path: root/src/modules/UserBackendMysql/UserBackendMysql.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/UserBackendMysql/UserBackendMysql.cpp')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/UserBackendMysql/UserBackendMysql.cpp b/src/modules/UserBackendMysql/UserBackendMysql.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af25f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/UserBackendMysql/UserBackendMysql.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ * UserBackendMysql.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Schiffer <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "UserBackendMysql.h"
+#include <Common/ActionManager.h>
+#include <Common/ConfigEntry.h>
+#include <Common/ConfigManager.h>
+#include <Common/Logger.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/regex.hpp>
+#define init UserBackendMysql_LTX_init
+#define deinit UserBackendMysql_LTX_deinit
+namespace Mad {
+namespace Modules {
+UserBackendMysql *UserBackendMysql::backend;
+bool UserBackendMysql::handleConfigEntry(const Common::ConfigEntry &entry, bool handled) {
+ if(handled)
+ return false;
+ if(entry[0].getKey().matches("UserBackendMysql")) {
+ if(entry[1].getKey().matches("Host")) {
+ if(entry[2].empty())
+ host = entry[1][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[1].getKey().matches("Username")) {
+ if(entry[2].empty())
+ username = entry[1][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[1].getKey().matches("Password")) {
+ if(entry[2].empty())
+ passwd = entry[1][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[1].getKey().matches("Database")) {
+ if(entry[2].empty())
+ db = entry[1][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[1].getKey().matches("Port")) {
+ if(entry[2].empty()) {
+ char *endptr;
+ long val;
+ val = strtol(entry[1][0].c_str(), &endptr, 10);
+ if(endptr != 0 || val < 0 || val > 65535)
+ Common::Logger::log(Common::Logger::WARNING, "UserBackendMysql: Invalid port");
+ else
+ port = val;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(entry[1].getKey().matches("UnixSocket")) {
+ if(entry[2].empty())
+ unixSocket = entry[1][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[1].getKey().matches("Queries")) {
+ if(entry[2].getKey().matches("ListUsers")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryListUsers = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("ListGroups")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryListGroups = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("ListUserGroups")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryListUserGroups = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("ListGroupUsers")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryListGroupUsers = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("UserById")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryUserById = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("UserByName")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryUserByName = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("GroupById")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryGroupById = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(entry[2].getKey().matches("GroupByName")) {
+ if(entry[3].empty())
+ queryGroupByName = entry[2][0];
+ }
+ else if(!entry[2].empty())
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(!entry[1].empty())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void UserBackendMysql::configFinished() {
+ if(db.empty()) {
+ Common::Logger::log(Common::Logger::ERROR, "UserBackendMysql: No database name given");
+ return;
+ }
+ mysql = mysql_init(0);
+ mysql_real_connect(mysql, host.c_str(), username.c_str(), passwd.c_str(), db.c_str(), port, unixSocket.empty() ? 0 : unixSocket.c_str(), 0);
+ Server::UserManager::get()->registerBackend(backend);
+bool UserBackendMysql::getUserList(const boost::function1<void, const std::map<unsigned long, Common::UserInfo>& > &callback) {
+ mysql_ping(mysql);
+ mysql_real_query(mysql, queryListUsers.c_str(), queryListUsers.length());
+ MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_use_result(mysql);
+ if(mysql_num_fields(result) < 4)
+ return true; // TODO Error
+ std::map<unsigned long, Common::UserInfo> users;
+ while(MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) {
+ Common::UserInfo user(strtoul(row[0], 0, 10), row[2]);
+ user.setGid(strtoul(row[1], 0, 10));
+ user.setFullName(row[3]);
+ users.insert(std::make_pair(user.getUid(), user));
+ }
+ Common::ActionManager::get()->add(boost::bind(callback, users));
+ return true;
+bool UserBackendMysql::getUserInfo(unsigned long uid, const boost::function1<void, const Common::UserInfo&> &callback) {
+ mysql_ping(mysql);
+ std::string query = queryUserById;
+ std::ostringstream tmp;
+ tmp << '"';
+ tmp << uid;
+ tmp << '"';
+ query = boost::regex_replace(query, boost::regex("\\{ID\\}"), tmp.str(), boost::match_default);
+ mysql_real_query(mysql, query.c_str(), query.length());
+ MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_use_result(mysql);
+ if(mysql_num_fields(result) < 4)
+ return true; // TODO Error
+ MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
+ if(row) {
+ Common::UserInfo user(strtoul(row[0], 0, 10), row[2]);
+ user.setGid(strtoul(row[1], 0, 10));
+ user.setFullName(row[3]);
+ Common::ActionManager::get()->add(boost::bind(callback, user));
+ while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != 0) {}
+ }
+ else {
+ Common::ActionManager::get()->add(boost::bind(callback, Common::UserInfo()));
+ }
+ return true;
+void UserBackendMysql::registerBackend() {
+ if(backend)
+ return;
+ backend = new UserBackendMysql();
+ Common::ConfigManager::get()->registerConfigurable(backend);
+void UserBackendMysql::unregisterBackend() {
+ if(!backend)
+ return;
+ Common::ConfigManager::get()->unregisterConfigurable(backend);
+ Server::UserManager::get()->unregisterBackend(backend);
+ delete backend;
+ backend = 0;
+extern "C" {
+void init() {
+ Mad::Modules::UserBackendMysql::registerBackend();
+void deinit() {
+ Mad::Modules::UserBackendMysql::unregisterBackend();