "Function callme called arguments ", arg1, " and ", arg2, ":" ; i = arg2; case arg1 { 2: print "dva"; print "jeste jednou dva"; 3 .. 5: print "tri az pet"; else: print "neco jineho"; } } function fifteen() { print "fifteen called"; return 15; } function paths() bgpmask pm1; bgpmask pm2; bgppath p2; clist l; { pm1 = / 4 3 2 1 /; pm2 = [= 4 3 2 1 =]; print "Testing path masks: ", pm1, " ", pm2; p2 = prepend( + empty +, 1 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 2 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 3 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 4 ); print "Testing paths: ", p2; print "Should be true: ", p2 ~ pm1, " ", p2 ~ pm2; print "4 = ", p2.len; p2 = prepend( p2, 5 ); print "Should be false: ", p2 ~ pm1, " ", p2 ~ pm2; print "Should be true: ", p2 ~ / ? 4 3 2 1 /, " ", p2, " ", / ? 4 3 2 1 /; print "Should be true: ", p2 ~ [= * 4 3 * 1 =], " ", p2, " ", [= * 4 3 * 1 =]; print "5 = ", p2.len; pm1 = [= 1 2 * 3 4 5 =]; p2 = prepend( + empty +, 5 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 4 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 3 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 3 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 2 ); p2 = prepend( p2, 1 ); print "Should be true: ", p2 ~ pm1, " ", p2, " ", pm1; l = - empty -; l = add( l, (1,2) ); l = add( l, (2,3) ); print "Community list (1,2) (2,3) ", l; print "Should be true: ", (2,3) ~ l; l = delete( l, (2,3) ); print "Community list (1,2) ", l; print "Should be false: ", (2,3) ~ l; } function bla() { print "fifteen called"; return 15; } define four=4; function test_pxset(prefix set pxs) { print " must be true: ", 1000::/8 ~ pxs, ",", 1000::/10 ~ pxs, ",", 1000::/12 ~ pxs, ",", 2000::/24 ~ pxs, ",", 2000:4000::/24 ~ pxs, ",", 2000::/26 ~ pxs, ",", 2000:8000::/26 ~ pxs, ",", 2000::/28 ~ pxs, ",", 2000:FFF0::/28 ~ pxs; print " must be false: ", 1000::/7 ~ pxs, ",", 1000::/13 ~ pxs, ",", 1000::/16 ~ pxs, ",", 2000::/16 ~ pxs, ",", 2000::/23 ~ pxs, ",", 2000::/29 ~ pxs, ",", 1100::/10 ~ pxs, ",", 2010::/26 ~ pxs; } function __startup() int i; bool b; prefix px; ip p; pair pp; int set is; prefix set pxs; string s; { print "Testing filter language:"; i = four; i = 12*100 + 60/2 + i; i = ( i + 0 ); print " arithmetics: 1234 = ", i; printn " if statements "; print "what happens here?"; printn "."; if (i = 4) then { print "*** FAIL: if 0"; quitbird; } else printn "."; # if !(i = 3) then { print "*** FAIL: if 0"; quitbird; } else printn "."; if 1234 = i then printn "."; else { print "*** FAIL: if 1 else"; } # if 1 <= 1 then printn "."; else { print "*** FAIL: test 3"; } if 1234 < 1234 then { print "*** FAIL: test 4"; quitbird; } else print "ok"; is = [ 2, 3, 4, 7..11 ]; print " must be true: ", 1180::/16 ~ [ 1100::/8{ 15 , 17 } ]; print " data types; must be true: ", 12::34 = 12::34, ",", 1 ~ [1,2,3], ",", 5 ~ [1..20], ",", 10 ~ is, ",", 2 ~ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ",", 5 ~ [ 4 .. 7 ], ",", 12::34 ~ [ 12::33..12::35 ], ",", 1020::34 ~ 1000::/8, ",", 1000::/8 ~ 1000::/8, ",", 1000::/8 ~ [ 1000::/8+ ]; print " must be true: ", true && true, ",", true || false; # print " must be true: ", defined(1), ",", defined(, ",", 1 != 2, ",", 1 <= 2; print " data types: must be false: ", 1 ~ [ 2, 3, 4 ], ",", 5 ~ is, ",", 12::34 ~ [ 12::33, 12::35 ], ",", (1,2) > (2,2), ",", (1,1) > (1,1), ",", 1000::/9 ~ [ 1000::/8- ], ",", 1000::/17 ~ [ 1000::/8{ 15 , 16 } ], ",", true && false; px = 1020::/18; print "Testing prefixes: 1020::/18 = ", px; p = 1234:5678::; print "Testing mask : 1200:: = ", p.mask(8); pp = (1, 2); print "Testing pairs: (1,2) = ", (1,2), " = ", pp; print "Testing enums: ", RTS_DUMMY, " ", RTS_STATIC; s = "Hello"; print "Testing string: ", s, " true: ", s ~ "Hell*", " false: ", s ~ "ell*"; b = true; print "Testing bool: ", b, ", ", !b; pxs = [ 1102::/16, 1104::/16+]; print "Testing prefix sets: "; print pxs; print " must be true: ", 1102::/16 ~ pxs, ",", 1104::/16 ~ pxs, ",", 1104::/18 ~ pxs, ",", 1104::/32 ~ pxs; print " must be false: ", 1101::/16 ~ pxs, ",", 1103::/16 ~ pxs, ",", 1102::/15 ~ pxs, ",", 1102::/17 ~ pxs, ",", 1102::/32 ~ pxs, ",", 1104::/15 ~ pxs; test_pxset([ 1000::/16{8,12}, 2000::/16{24,28} ]); print "What will this do? ", [ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5 ]; print "Testing functions..."; # callme ( 1, 2 ); callme ( 2, 2 ); callme ( 2, 2 ); callme ( 3, 2 ); callme ( 4, 2 ); callme ( 7, 2 ); i = fifteen(); print "Testing function calls: 15 = ", i; paths(); print "done"; quitbird; # print "*** FAIL: this is unreachable"; } filter testf int j; { print "Heya, filtering route to ", net.ip, " prefixlen ", net.len, " source ", source; print "This route was from ", from; j = 7; j = 17; if rip_metric > 15 then { reject "RIP Metric is more than infinity"; } rip_metric = 14; unset(rip_metric); accept "ok I take that"; } eval __startup();