use std::collections::BTreeMap; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use super::{ de, section::{OldSection, PaletteSection, PaletteSectionBiomes}, }; use crate::types::*; pub enum Chunk<'a> { V1_18 { section_map: BTreeMap, PaletteSectionBiomes<'a>)>, }, V1_13 { section_map: BTreeMap>, biomes: &'a de::BiomesOld, }, Old { section_map: BTreeMap>, biomes: &'a de::BiomesOld, }, Empty, } impl<'a> Chunk<'a> { pub fn new(data: &'a de::Chunk) -> Result { let data_version = data.data_version.unwrap_or_default(); match &data.chunk { de::ChunkVariants::V1_18 { sections } => Self::new_v1_18(data_version, sections), de::ChunkVariants::Old { level } => Self::new_old(data_version, level), } } fn new_v1_18(data_version: u32, sections: &'a Vec) -> Result { let mut section_map = BTreeMap::new(); for section in sections { section_map.insert( SectionY(section.y), ( PaletteSection::new( data_version,, §ion.block_states.palette, ) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load section at Y={}", section.y))?, PaletteSectionBiomes::new(, §ion.biomes.palette, ) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load section biomes at Y={}", section.y))?, ), ); } Ok(Chunk::V1_18 { section_map }) } fn new_old(data_version: u32, level: &'a de::LevelOld) -> Result { let mut section_map_v1_13 = BTreeMap::new(); let mut section_map_old = BTreeMap::new(); for section in &level.sections { match §ion.section { de::SectionOldVariants::V1_13 { block_states, palette, } => { section_map_v1_13.insert( SectionY(section.y.into()), PaletteSection::new(data_version, Some(block_states), palette) .with_context(|| { format!("Failed to load section at Y={}", section.y) })?, ); } de::SectionOldVariants::Old { blocks, data } => { section_map_old.insert( SectionY(section.y.into()), OldSection::new(blocks, data).with_context(|| { format!("Failed to load section at Y={}", section.y) })?, ); } de::SectionOldVariants::Empty {} => {} } } // TODO Check biomes length let biomes = level.biomes.as_ref().context("Invalid biome data"); Ok( match (section_map_v1_13.is_empty(), section_map_old.is_empty()) { (true, true) => Chunk::Empty, (false, true) => Chunk::V1_13 { section_map: section_map_v1_13, biomes: biomes?, }, (true, false) => Chunk::Old { section_map: section_map_old, biomes: biomes?, }, (false, false) => { bail!("Mixed section versions"); } }, ) } }