----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : StackSet -- Copyright : (c) Don Stewart 2007 -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : dons@cse.unsw.edu.au -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The 'StackSet' data type encodes a set of stacks. A given stack in the -- set is always current. Elements may appear only once in the entire -- stack set. -- -- A StackSet provides a nice data structure for window managers with -- multiple physical screens, and multiple workspaces, where each screen -- has a stack of windows, and a window may be on only 1 screen at any -- given time. -- module StackSet ( StackSet(..), -- abstract screen, peekStack, index, empty, peek, push, delete, member, raiseFocus, rotate, promote, shift, view, workspace, insert, visibleWorkspaces, swap {- helper -} ) where import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.List as L (delete,elemIndex) import qualified Data.Map as M ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The StackSet data structure. Multiple screens containing tables of -- stacks, with a current pointer data StackSet i j a = StackSet { current :: !i -- ^ the currently visible stack , screen2ws:: !(M.Map j i) -- ^ screen -> workspace , ws2screen:: !(M.Map i j) -- ^ workspace -> screen map , stacks :: !(M.Map i ([a], [a])) -- ^ screen -> (floating, normal) , focus :: !(M.Map i a) -- ^ the window focused in each stack , cache :: !(M.Map a i) -- ^ a cache of windows back to their stacks } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) -- The cache is used to check on insertion that we don't already have -- this window managed on another stack ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | /O(n)/. Create a new stackset, of empty stacks, of size 'n', -- indexed from 0, with 'm' screens. (also indexed from 0) The 0-indexed -- stack will be current. empty :: (Integral i, Integral j) => Int -> Int -> StackSet i j a empty n m = StackSet { current = 0 , screen2ws = wsScrs2Works , ws2screen = wsWorks2Scrs , stacks = M.fromList (zip [0..fromIntegral n-1] (repeat ([], []))) , focus = M.empty , cache = M.empty } where (scrs,wrks) = unzip $ map (\x -> (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral x)) [0..m-1] wsScrs2Works = M.fromList (zip scrs wrks) wsWorks2Scrs = M.fromList (zip wrks scrs) -- | /O(log w)/. True if x is somewhere in the StackSet member :: Ord a => a -> StackSet i j a -> Bool member a w = M.member a (cache w) -- | /O(log n)/. Looks up the workspace that x is in, if it is in the StackSet -- lookup :: (Monad m, Ord a) => a -> StackSet i j a -> m i -- lookup x w = M.lookup x (cache w) -- | /O(n)/. Number of stacks -- size :: StackSet i j a -> Int -- size = M.size . stacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Push. Insert an element onto the top of the current stack. -- If the element is already in the current stack, it is moved to the top. -- If the element is managed on another stack, it is removed from that -- stack first. push :: (Integral i, Ord a) => a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a push k w = insert k (current w) w -- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the current stack. If no such -- element exists, Nothing is returned. peek :: Integral i => StackSet i j a -> Maybe a peek w = peekStack (current w) w -- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the given stack. If no such -- element exists, Nothing is returned. peekStack :: Integral i => i -> StackSet i j a -> Maybe a peekStack i w = M.lookup i (focus w) -- | /O(log s)/. Index. Extract the stack at workspace 'n'. -- If the index is invalid, returns Nothing. index :: Integral i => i -> StackSet i j a -> Maybe [a] index k w = fmap (uncurry (++)) $ M.lookup k (stacks w) -- | view. Set the stack specified by the argument as being visible and the -- current StackSet. If the stack wasn't previously visible, it will become -- visible on the current screen. If the index is out of range 'view' returns -- the initial 'StackSet' unchanged. view :: (Integral i, Integral j) => i -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a view n w | M.member n (stacks w) = if M.member n (ws2screen w) then w { current = n } else tweak (fromJust $ screen (current w) w) | otherwise = w where tweak sc = w { screen2ws = M.insert sc n (screen2ws w) , ws2screen = M.insert n sc (M.filter (/=sc) (ws2screen w)) , current = n } -- | That screen that workspace 'n' is visible on, if any. screen :: Integral i => i -> StackSet i j a -> Maybe j screen n w = M.lookup n (ws2screen w) -- | The workspace visible on screen 'sc'. Nothing if screen is out of bounds. workspace :: Integral j => j -> StackSet i j a -> Maybe i workspace sc w = M.lookup sc (screen2ws w) -- | A list of the currently visible workspaces. visibleWorkspaces :: StackSet i j a -> [i] visibleWorkspaces = M.keys . ws2screen -- -- | /O(log n)/. rotate. cycle the current window list up or down. -- Has the effect of rotating focus. In fullscreen mode this will cause -- a new window to be visible. -- -- rotate EQ --> [5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4] -- rotate GT --> [6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5] -- rotate LT --> [4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3] -- -- where xs = [5..8] ++ [1..4] -- rotate :: (Integral i, Eq a) => Ordering -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a rotate o w = maybe w id $ do f <- M.lookup (current w) (focus w) s <- fmap (uncurry (++)) $ M.lookup (current w) (stacks w) ea <- case o of EQ -> Nothing _ -> elemAfter f (if o == GT then s else reverse s) return $ w { focus = M.insert (current w) ea (focus w) } -- | /O(log n)/. shift. move the client on top of the current stack to -- the top of stack 'n'. If the stack to move to is not valid, and -- exception is thrown. -- shift :: (Integral i, Ord a) => i -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a shift n w = maybe w (\k -> insert k n w) (peek w) -- | /O(log n)/. Insert an element onto the top of stack 'n'. -- If the element is already in the stack 'n', it is moved to the top. -- If the element exists on another stack, it is removed from that stack. -- If the index is wrong an exception is thrown. -- insert :: (Integral i, Ord a) => a -> i -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a insert k n old = new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new) , stacks = M.adjust (\(f, ks) -> (f, k:ks)) n (stacks new) , focus = M.insert n k (focus new) } where new = delete k old -- | /O(log n)/. Delete an element entirely from from the StackSet. -- This can be used to ensure that a given element is not managed elsewhere. -- If the element doesn't exist, the original StackSet is returned unmodified. delete :: (Integral i, Ord a) => a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a delete k w = maybe w del (M.lookup k (cache w)) where del i = w { cache = M.delete k (cache w) , stacks = M.adjust (\(xs, ys) -> (L.delete k xs, L.delete k ys)) i (stacks w) , focus = M.update (\k' -> if k == k' then elemAfter k =<< index i w else Just k') i (focus w) } -- | /O(log n)/. If the given window is contained in a workspace, make it the -- focused window of that workspace, and make that workspace the current one. raiseFocus :: (Integral i, Integral j, Ord a) => a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a raiseFocus k w = case M.lookup k (cache w) of Nothing -> w Just i -> (view i w) { focus = M.insert i k (focus w) } -- | Swap the currently focused window with the master window (the -- window on top of the stack). Focus moves to the master. promote :: (Integral i, Ord a) => StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a promote w = maybe w id $ do a <- peek w -- fail if null let w' = w { stacks = M.adjust (\(f, s) -> (f, swap a (head s) s)) (current w) (stacks w) } return $ insert a (current w) w' -- and maintain focus (?) -- | Swap first occurences of 'a' and 'b' in list. -- If both elements are not in the list, the list is unchanged. -- -- Given a set as a list (no duplicates) -- -- > swap a b . swap a b == id -- swap :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a] swap a b xs = maybe xs id $ do ai <- L.elemIndex a xs bi <- L.elemIndex b xs return . insertAt bi a . insertAt ai b $ xs where insertAt n x ys = as ++ x : drop 1 bs where (as,bs) = splitAt n ys -- -- cycling: -- promote w = w { stacks = M.adjust next (current w) (stacks w) } -- where next [] = [] -- next xs = last xs : init xs -- -- | Returns true if the window is in the floating layer isFloat :: (Ord a, Ord i) => a -> StackSet i j a -> Bool isFloat k w = maybe False (elem k . fst . (stacks w M.!)) (M.lookup k (cache w)) -- | Find the element in the (circular) list after given element. elemAfter :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a elemAfter w ws = listToMaybe . filter (/= w) . dropWhile (/= w) $ ws ++ ws