title: A new blog is born
tags: meta, memes, Hakyll, Haskell
published: 2012-06-01T20:59:04Z
![Wonka: Oh, you have a blog now. You must have so many stories to tell!](/images/2012-06-01-wonka.jpg)
Okay, so I finally found time to build this new blog :) I finally got rid of all that crappy blog software written in PHP
and used Hakyll, a static page generator written in Haskell, to create it. Who is interested in the code used to generate
these pages can find it on [http://git.universe-factory.net/blog.universe-factory.net/](http://git.universe-factory.net/blog.universe-factory.net/).
Those who know me will already have guessed what I plan to post on this blog: information about the development of my various Open Source projects;
Anime, Manga and Japanese in general; Metal Music; Art; and all other kinds of geeky stuff :D
As this page is statically generated, there won't be a comment section. Contact information will follow soon, so if you have something to tell me,
you can just tell me by other means then :)