diff options
4 files changed, 44 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/Config.hs b/Config.hs
index 23ff5e3..5184664 100644
--- a/Config.hs
+++ b/Config.hs
@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ sizeDelta = 3%100
numlockMask :: KeyMask
numlockMask = lockMask
+-- What layout to start in, and what the default proportion for the
+-- left pane should be in the tiled layout. See LayoutDesc and
+-- friends in XMonad.hs for options.
+startingLayoutDesc :: LayoutDesc
+startingLayoutDesc =
+ LayoutDesc { layoutType = Full
+ , tileFraction = 1%2 }
-- The keys list.
keys :: M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
@@ -79,8 +86,9 @@ keys = M.fromList $
, ((modMask, xK_h ), changeHorz (negate defaultDelta))
, ((modMask, xK_l ), changeHorz defaultDelta)
- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), changeVert defaultDelta)
- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), changeVert (negate defaultDelta))
+ -- Not implemented yet:
+ -- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), changeVert defaultDelta)
+ -- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), changeVert (negate defaultDelta))
, ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), kill)
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 01eca12..1e2cd70 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ main = do
, dimensions = (fromIntegral (displayWidth dpy dflt),
fromIntegral (displayHeight dpy dflt))
, workspace = W.empty workspaces
+ , defaultLayoutDesc = startingLayoutDesc
, layoutDescs = M.empty
- , dispositions = M.empty
xSetErrorHandler -- in C, I'm too lazy to write the binding
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index ad8eaf0..5c7a3e9 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import XMonad
-import Data.Ratio
import qualified StackSet as W
@@ -31,135 +30,49 @@ refresh = do
xinesc <- gets xineScreens
d <- gets display
fls <- gets layoutDescs
- let move w (Rectangle p q r s) = io $ moveResizeWindow d w p q r s
- flipRect (Rectangle p q r s) = Rectangle q p s r
+ dfltfl <- gets defaultLayoutDesc
flip mapM_ (M.assocs ws2sc) $ \(n, scn) -> do
let sc = xinesc !! scn
- fl = M.findWithDefault basicLayoutDesc n fls
- l = layoutType fl
- fullWindow w = move w sc >> io (raiseWindow d w)
- -- runRects draws the windows, figuring out their rectangles.
- -- The code here is for a horizontal split, and tr is possibly
- -- used to convert to the vertical case. The comments
- -- speak in terms of the horizontal case.
- runRects :: Rectangle -> (Rectangle -> Rectangle)
- -> (Rational -> Disposition -> Disposition)
- -> (Disposition -> Rational) -> Rational -> [Window] -> X ()
- runRects _ _ _ _ _ [] = return () -- impossible
- runRects (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) tr dfix fracFn tf (w:s) = do
- -- get the dispositions in the relevant direction (vert/horz)
- -- as specified by fracFn.
- ds <- mapM (liftM fracFn . gets . disposition) s
- -- do some math.
- let lw = round (fromIntegral sw * tf) -- lhs width
- rw = sw - fromIntegral lw -- rhs width
- ns = map (/ sum ds) ds -- normalized ratios for rhs.
- -- Normalize dispositions while we have the opportunity.
- -- This is bad. Rational numbers might space leak each
- -- time we make an adjustment. Floating point numbers are
- -- better here. I am being paranoid.
- zipWithM_ (\ratio a -> disposeW a (dfix ratio)) ns s
- -- do some more math.
- let ps = map (round . (* fromIntegral sh)) . scanl (+) 0 $ ns
- -- ps are the vertical positions, [p1 = 0, p2, ..., pn, sh]
- xs = map fromIntegral . zipWith (-) (tail ps) $ ps
- -- xs are the heights of windows, [p2-p1,p3-p2,...,sh-pn]
- rects = zipWith (\p q -> Rectangle (sx + lw) p rw q) ps xs
- -- rects are the rectangles of our windows.
- -- Move our lhs window, the big main one.
- move w (tr (Rectangle sx sy (fromIntegral lw) sh))
- -- Move our rhs windows.
- zipWithM_ (\r a -> move a (tr r)) rects s
- -- And raise this one, for good measure.
- whenJust (W.peek ws) (io . raiseWindow d)
- case l of
- Full -> whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) fullWindow
- _ -> case W.index n ws of
- [] -> return ()
- [w] -> fullWindow w
- s -> case l of
- Horz -> (runRects sc
- id
- (\r dp -> dp {horzFrac = r})
- horzFrac
- (horzTileFrac fl)
- s)
- Vert -> (runRects (flipRect sc)
- flipRect
- (\r dp -> dp {vertFrac = r})
- vertFrac
- (vertTileFrac fl)
- s)
- _ -> error "Operations.refresh: the absurdly \
- \impossible happened. Please \
- \complain about this."
+ fl = M.findWithDefault dfltfl n fls
+ mapM_ (\(w, Rectangle a b c e) -> io $ moveResizeWindow d w a b c e) $
+ case layoutType fl of
+ Full -> fmap (flip (,) sc) $ maybeToList $ W.peekStack n ws
+ Horz -> tile (tileFraction fl) sc $ W.index n ws
+ whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) (io . raiseWindow d)
whenJust (W.peek ws) setFocus
+tile :: Rational -> Rectangle -> [Window] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
+tile _ _ [] = []
+tile _ d [w] = [(w, d)]
+tile r (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) (w:s)
+ = (w, Rectangle sx sy (fromIntegral lw) sh) : zipWith f [sy, sy + rh ..] s
+ where
+ lw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * r
+ rw = sw - fromIntegral lw
+ rh = fromIntegral sh `div` fromIntegral (length s)
+ f i a = (a, Rectangle (sx + lw) i rw (fromIntegral rh))
-- | switchLayout. Switch to another layout scheme. Switches the
-- current workspace.
switchLayout :: X ()
switchLayout = layout $ \fl -> fl { layoutType = rot (layoutType fl) }
--- | changeVert. Changes the vertical split, if it's visible.
-changeVert :: Rational -> X ()
-changeVert delta = do
- l <- gets (layoutType . currentDesc)
- case l of
- Vert -> layout $ \d -> d {vertTileFrac = min 1 $
- max 0 $
- vertTileFrac d + delta}
- _ -> return ()
--- | changeHorz. Changes the horizontal split, if it's visible.
+-- | changeHorz. Changes the horizontal split.
changeHorz :: Rational -> X ()
-changeHorz delta = do
- l <- gets (layoutType . currentDesc)
- case l of
- Horz -> layout $ \d -> d {horzTileFrac = min 1 $
- max 0 $
- horzTileFrac d + delta}
- _ -> return ()
--- | changeSize. Changes the size of the window, except in Full mode, with the
--- size remaining above the given mini-mum.
-changeSize :: Rational -> Rational -> X ()
-changeSize delta mini = do
- l <- gets (layoutType . currentDesc)
- mw <- gets (W.peek . workspace)
- whenJust mw $ \w -> do -- This is always Just.
- case l of
- Full -> return ()
- Horz -> disposeW w $ \d -> d {horzFrac = max mini $
- horzFrac d + delta}
- Vert -> disposeW w $ \d -> d {vertFrac = max mini $
- vertFrac d + delta} -- hrm...
- refresh
+changeHorz delta = layout $ \fl ->
+ fl { tileFraction = min 1 (max 0 (tileFraction fl + delta)) }
-- | layout. Modify the current workspace's layout with a pure
-- function and refresh.
layout :: (LayoutDesc -> LayoutDesc) -> X ()
layout f = do
modify $ \s ->
- let n = W.current . workspace $ s
- fl = currentDesc s
- in s { layoutDescs = M.insert n (f fl) (layoutDescs s) }
+ let fls = layoutDescs s
+ n = W.current . workspace $ s
+ fl = M.findWithDefault (defaultLayoutDesc s) n fls
+ in s { layoutDescs = M.insert n (f fl) fls }
--- | disposeW. Changes the disposition of a particular window.
-disposeW :: Window -> (Disposition -> Disposition) -> X ()
-disposeW w f = modify $ \s -> let d = f (disposition w s)
- in s {dispositions = M.insert w d (dispositions s)}
- -- NO refresh. Do not put refresh here.
- -- refresh calls this function.
-- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
windows :: (WorkSpace -> WorkSpace) -> X ()
windows f = do
@@ -267,7 +180,7 @@ raise :: Ordering -> X ()
raise = windows . W.rotate
-- | promote. Make the focused window the master window in its
--- workspace , in non-fullscreen mode.
+-- workspace
-- TODO: generic cycling clockwise and anticlockwise
diff --git a/XMonad.hs b/XMonad.hs
index 8dc5ffb..3a8297b 100644
--- a/XMonad.hs
+++ b/XMonad.hs
@@ -15,15 +15,12 @@
module XMonad (
- X, WorkSpace, XState(..), Layout(..), LayoutDesc(..), Disposition(..),
- basicLayoutDesc, currentDesc, disposition,
+ X, WorkSpace, XState(..), Layout(..), LayoutDesc(..),
runX, io, withDisplay, isRoot,
spawn, trace, whenJust, rot
) where
import StackSet (StackSet)
-import qualified StackSet as W
-import Data.Ratio
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
@@ -46,52 +43,25 @@ data XState = XState
, wmprotocols :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Atom
, dimensions :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Int,Int)
, workspace :: {-# UNPACK #-} !WorkSpace -- ^ workspace list
+ , defaultLayoutDesc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !LayoutDesc
, layoutDescs :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Int LayoutDesc)
- , dispositions :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Window Disposition)
-- ^ mapping of workspaces to descriptions of their layouts
type WorkSpace = StackSet Window
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Display Positions and Layout
--- | Disposition. Short for 'Display Position,' it describes how much
--- of the screen a window would like to occupy, when tiled with others.
-data Disposition
- = Disposition { vertFrac, horzFrac :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Rational }
-basicDisposition :: Disposition
-basicDisposition = Disposition (1%3) (1%3)
-- | The different layout modes
-data Layout = Full | Horz | Vert
+data Layout = Full | Horz deriving (Enum, Bounded)
-- | 'rot' for Layout.
rot :: Layout -> Layout
-rot Full = Horz
-rot Horz = Vert
-rot Vert = Full
+rot x = toEnum $ (fromEnum x + 1) `mod` (fromEnum (maxBound `asTypeOf` x) + 1)
-- | A full description of a particular workspace's layout parameters.
-data LayoutDesc = LayoutDesc { layoutType :: !Layout,
- horzTileFrac :: !Rational,
- vertTileFrac :: !Rational }
+data LayoutDesc = LayoutDesc { layoutType :: !Layout
+ , tileFraction :: !Rational
+ }
-basicLayoutDesc :: LayoutDesc
-basicLayoutDesc = LayoutDesc { layoutType = Full,
- horzTileFrac = 1%2,
- vertTileFrac = 1%2 }
--- | disposition. Gets the disposition of a particular window.
-disposition :: Window -> XState -> Disposition
-disposition w s = M.findWithDefault basicDisposition w (dispositions s)
--- | Gets the current layoutDesc.
-currentDesc :: XState -> LayoutDesc
-currentDesc s = M.findWithDefault basicLayoutDesc n (layoutDescs s)
- where n = (W.current . workspace $ s)
@@ -116,8 +86,6 @@ withDisplay f = gets display >>= f
isRoot :: Window -> X Bool
isRoot w = liftM (w==) (gets theRoot)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Utilities