-module(ephraim). -compile([debug_info, export_all]). -record(state, { conn :: pid(), roster :: pid(), convs :: dict(), uis :: set() }). -spec start() -> ok. start() -> spawn(?MODULE, init, []). -spec stop() -> ok. stop() -> ephraim ! stop, ok. -spec init() -> ok. init() -> register(ephraim, self()), open_port({spawn_executable, "ephraim-gtk"}, [stream, use_stdio, out]), Conn = spawn(ephraim_conn, init, []), Roster = spawn(ephraim_roster, init, []), loop(#state{conn=Conn,roster=Roster,convs=dict:new(),uis=sets:new()}), init:stop(). -spec get_conv(#state{},exmpp_jid:jid()) -> {#state{},pid()}. get_conv(State, JID) -> Key = exmpp_jid:to_lower(JID), case dict:find(Key, State#state.convs) of {ok, Conv} -> {State, Conv}; error -> Conv = spawn(ephraim_conv, init, [Key]), Dict = dict:store(Key, Conv, State#state.convs), {State#state{convs=Dict}, Conv} end. -spec loop(#state{}) -> ok. loop(State) -> receive stop -> %dict:fold(fun(_,Conv,Msg) -> Conv ! Msg end, stop, State#state.convs), ephraim_util:send_all_values(State#state.convs, stop), State#state.conn ! stop, State#state.roster ! stop, ok; {register_ui, Pid} -> io:format("Registered UI ~p~n", [Pid]), UIs = State#state.uis, State2 = State#state{uis=sets:add_element(Pid,UIs)}, loop(State2); {unregister_ui, Pid} -> io:format("Unregistered UI ~p~n", [Pid]), UIs = State#state.uis, State2 = State#state{uis=sets:del_element(Pid,UIs)}, Size = sets:size(State2#state.uis), if Size =:= 0 -> self() ! stop; true -> ok end, loop(State2); {ui_update, Msg} -> ephraim_util:send_all(sets:to_list(State#state.uis), Msg), loop(State); {roster, Packet} -> State#state.roster ! Packet, loop(State); {receive_message, From, Packet} -> {State2, Conv} = get_conv(State, From), Conv ! {receive_message, Packet}, loop(State2); {receive_iq, IQ} -> case IQ of {iq, response, result, _, 'jabber:iq:roster', Payload, _, _, 'jabber:client'} -> State#state.roster ! {roster_iq, Payload}; _ -> io:format("ephraim: IQ: ~p~n", [IQ]) end, loop(State); Msg -> io:format("ephraim: ~p~n", [Msg]), loop(State) end.