path: root/Operations.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Operations.hs')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..393c25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+module Operations where
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Bits
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Monad.State
+import System.Posix.Process
+import System.Environment
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
+import XMonad
+import qualified StackSet as W
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Managing windows
+-- | refresh. Refresh the currently focused window. Resizes to full
+-- screen and raises the window.
+refresh :: X ()
+refresh = do
+ ws <- gets workspace
+ ws2sc <- gets wsOnScreen
+ xinesc <- gets xineScreens
+ d <- gets display
+ l <- gets layout
+ ratio <- gets leftWidth
+ let move w a b c e = io $ moveResizeWindow d w a b c e
+ flip mapM_ (M.assocs ws2sc) $ \(n, scn) -> do
+ let sc = xinesc !! scn
+ sx = rect_x sc
+ sy = rect_y sc
+ sw = rect_width sc
+ sh = rect_height sc
+ case l of
+ Full -> whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) $ \w -> do
+ move w sx sy sw sh
+ io $ raiseWindow d w
+ Tile -> case W.index n ws of
+ [] -> return ()
+ [w] -> do move w sx sy sw sh; io $ raiseWindow d w
+ (w:s) -> do
+ let lw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * ratio
+ rw = sw - fromIntegral lw
+ rh = fromIntegral sh `div` fromIntegral (length s)
+ move w sx sy (fromIntegral lw) sh
+ zipWithM_ (\i a -> move a (sx + lw) (sy + i * rh) rw (fromIntegral rh)) [0..] s
+ whenJust (W.peek ws) (io . raiseWindow d) -- this is always Just
+ whenJust (W.peek ws) setFocus
+-- | switchLayout. Switch to another layout scheme.
+switchLayout :: X ()
+switchLayout = do
+ modify (\s -> s {layout = case layout s of
+ Full -> Tile
+ Tile -> Full })
+ refresh
+-- | changeWidth. Change the width of the main window in tiling mode.
+changeWidth :: Rational -> X ()
+changeWidth delta = do
+ modify (\s -> s {leftWidth = leftWidth s + delta})
+ refresh
+-- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
+windows :: (WorkSpace -> WorkSpace) -> X ()
+windows f = do
+ modify $ \s -> s { workspace = f (workspace s) }
+ refresh
+ ws <- gets workspace
+ trace (show ws) -- log state changes to stderr
+-- | hide. Hide a window by moving it offscreen.
+hide :: Window -> X ()
+hide w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
+ (sw,sh) <- gets dimensions
+ io $ moveWindow d w (2*fromIntegral sw) (2*fromIntegral sh)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Window operations
+-- | manage. Add a new window to be managed in the current workspace. Bring it into focus.
+-- If the window is already under management, it is just raised.
+-- When we start to manage a window, it gains focus.
+manage :: Window -> X ()
+manage w = do
+ withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
+ selectInput d w $ structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
+ mapWindow d w
+ setFocus w
+ windows $ W.push w
+-- | unmanage. A window no longer exists, remove it from the window
+-- list, on whatever workspace it is.
+unmanage :: Window -> X ()
+unmanage w = do
+ windows $ W.delete w
+ withServerX $ do
+ setTopFocus
+ withDisplay $ \d -> io (sync d False)
+ -- TODO, everything operates on the current display, so wrap it up.
+-- | Grab the X server (lock it) from the X monad
+withServerX :: X () -> X ()
+withServerX f = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
+ io $ grabServer dpy
+ f
+ io $ ungrabServer dpy
+-- | Explicitly set the keyboard focus to the given window
+setFocus :: Window -> X ()
+setFocus w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ setInputFocus d w revertToPointerRoot 0
+-- | Set the focus to the window on top of the stack, or root
+setTopFocus :: X ()
+setTopFocus = do
+ ws <- gets workspace
+ case W.peek ws of
+ Just new -> setFocus new
+ Nothing -> gets theRoot >>= setFocus
+-- | raise. focus to window at offset 'n' in list.
+-- The currently focused window is always the head of the list
+raise :: Ordering -> X ()
+raise = windows . W.rotate
+-- | promote. Make the focused window the master window in its workspace
+promote :: X ()
+promote = windows (\w -> maybe w (\k -> W.promote k w) (W.peek w))
+-- | Kill the currently focused client
+kill :: X ()
+kill = withDisplay $ \d -> do
+ ws <- gets workspace
+ whenJust (W.peek ws) $ \w -> do
+ protocols <- io $ getWMProtocols d w
+ wmdelt <- gets wmdelete
+ wmprot <- gets wmprotocols
+ if wmdelt `elem` protocols
+ then io $ allocaXEvent $ \ev -> do
+ setEventType ev clientMessage
+ setClientMessageEvent ev w wmprot 32 wmdelt 0
+ sendEvent d w False noEventMask ev
+ else io (killClient d w) >> return ()
+-- | tag. Move a window to a new workspace
+tag :: Int -> X ()
+tag o = do
+ ws <- gets workspace
+ let m = W.current ws
+ when (n /= m) $
+ whenJust (W.peek ws) $ \w -> do
+ hide w
+ windows $ W.shift n
+ where n = o-1
+-- | view. Change the current workspace to workspce at offset 'n-1'.
+view :: Int -> X ()
+view o = do
+ ws <- gets workspace
+ ws2sc <- gets wsOnScreen
+ let m = W.current ws
+ -- is the workspace we want to switch to currently visible?
+ if M.member n ws2sc
+ then windows $ W.view n
+ else do
+ sc <- case M.lookup m ws2sc of
+ Nothing -> do
+ trace "Current workspace isn't visible! This should never happen!"
+ -- we don't know what screen to use, just use the first one.
+ return 0
+ Just sc -> return sc
+ modify $ \s -> s { wsOnScreen = M.insert n sc (M.filter (/=sc) ws2sc) }
+ gets wsOnScreen >>= trace . show
+ windows $ W.view n
+ mapM_ hide (W.index m ws)
+ setTopFocus
+ where n = o-1
+-- | True if window is under management by us
+isClient :: Window -> X Bool
+isClient w = liftM (W.member w) (gets workspace)
+-- | screenWS. Returns the workspace currently visible on screen n
+screenWS :: Int -> X Int
+screenWS n = do
+ ws2sc <- gets wsOnScreen
+ -- FIXME: It's ugly to have to query this way. We need a different way to
+ -- keep track of screen <-> workspace mappings.
+ let ws = fmap fst $ find (\(_, scn) -> scn == (n-1)) (M.assocs ws2sc)
+ return $ (fromMaybe 0 ws) + 1
+-- | Restart xmonad by exec()'ing self. This doesn't save state and xmonad has
+-- to be in PATH for this to work.
+restart :: IO ()
+restart = do prog <- getProgName
+ args <- getArgs
+ executeFile prog True args Nothing