/* Copyright (c) 2012, Matthias Schiffer All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "peer.h" #include "task.h" static inline void reset_peer(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *peer) { ctx->conf->protocol->free_peer_state(ctx, peer); peer->protocol_state = NULL; int i, deleted = 0; for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_eth_addr; i++) { if (ctx->eth_addr[i].peer == peer) { deleted++; } else if (deleted) { ctx->eth_addr[i-deleted] = ctx->eth_addr[i]; } } ctx->n_eth_addr -= deleted; fastd_task_delete_peer(ctx, peer); } static inline void setup_peer(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *peer) { if (fastd_peer_is_temporary(peer)) { exit_fatal(ctx, "tried to setup temporary peer"); } peer->address = peer->config->address; peer->state = STATE_WAIT; peer->seen = (struct timespec){0, 0}; if (!fastd_peer_is_floating(peer)) fastd_task_schedule_handshake(ctx, peer, 0); } static void delete_peer(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *peer) { pr_debug(ctx, "deleting peer %P", peer); fastd_peer **cur_peer; for (cur_peer = &ctx->peers; *cur_peer; cur_peer = &(*cur_peer)->next) { if ((*cur_peer) == peer) { *cur_peer = peer->next; break; } } free(peer); } fastd_peer_config* fastd_peer_config_new(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_config *conf) { fastd_peer_config *peer = malloc(sizeof(fastd_peer_config)); peer->enabled = true; memset(&peer->address, 0, sizeof(fastd_peer_address)); peer->config_source_dir = NULL; peer->name = NULL; peer->key = NULL; peer->protocol_config = NULL; peer->next = conf->peers; conf->peers = peer; return peer; } void fastd_peer_config_free(fastd_peer_config *peer) { free(peer->name); free(peer->key); free(peer->protocol_config); free(peer); } void fastd_peer_config_delete(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_config *conf) { fastd_peer_config *peer = conf->peers, *next = peer->next; fastd_peer_config_free(peer); conf->peers = next; } void fastd_peer_config_purge(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer_config *conf) { fastd_peer *peer, *next; for (peer = ctx->peers; peer; peer = next) { next = peer->next; if (peer->config == conf) { reset_peer(ctx, peer); delete_peer(ctx, peer); continue; } } ctx->conf->protocol->peer_config_purged(ctx, conf); fastd_peer_config_free(conf); } static bool fastd_peer_addr_equal(const fastd_peer_address *addr1, const fastd_peer_address *addr2) { if (addr1->sa.sa_family != addr2->sa.sa_family) return false; switch (addr1->sa.sa_family) { case AF_UNSPEC: break; case AF_INET: if (addr1->in.sin_addr.s_addr != addr2->in.sin_addr.s_addr) return false; break; case AF_INET6: if (!IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&addr1->in6.sin6_addr, &addr2->in6.sin6_addr)) return false; } return true; } bool fastd_peer_config_equal(const fastd_peer_config *peer1, const fastd_peer_config *peer2) { if (peer1->enabled != peer2->enabled) return false; if (!fastd_peer_addr_equal(&peer1->address, &peer2->address)) return false; if (!strequal(peer1->key, peer2->key)) return false; return true; } void fastd_peer_reset(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *peer) { pr_debug(ctx, "resetting peer %P", peer); reset_peer(ctx, peer); if (fastd_peer_is_temporary(peer)) delete_peer(ctx, peer); else setup_peer(ctx, peer); } static fastd_peer* add_peer(fastd_context *ctx) { fastd_peer *peer = malloc(sizeof(fastd_peer)); peer->next = ctx->peers; peer->last_req_id = 0; peer->protocol_state = NULL; ctx->peers = peer; return peer; } fastd_peer* fastd_peer_add(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer_config *peer_conf) { fastd_peer *peer = add_peer(ctx); peer->config = peer_conf; peer->state = STATE_WAIT; setup_peer(ctx, peer); pr_debug(ctx, "adding peer %P", peer); return peer; } fastd_peer* fastd_peer_add_temp(fastd_context *ctx, const fastd_peer_address *address) { fastd_peer *peer = add_peer(ctx); if (!ctx->conf->n_floating) exit_bug(ctx, "tried to add a temporary peer with no floating remotes defined"); peer->config = NULL; peer->address = *address; peer->state = STATE_TEMP; peer->seen = ctx->now; pr_debug(ctx, "added peer %P", peer); return peer; } fastd_peer* fastd_peer_set_established_merge(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *perm_peer, fastd_peer *temp_peer) { pr_debug(ctx, "merging peer %P into %P", temp_peer, perm_peer); ctx->conf->protocol->free_peer_state(ctx, perm_peer); perm_peer->address = temp_peer->address; perm_peer->state = STATE_ESTABLISHED; perm_peer->seen = temp_peer->seen; perm_peer->protocol_state = temp_peer->protocol_state; temp_peer->protocol_state = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_eth_addr; i++) { if (ctx->eth_addr[i].peer == temp_peer) { ctx->eth_addr[i].peer = perm_peer; } } fastd_task_replace_peer(ctx, temp_peer, perm_peer); fastd_peer_reset(ctx, temp_peer); pr_info(ctx, "Connection with %P established.", perm_peer); return perm_peer; } void fastd_peer_set_established(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *peer) { switch(peer->state) { case STATE_WAIT: pr_info(ctx, "Connection with %P established.", peer); peer->state = STATE_ESTABLISHED; break; case STATE_TEMP: exit_bug(ctx, "tried to set a temporary connection to established"); default: return; } } const fastd_eth_addr* fastd_get_source_address(const fastd_context *ctx, fastd_buffer buffer) { switch (ctx->conf->mode) { case MODE_TAP: return (fastd_eth_addr*)&((struct ethhdr*)buffer.data)->h_source; default: exit_bug(ctx, "invalid mode"); } } const fastd_eth_addr* fastd_get_dest_address(const fastd_context *ctx, fastd_buffer buffer) { switch (ctx->conf->mode) { case MODE_TAP: return (fastd_eth_addr*)&((struct ethhdr*)buffer.data)->h_dest; default: exit_bug(ctx, "invalid mode"); } } static inline int fastd_eth_addr_cmp(const fastd_eth_addr *addr1, const fastd_eth_addr *addr2) { return memcmp(addr1->data, addr2->data, ETH_ALEN); } static inline int fastd_peer_eth_addr_cmp(const fastd_peer_eth_addr *addr1, const fastd_peer_eth_addr *addr2) { return fastd_eth_addr_cmp(&addr1->addr, &addr2->addr); } static inline fastd_peer_eth_addr* peer_get_by_addr(fastd_context *ctx, const fastd_eth_addr *addr) { return bsearch(container_of(addr, fastd_peer_eth_addr, addr), ctx->eth_addr, ctx->n_eth_addr, sizeof(fastd_peer_eth_addr), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))fastd_peer_eth_addr_cmp); } void fastd_peer_eth_addr_add(fastd_context *ctx, fastd_peer *peer, const fastd_eth_addr *addr) { int min = 0, max = ctx->n_eth_addr; while (max > min) { int cur = (min+max)/2; int cmp = fastd_eth_addr_cmp(addr, &ctx->eth_addr[cur].addr); if (cmp == 0) { ctx->eth_addr[cur].peer = peer; ctx->eth_addr[cur].seen = ctx->now; return; /* We're done here. */ } else if (cmp < 0) { max = cur; } else { min = cur+1; } } ctx->n_eth_addr++; if (ctx->n_eth_addr > ctx->eth_addr_size) { if (ctx->eth_addr_size == 0) ctx->eth_addr_size = 16; else ctx->eth_addr_size *= 2; ctx->eth_addr = realloc(ctx->eth_addr, ctx->eth_addr_size*sizeof(fastd_peer_eth_addr)); } int i; for (i = ctx->n_eth_addr-1; i > min; i--) ctx->eth_addr[i] = ctx->eth_addr[i-1]; ctx->eth_addr[min] = (fastd_peer_eth_addr){ *addr, peer, ctx->now }; pr_debug(ctx, "Learned new MAC address %E on peer %P", addr, peer); } void fastd_peer_eth_addr_cleanup(fastd_context *ctx) { int i, deleted = 0; for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_eth_addr; i++) { if (timespec_diff(&ctx->now, &ctx->eth_addr[i].seen) > ctx->conf->eth_addr_stale_time*1000) { deleted++; pr_debug(ctx, "MAC address %E not seen for more than %u seconds, removing", &ctx->eth_addr[i].addr, ctx->conf->eth_addr_stale_time); } else if (deleted) { ctx->eth_addr[i-deleted] = ctx->eth_addr[i]; } } ctx->n_eth_addr -= deleted; } fastd_peer *fastd_peer_find_by_eth_addr(fastd_context *ctx, const fastd_eth_addr *addr) { fastd_peer_eth_addr *peer_eth_addr = peer_get_by_addr(ctx, addr); if (peer_eth_addr) return peer_eth_addr->peer; else return NULL; }