----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Main.hs -- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen 2007 -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : sjanssen@cse.unl.edu -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : not portable, uses mtl, X11, posix -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- thunk, a minimal window manager for X11 -- import Data.Bits hiding (rotate) import System.IO import System.Process (runCommand) import System.Exit import Graphics.X11.Xlib import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras import Control.Monad.State import W -- -- let's get underway -- main :: IO () main = do dpy <- openDisplay "" let dflt = defaultScreen dpy initState = WState { display = dpy , screenWidth = displayWidth dpy dflt , screenHeight = displayHeight dpy dflt , windows = [] } runW initState $ do root <- io $ rootWindow dpy dflt io $ do selectInput dpy root (substructureRedirectMask .|. substructureNotifyMask) sync dpy False registerKeys dpy root go dpy return () where -- The main loop go dpy = forever $ do e <- io $ allocaXEvent $ \ev -> nextEvent dpy ev >> getEvent ev handle e -- -- | grabkeys. Register key commands -- registerKeys :: Display -> Window -> W () registerKeys dpy root = forM_ keys $ \(mod, sym, _) -> do kc <- io (keysymToKeycode dpy sym) io $ grabKey dpy kc mod root True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync keys :: [(KeyMask, KeySym, W ())] keys = [ (mod1Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return, spawn "xterm") , (mod1Mask, xK_p, spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && exec $exe") , (controlMask, xK_space, spawn "gmrun") , (mod1Mask, xK_Tab, focus 1) , (mod1Mask, xK_j, focus 1) , (mod1Mask, xK_k, focus (-1)) , (mod1Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_q, io $ exitWith ExitSuccess) ] -- -- The event handler -- handle :: Event -> W () handle (MapRequestEvent {window = w}) = manage w handle (DestroyWindowEvent {window = w}) = do ws <- gets windows when (elem w ws) (unmanage w) handle (UnmapEvent {window = w}) = do ws <- gets windows when (elem w ws) (unmanage w) handle (KeyEvent {event_type = t, state = mod, keycode = code}) | t == keyPress = do dpy <- gets display sym <- io $ keycodeToKeysym dpy code 0 case filter (\(mod', sym', _) -> mod == mod' && sym == sym') keys of [] -> return () ((_, _, act):_) -> act handle e@(ConfigureRequestEvent {}) = do dpy <- gets display io $ configureWindow dpy (window e) (value_mask e) $ WindowChanges { wcX = x e , wcY = y e , wcWidth = width e , wcHeight = height e , wcBorderWidth = border_width e , wcSibling = above e , wcStackMode = detail e } io $ sync dpy False handle _ = return () -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Managing windows -- -- | refresh. Refresh the currently focused window. Resizes to full -- screen and raises the window. -- refresh :: W () refresh = do ws <- gets windows case ws of [] -> return () (w:_) -> do d <- gets display sw <- liftM fromIntegral (gets screenWidth) sh <- liftM fromIntegral (gets screenHeight) io $ do moveResizeWindow d w 0 0 sw sh raiseWindow d w -- | Modify the current window list with a pure funtion, and refresh withWindows :: (Windows -> Windows) -> W () withWindows f = do modifyWindows f refresh -- | manage. Add a new window to be managed manage :: Window -> W () manage w = do trace "manage" d <- gets display withWindows (nub . (w :)) io $ mapWindow d w -- | unmanage, a window no longer exists, remove it from the stack unmanage :: Window -> W () unmanage w = do dpy <- gets display io $ do grabServer dpy sync dpy False ungrabServer dpy withWindows $ filter (/= w) -- | focus. focus to window at offset 'n' in list. -- The currently focused window is always the head of the list focus :: Int -> W () focus n = withWindows (rotate n) -- | spawn. Launch an external application spawn :: String -> W () spawn = io_ . runCommand