/***************************************************************************** * desaggregartp.c: rebuild an RTP stream from several aggregated links ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009 VideoLAN * $Id: desaggregartp.c 48 2007-11-30 14:08:21Z cmassiot $ * * Authors: Christophe Massiot *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #define POW2_32 UINT32_MAX #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH 200 /* ms */ #define DEFAULT_MTU 1500 #define MAX_INPUTS 4 /* Maximum gap allowed between two CRs. */ #define CR_MAX_GAP 300 /* ms */ #define CR_MAX_JITTER 100 /* ms */ #define CR_AVERAGE 150 /***************************************************************************** * Local declarations *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct block_t { uint8_t *p_data; unsigned int i_size; uint64_t i_date; struct block_t *p_next, *p_prev; } block_t; static int i_output_fd; static int pi_inputs_fd[MAX_INPUTS]; static int i_nb_inputs = 0; static int b_udp = 0; block_t *p_first = NULL; block_t *p_last = NULL; typedef struct input_clock_t { /* Synchronization information */ int64_t delta_cr; uint64_t cr_ref, wall_ref; uint64_t last_cr; /* reference to detect unexpected stream * discontinuities */ } input_clock_t; static input_clock_t input_clock; static uint64_t i_last_timestamp = POW2_32; /* not 27 MHz, but RTP-native */ static uint64_t i_buffer_length = DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH * 27000; static void usage(void) { msg_Raw( NULL, "Usage: desaggregartp [-i ] [-b ] [-U] [-m ] ... [] " ); msg_Raw( NULL, " host format: [[:]][@[]]" ); msg_Raw( NULL, " -U: strip RTP header" ); msg_Raw( NULL, " -b: buffer length in ms" ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /***************************************************************************** * clock_Init *****************************************************************************/ void clock_Init(void) { input_clock.last_cr = 0; input_clock.cr_ref = 0; input_clock.wall_ref = 0; input_clock.delta_cr = 0; } /***************************************************************************** * clock_ToWall *****************************************************************************/ uint64_t clock_ToWall( uint64_t i_clock ) { return input_clock.wall_ref + (i_clock + input_clock.delta_cr - input_clock.cr_ref); } /***************************************************************************** * clock_NewRef *****************************************************************************/ void clock_NewRef( uint64_t i_clock, uint64_t i_wall ) { uint64_t i_extrapoled_clock; int64_t i_clock_diff = input_clock.last_cr - i_clock; if ( i_clock_diff > (CR_MAX_GAP * 27000) || i_clock_diff < -(CR_MAX_GAP * 27000) ) { msg_Warn( NULL, "clock gap, unexpected stream discontinuity %lld", i_clock_diff ); clock_Init(); input_clock.cr_ref = input_clock.last_cr = i_clock; input_clock.wall_ref = i_wall; return; } input_clock.last_cr = i_clock; /* Smooth clock reference variations. */ i_extrapoled_clock = input_clock.cr_ref + i_wall - input_clock.wall_ref; i_clock_diff = i_extrapoled_clock - i_clock; if ( (i_clock_diff - input_clock.delta_cr) > (CR_MAX_JITTER * 27000) || (i_clock_diff - input_clock.delta_cr) < -(CR_MAX_JITTER * 27000) ) { msg_Warn( NULL, "too much jitter %lld", i_clock_diff - input_clock.delta_cr ); clock_Init(); input_clock.cr_ref = input_clock.last_cr = i_clock; input_clock.wall_ref = i_wall; return; } /* Bresenham algorithm to smooth variations. */ input_clock.delta_cr = (input_clock.delta_cr * (CR_AVERAGE - 1) + i_clock_diff) / CR_AVERAGE; } /***************************************************************************** * Packet handlers *****************************************************************************/ static void SendPacket(void) { block_t *p_block = p_first; uint8_t *p_data, *p_end; p_first = p_block->p_next; if ( p_first == NULL ) p_last = NULL; else p_first->p_prev = NULL; if ( b_udp ) p_data = rtp_GetPayload( p_block->p_data ); else p_data = p_block->p_data; p_end = p_block->p_data + p_block->i_size; if ( write( i_output_fd, p_data, p_end - p_data ) < 0 ) msg_Warn( NULL, "write error (%s)", strerror(errno) ); free( p_block ); } static void BuildTimestamp( uint32_t i_timestamp ) { int64_t i_delta_timestamp; i_delta_timestamp = (POW2_32 * 3 / 2 + (int64_t)i_timestamp - (i_last_timestamp % POW2_32)) % POW2_32 - POW2_32 / 2; i_last_timestamp += i_delta_timestamp; } static void RecvPacket( block_t *p_block, uint64_t i_date ) { uint64_t i_scaled_timestamp; if ( !rtp_CheckHdr( p_block->p_data ) ) { msg_Warn( NULL, "non-RTP packet received" ); free( p_block ); return; } BuildTimestamp( rtp_GetTimestamp( p_block->p_data ) ); switch ( rtp_GetType( p_block->p_data ) ) { case 33: /* MPEG-2 TS: 90 kHz */ i_scaled_timestamp = i_last_timestamp * 300; break; default: /* assume milliseconds */ i_scaled_timestamp = i_last_timestamp * 27000; break; } clock_NewRef( i_scaled_timestamp, i_date ); p_block->i_date = clock_ToWall( i_scaled_timestamp ) + i_buffer_length; /* Insert the block at the correct position */ if ( p_last == NULL ) { p_first = p_last = p_block; p_block->p_prev = p_block->p_next = NULL; } else { block_t *p_prev = p_last; while ( p_prev != NULL && p_prev->i_date > p_block->i_date ) p_prev = p_prev->p_prev; if ( p_prev == NULL ) { p_block->p_next = p_first; p_first->p_prev = p_block; p_block->p_prev = NULL; p_first = p_block; } else { p_block->p_prev = p_prev; p_block->p_next = p_prev->p_next; p_prev->p_next = p_block; if ( p_block->p_next != NULL ) p_block->p_next->p_prev = p_block; else p_last = p_block; } } } /***************************************************************************** * Entry point *****************************************************************************/ int main( int i_argc, char **pp_argv ) { int i, c; int i_priority = -1; int i_ttl = 0; int i_mtu = DEFAULT_MTU; struct pollfd pfd[MAX_INPUTS]; while ( (c = getopt( i_argc, pp_argv, "i:t:b:Um:h" )) != -1 ) { switch ( c ) { case 'i': i_priority = strtol( optarg, NULL, 0 ); break; case 't': i_ttl = strtol( optarg, NULL, 0 ); break; case 'b': i_buffer_length = strtoll( optarg, NULL, 0 ) * 1000; break; case 'U': b_udp = 1; break; case 'm': i_mtu = strtol( optarg, NULL, 0 ); break; case 'h': default: usage(); break; } } if ( optind >= i_argc - 1 ) usage(); i_nb_inputs = 0; while ( optind < i_argc - 1 && i_nb_inputs < MAX_INPUTS ) { pi_inputs_fd[i_nb_inputs] = OpenSocket( pp_argv[optind++], 0, NULL ); pfd[i_nb_inputs].fd = pi_inputs_fd[i_nb_inputs]; pfd[i_nb_inputs].events = POLLIN; i_nb_inputs++; } if ( optind < i_argc - 1 ) { msg_Err( NULL, "max number of inputs: %d (recompile)", MAX_INPUTS ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } msg_Dbg( NULL, "%d inputs", i_nb_inputs ); i_output_fd = OpenSocket( pp_argv[optind], i_ttl, NULL ); clock_Init(); if ( i_priority > 0 ) { struct sched_param param; int i_error; memset( ¶m, 0, sizeof(struct sched_param) ); param.sched_priority = i_priority; if ( (i_error = pthread_setschedparam( pthread_self(), SCHED_RR, ¶m )) ) { msg_Warn( NULL, "couldn't set thread priority: %s", strerror(i_error) ); } } for ( ; ; ) { int i_timeout = -1; uint64_t i_current_date; while ( p_first != NULL && p_first->i_date <= (i_current_date = wall_Date()) + 26999 ) SendPacket(); if ( p_first != NULL ) i_timeout = (p_first->i_date - i_current_date) / 27000; if ( poll( pfd, i_nb_inputs, i_timeout ) < 0 ) { int saved_errno = errno; msg_Warn( NULL, "couldn't poll(): %s", strerror(errno) ); if ( saved_errno == EINTR ) continue; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i_current_date = wall_Date(); for ( i = 0; i < i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { if ( pfd[i].revents & POLLIN ) { block_t *p_block = malloc( sizeof(block_t) + i_mtu ); ssize_t i_size; p_block->p_data = (uint8_t *)p_block + sizeof(block_t); i_size = read( pi_inputs_fd[i], p_block->p_data, i_mtu ); if ( i_size < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR ) { msg_Err( NULL, "unrecoverable read error, dying (%s)", strerror(errno) ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( i_size <= 0 ) { free( p_block ); continue; } p_block->i_size = i_size; RecvPacket( p_block, i_current_date ); } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }