Get rid of existential Widget type and Widget lists
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 141 additions and 176 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneDeriving, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Phi.Border ( BorderWidth(..)
module Phi.Border ( BorderWidth(..)
, simpleBorderWidth
, simpleBorderWidth
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Phi.Border ( BorderWidth(..)
, defaultBorderConfig
, defaultBorderConfig
, drawBorder
, drawBorder
, roundRectangle
, roundRectangle
, Border
, border
, border
) where
) where
@ -34,8 +35,6 @@ borderH bw = borderLeft bw + borderRight bw
borderV :: BorderWidth -> Int
borderV :: BorderWidth -> Int
borderV bw = borderTop bw + borderBottom bw
borderV bw = borderTop bw + borderBottom bw
data BorderState = BorderState ![WidgetState] deriving Eq
data BorderConfig = BorderConfig { margin :: !BorderWidth
data BorderConfig = BorderConfig { margin :: !BorderWidth
, borderWidth :: !Int
, borderWidth :: !Int
, padding :: !BorderWidth
, padding :: !BorderWidth
@ -54,17 +53,19 @@ defaultBorderConfig = BorderConfig { margin = simpleBorderWidth 0
, borderWeight = 1
, borderWeight = 1
data Border = Border !BorderConfig ![Widget] deriving (Show, Eq)
data Border w d = (Widget w d) => Border !BorderConfig !w
deriving instance Show (Border w d)
deriving instance Eq (Border w d)
instance WidgetClass Border BorderState where
instance Eq d => Widget (Border w d) d where
initWidget (Border _ widgets) phi disp = liftM BorderState $ mapM (createWidgetState phi disp) widgets
initWidget (Border _ w) = initWidget w
minSize (Border config _) (BorderState widgetStates) height screen =
minSize (Border config w) d height screen =
case True of
case True of
_ | childSize == 0 -> 0
_ | childSize == 0 -> 0
| otherwise -> max (borderH m+2*(bw+cr)) (childSize + borderH p + 2*bw + borderH m)
| otherwise -> max (borderH m+2*(bw+cr)) (childSize + borderH p + 2*bw + borderH m)
childSize = sum $ map (\(WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv}) -> minSize w priv height' screen) widgetStates
childSize = minSize w d height' screen
m = margin config
m = margin config
bw = borderWidth config
bw = borderWidth config
@ -74,30 +75,34 @@ instance WidgetClass Border BorderState where
weight (Border config _) = borderWeight config
weight (Border config _) = borderWeight config
layout (Border config _) (BorderState widgetStates) width height screen = case True of
layout (Border config w) d width height screen = case True of
_ | width' > 0 -> BorderState $ layoutWidgets widgetStates x y width' height' screen
_ | width' > 0 -> layout w d width' height' screen
| otherwise -> BorderState widgetStates
| otherwise -> d
m = margin config
m = margin config
bw = borderWidth config
bw = borderWidth config
p = padding config
p = padding config
x = borderLeft m + bw + borderLeft p
y = borderTop m + bw + borderTop p
width' = width - borderH m - 2*bw - borderH p
width' = width - borderH m - 2*bw - borderH p
height' = height - borderV m - 2*bw - borderV p
height' = height - borderV m - 2*bw - borderV p
render (Border config _) (BorderState widgetStates) x y w h screen = when (w > borderH m - 2*bw - borderH p) $ do
render (Border config w) d x y width height screen = when (width > borderH m - 2*bw - borderH p) $ do
drawBorder config 0 0 w h
drawBorder config 0 0 width height
renderWidgets widgetStates screen x y
translate (fromIntegral dx) (fromIntegral dy)
render w d (x+dx) (y+dy) width' height' screen
return ()
return ()
m = margin config
m = margin config
bw = borderWidth config
bw = borderWidth config
p = padding config
p = padding config
handleMessage _ (BorderState widgetStates) m = BorderState $ handleMessageWidgets m widgetStates
dx = borderLeft m + bw + borderLeft p
dy = borderTop m + bw + borderTop p
width' = width - borderH m - 2*bw - borderH p
height' = height - borderV m - 2*bw - borderV p
handleMessage (Border _ w) = handleMessage w
drawBorder :: BorderConfig -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Render ()
drawBorder :: BorderConfig -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Render ()
drawBorder config dx dy w h = do
drawBorder config dx dy w h = do
@ -134,5 +139,5 @@ roundRectangle x y width height radius = do
arc (x + radius) (y + radius) radius pi (pi*3/2)
arc (x + radius) (y + radius) radius pi (pi*3/2)
border :: BorderConfig -> [Widget] -> Widget
border :: (Widget w d) => BorderConfig -> w -> Border w d
border config = Widget . Border config
border = Border
@ -7,13 +7,10 @@ module Phi.Widget ( Display(..)
, getScreens
, getScreens
, unionArea
, unionArea
, Widget(..)
, Widget(..)
, WidgetClass(..)
, CompoundWidget
, WidgetState(..)
, (<~>)
, Separator
, separator
, separator
, createWidgetState
, layoutWidgets
, renderWidgets
, handleMessageWidgets
) where
) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ unionArea a b = fromIntegral $ uw*uh
by2 = by1 + fromIntegral bh
by2 = by1 + fromIntegral bh
class (Show a, Eq a, Eq d) => WidgetClass a d | a -> d where
class (Show a, Eq a, Eq d) => Widget a d | a -> d where
initWidget :: a -> Phi -> Display -> IO d
initWidget :: a -> Phi -> Display -> IO d
minSize :: a -> d -> Int -> Xlib.Rectangle -> Int
minSize :: a -> d -> Int -> Xlib.Rectangle -> Int
@ -83,26 +80,7 @@ class (Show a, Eq a, Eq d) => WidgetClass a d | a -> d where
handleMessage :: a -> d -> Message -> d
handleMessage :: a -> d -> Message -> d
handleMessage _ priv _ = priv
handleMessage _ priv _ = priv
data Widget = forall a d. WidgetClass a d => Widget !a
{-createStateRender :: Widget a d => CacheArrow (Kleisli IO) (a, d, Int, Int, Int, Int, Xlib.Rectangle) Surface
deriving instance Show Widget
instance Eq Widget where
_ == _ = False
data WidgetState = forall a d. WidgetClass a d =>
WidgetState { stateWidget :: !a
, stateX :: !Int
, stateY :: !Int
, stateWidth :: !Int
, stateHeight :: !Int
, statePrivateData :: !d
, stateRender :: !(CacheArrow (Kleisli IO) (a, d, Int, Int, Int, Int, Xlib.Rectangle) Surface)
instance Eq WidgetState where
_ == _ = False
createStateRender :: WidgetClass a d => CacheArrow (Kleisli IO) (a, d, Int, Int, Int, Int, Xlib.Rectangle) Surface
createStateRender = lift . Kleisli $ \(widget, state, x, y, w, h, screen) -> do
createStateRender = lift . Kleisli $ \(widget, state, x, y, w, h, screen) -> do
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 w h
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 w h
renderWith surface $ do
renderWith surface $ do
@ -110,66 +88,59 @@ createStateRender = lift . Kleisli $ \(widget, state, x, y, w, h, screen) -> do
setOperator OperatorOver
setOperator OperatorOver
render widget state x y w h screen
render widget state x y w h screen
return surface
return surface-}
createWidgetState :: Phi -> Display -> Widget -> IO WidgetState
data CompoundWidget a da b db = (Widget a da, Widget b db) => CompoundWidget !a !b
createWidgetState phi disp (Widget w) = do
deriving instance Eq (CompoundWidget a da b db)
priv <- initWidget w phi disp
deriving instance Show (CompoundWidget a da b db)
return WidgetState { stateWidget = w
, stateX = 0
, stateY = 0
, stateWidth = 0
, stateHeight = 0
, statePrivateData = priv
, stateRender = createStateRender
layoutWidgets :: [WidgetState] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Xlib.Rectangle -> [WidgetState]
data CompoundState a da b db = (Widget a da, Widget b db) => CompoundState !da !db !Int
layoutWidgets widgets x y width height screen = snd $ mapAccumL layoutWidgetAndX x widgets
deriving instance Eq (CompoundState a da b db)
instance Widget (CompoundWidget a da b db) (CompoundState a da b db) where
initWidget (CompoundWidget a b) phi disp = liftM3 CompoundState (initWidget a phi disp) (initWidget b phi disp) (return 0)
minSize (CompoundWidget a b) (CompoundState da db _) height screen = minSize a da height screen + minSize b db height screen
weight (CompoundWidget a b) = weight' a + weight' b
layout c@(CompoundWidget a b) d@(CompoundState da db _) width height screen = CompoundState da' db' xb
sizesum = sum $ map (\(WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv} ) -> nneg $ minSize w priv height screen) widgets
sizesum = minSize c d height screen
wsum = let wsum = sum $ map (\(WidgetState {stateWidget = w} ) -> nneg . weight $ w) widgets
wsum = let wsum = weight c
in if wsum > 0 then wsum else 1
in if wsum > 0 then wsum else 1
surplus = width - sizesum
surplus = width - sizesum
layoutWidgetAndX wX state = let lw = layoutWidget wX state
(xb, da') = layoutWidget a da
in (wX + stateWidth lw, lw)
(_, db') = layoutWidget b db
layoutWidget wX state = case state of
layoutWidget w priv = let wWidth = floor $ (fromIntegral $ minSize w priv height screen) + (fromIntegral surplus)*(weight' w)/wsum
WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv, stateRender = render} ->
in (wWidth, layout w priv wWidth height screen)
let wWidth = floor $ (fromIntegral $ minSize w priv height screen) + (fromIntegral surplus)*(nneg $ weight w)/wsum
priv' = layout w priv wWidth height screen
in WidgetState w wX y wWidth height priv' render
nneg :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
nneg x = max 0 x
renderWidgets :: [WidgetState] -> Xlib.Rectangle -> Int -> Int -> Render [WidgetState]
renderWidgets widgets screen winX winY = forM widgets $ \(WidgetState widget x y w h priv render) -> do
(surface, render') <- liftIO $ runKleisli (runCache render) (widget, priv, winX+x, winY+y, w, h, screen)
render (CompoundWidget a b) (CompoundState da db xb) x y w h screen = do
translate (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
render a da x y xb h screen
withPatternForSurface surface setSource
translate (fromIntegral xb) 0
render b db (x+xb) y (w-xb) h screen
return $ WidgetState widget x y w h priv render'
handleMessage (CompoundWidget a b) (CompoundState da db xb) message = CompoundState (handleMessage a da message) (handleMessage b db message) xb
handleMessageWidgets :: Message -> [WidgetState] -> [WidgetState]
weight' :: (Widget a da) => a -> Float
handleMessageWidgets message = map handleMessageWidget
weight' = max 0 . weight
handleMessageWidget (WidgetState w x y width height priv render) = WidgetState w x y width height (handleMessage w priv message) render
data Separator = Separator Int Float deriving (Show, Eq)
(<~>) :: (Widget a da, Widget b db) => a -> b -> CompoundWidget a da b db
a <~> b = CompoundWidget a b
instance WidgetClass Separator () where
data Separator = Separator !Int !Float deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Widget Separator () where
initWidget _ _ _ = return ()
initWidget _ _ _ = return ()
minSize (Separator s _) _ _ _ = s
minSize (Separator s _) _ _ _ = s
weight (Separator _ w) = w
weight (Separator _ w) = w
render _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
render _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
separator :: Int -> Float -> Widget
separator :: Int -> Float -> Separator
separator s w = Widget $ Separator s w
separator = Separator
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneDeriving, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Phi.Widgets.AlphaBox ( alphaBox
module Phi.Widgets.AlphaBox ( AlphaBox
, alphaBox
) where
) where
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Types
@ -11,25 +12,23 @@ import Control.Monad
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
data AlphaBoxState = AlphaBoxState ![WidgetState] deriving Eq
data AlphaBox w d = (Widget w d) => AlphaBox !Double !w
deriving instance Show (AlphaBox w d)
deriving instance Eq (AlphaBox w d)
data AlphaBox = AlphaBox !Double ![Widget] deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Eq d => Widget (AlphaBox w d) d where
initWidget (AlphaBox _ w) = initWidget w
minSize (AlphaBox _ w) = minSize w
instance WidgetClass AlphaBox AlphaBoxState where
weight (AlphaBox _ w) = weight w
initWidget (AlphaBox _ widgets) phi disp = liftM AlphaBoxState $ mapM (createWidgetState phi disp) widgets
minSize (AlphaBox _ _) (AlphaBoxState widgetStates) height screen =
layout (AlphaBox _ w) = layout w
sum (map (\(WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv}) -> minSize w priv height screen) widgetStates)
weight (AlphaBox _ widgets) = sum (map (\(Widget w) -> weight w) widgets)
render (AlphaBox alpha w) d x y width height screen = do
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentColorAlpha width height $ \surface -> do
layout (AlphaBox _ _) (AlphaBoxState widgetStates) width height screen = AlphaBoxState $ layoutWidgets widgetStates 0 0 width height screen
render (AlphaBox alpha _) (AlphaBoxState widgetStates) x y w h screen = do
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentColorAlpha w h $ \surface -> do
renderWith surface $ do
renderWith surface $ do
renderWidgets widgetStates screen x y
render w d x y width height screen
setOperator OperatorDestIn
setOperator OperatorDestIn
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 alpha
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 alpha
@ -38,11 +37,9 @@ instance WidgetClass AlphaBox AlphaBoxState where
withPatternForSurface surface setSource
withPatternForSurface surface setSource
handleMessage (AlphaBox _ w) = handleMessage w
handleMessage _ (AlphaBoxState widgetStates) m = AlphaBoxState $ handleMessageWidgets m widgetStates
alphaBox :: (Widget w d) => Double -> w -> AlphaBox w d
alphaBox = AlphaBox
alphaBox :: Double -> [Widget] -> Widget
alphaBox alpha = Widget . AlphaBox alpha
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ data ClockState = ClockState !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Eq)
data ClockMessage = UpdateTime !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Typeable)
data ClockMessage = UpdateTime !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance WidgetClass Clock ClockState where
instance Widget Clock ClockState where
initWidget (Clock _) phi _ = do
initWidget (Clock _) phi _ = do
forkIO $ forever $ do
forkIO $ forever $ do
time <- getZonedTime
time <- getZonedTime
@ -85,6 +85,6 @@ instance WidgetClass Clock ClockState where
_ -> priv
_ -> priv
clock :: ClockConfig -> Widget
clock :: ClockConfig -> Clock
clock config = do
clock config = do
Widget $ Clock config
Clock config
@ -35,19 +35,9 @@ import Phi.Widget
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import Phi.X11.Atoms
instance Show Display where
show _ = "Display <?>"
instance Show Phi where
show _ = "Phi <?>"
instance Show (IORef a) where
show _ = "IORef <?>"
data SystrayIconState = SystrayIconState !Window !Window deriving Show
data SystrayIconState = SystrayIconState !Window !Window deriving Show
data SystrayState = SystrayState !Phi !Rectangle !Int !(IORef Int) ![SystrayIconState] deriving Show
data SystrayState = SystrayState !Phi !Rectangle !Int !(IORef Int) ![SystrayIconState]
instance Eq SystrayState where
instance Eq SystrayState where
_ == _ = False
_ == _ = False
@ -57,7 +47,7 @@ data SystrayMessage = AddIcon !Window !Window | RemoveIcon !Window | RenderIcon
deriving (Show, Typeable)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance WidgetClass Systray SystrayState where
instance Widget Systray SystrayState where
initWidget (Systray) phi dispvar = do
initWidget (Systray) phi dispvar = do
phi' <- dupPhi phi
phi' <- dupPhi phi
forkIO $ systrayRunner phi' dispvar
forkIO $ systrayRunner phi' dispvar
@ -298,5 +288,5 @@ removeIcon phi disp reparent window = do
return ()
return ()
systray :: Widget
systray :: Systray
systray = Widget $ Systray
systray = Systray
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( IconStyle
, DesktopStyle(..)
, DesktopStyle(..)
, TaskbarConfig(..)
, TaskbarConfig(..)
, defaultTaskbarConfig
, defaultTaskbarConfig
, Taskbar
, taskbar
, taskbar
) where
) where
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ data TaskbarMessage = WindowListUpdate ![Xlib.Window] !(M.Map Window WindowState
instance Show (IORef a) where
instance Show (IORef a) where
show _ = "IORef <?>"
show _ = "IORef <?>"
instance WidgetClass Taskbar TaskbarState where
instance Widget Taskbar TaskbarState where
initWidget (Taskbar _) phi dispvar = do
initWidget (Taskbar _) phi dispvar = do
phi' <- dupPhi phi
phi' <- dupPhi phi
forkIO $ taskbarRunner phi' dispvar
forkIO $ taskbarRunner phi' dispvar
@ -566,6 +567,5 @@ showWindow disp atoms window = do
getWindowList :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> IO [Window]
getWindowList :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> IO [Window]
getWindowList disp atoms = liftM (map fromIntegral . join . maybeToList) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms) $ Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
getWindowList disp atoms = liftM (map fromIntegral . join . maybeToList) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms) $ Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
taskbar :: TaskbarConfig -> Widget
taskbar :: TaskbarConfig -> Taskbar
taskbar config = do
taskbar = Taskbar
Widget $ Taskbar config
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Phi.X11 ( XConfig(..)
module Phi.X11 ( XConfig(..)
, defaultXConfig
, defaultXConfig
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Phi.Phi
import qualified Phi.Types as Phi
import qualified Phi.Types as Phi
import qualified Phi.Panel as Panel
import qualified Phi.Panel as Panel
import qualified Phi.Widget as Widget
import qualified Phi.Widget as Widget
import Phi.Widget (Widget)
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import qualified Phi.Bindings.Util as Util
import qualified Phi.Bindings.Util as Util
@ -37,18 +38,19 @@ import qualified Phi.Bindings.Util as Util
data XConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo :: !(Display -> IO [Rectangle])
data XConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo :: !(Display -> IO [Rectangle])
data PhiState = PhiState { phiRootImage :: !Surface
data PhiState w d = (Widget.Widget w d) => PhiState { phiRootImage :: !Surface
, phiPanels :: ![PanelState]
, phiPanels :: ![PanelState w d]
, phiRepaint :: !Bool
, phiRepaint :: !Bool
, phiShutdown :: !Bool
, phiShutdown :: !Bool
, phiShutdownHold :: !Int
, phiShutdownHold :: !Int
data PanelState = PanelState { panelWindow :: !Window
data PanelState w d = (Widget.Widget w d) => PanelState { panelWindow :: !Window
, panelPixmap :: !Pixmap
, panelPixmap :: !Pixmap
, panelArea :: !Rectangle
, panelArea :: !Rectangle
, panelScreenArea :: !Rectangle
, panelScreenArea :: !Rectangle
, panelWidgetStates :: ![Widget.WidgetState]
, panelWidget :: !w
, panelWidgetState :: !d
data PhiConfig = PhiConfig { phiPhi :: !Phi
data PhiConfig = PhiConfig { phiPhi :: !Phi
@ -63,18 +65,18 @@ newtype PhiReader a = PhiReader (ReaderT PhiConfig IO a)
runPhiReader :: PhiConfig -> PhiReader a -> IO a
runPhiReader :: PhiConfig -> PhiReader a -> IO a
runPhiReader config (PhiReader a) = runReaderT a config
runPhiReader config (PhiReader a) = runReaderT a config
newtype PhiX a = PhiX (StateT PhiState PhiReader a)
newtype PhiX w d a = PhiX (StateT (PhiState w d) PhiReader a)
deriving (Monad, MonadState PhiState, MonadReader PhiConfig, MonadIO)
deriving (Monad, MonadState (PhiState w d), MonadReader PhiConfig, MonadIO)
runPhiX :: PhiConfig -> PhiState -> PhiX a -> IO (a, PhiState)
runPhiX :: PhiConfig -> PhiState w d -> PhiX w d a -> IO (a, PhiState w d)
runPhiX config st (PhiX a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
runPhiX config st (PhiX a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
defaultXConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo = getScreenInfo
defaultXConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo = getScreenInfo
runPhi :: XConfig -> Panel.PanelConfig -> [Widget.Widget] -> IO ()
runPhi :: (Widget.Widget w d) => XConfig -> Panel.PanelConfig -> w -> IO ()
runPhi xconfig config widgets = do
runPhi xconfig config widget = do
phi <- initPhi
phi <- initPhi
@ -108,10 +110,10 @@ runPhi xconfig config widgets = do
dispmvar <- liftIO $ newMVar disp
dispmvar <- liftIO $ newMVar disp
let screenPanels = zip screens panelWindows
let screenPanels = zip screens panelWindows
dispvar = Widget.Display dispmvar atoms screenPanels
dispvar = Widget.Display dispmvar atoms screenPanels
widgetStates <- liftIO $ mapM (Widget.createWidgetState phi dispvar) widgets
widgetState <- liftIO $ Widget.initWidget widget phi dispvar
Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
panels <- mapM (\(screen, window) -> createPanel disp window widgetStates screen) screenPanels
panels <- mapM (\(screen, window) -> createPanel disp window widget widgetState screen) screenPanels
forM_ panels $ \panel -> do
forM_ panels $ \panel -> do
setPanelProperties disp panel
setPanelProperties disp panel
@ -155,12 +157,12 @@ termHandler :: Phi -> Handler
termHandler phi = Catch $ sendMessage phi Shutdown
termHandler phi = Catch $ sendMessage phi Shutdown
handlePanel :: Message -> PanelState -> PanelState
handlePanel :: Message -> PanelState w d -> PanelState w d
handlePanel message panel@PanelState {panelWidgetStates = widgets} = panel {panelWidgetStates = widgets'}
handlePanel message panel@PanelState {panelWidget = widget, panelWidgetState = state} = panel {panelWidgetState = state'}
widgets' = Widget.handleMessageWidgets message widgets
state' = Widget.handleMessage widget state message
handleMessage :: Widget.Display -> Message -> PhiX ()
handleMessage :: Widget.Display -> Message -> PhiX w d ()
handleMessage dispvar m = do
handleMessage dispvar m = do
modify $ \state@PhiState {phiPanels = panels} -> state {phiPanels = map (handlePanel m) panels}
modify $ \state@PhiState {phiPanels = panels} -> state {phiPanels = map (handlePanel m) panels}
@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ receiveEvents phi dispvar = do
when (not handled) $ threadWaitRead connection
when (not handled) $ threadWaitRead connection
updatePanels :: Widget.Display -> PhiX ()
updatePanels :: (Widget w d) => Widget.Display -> PhiX w d ()
updatePanels dispvar = do
updatePanels dispvar = do
rootImage <- gets phiRootImage
rootImage <- gets phiRootImage
panels <- gets phiPanels
panels <- gets phiPanels
@ -201,8 +203,8 @@ updatePanels dispvar = do
let pixmap = panelPixmap panel
let pixmap = panelPixmap panel
area = panelArea panel
area = panelArea panel
let layoutedWidgets = (withDimension area $ Widget.layoutWidgets (panelWidgetStates panel) 0 0) $ panelScreenArea panel
let layoutedWidget = (withDimension area $ Widget.layout (panelWidget panel) (panelWidgetState panel)) $ panelScreenArea panel
panel' = panel { panelWidgetStates = layoutedWidgets }
panel' = panel { panelWidgetState = layoutedWidget }
Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
let screen = defaultScreen disp
let screen = defaultScreen disp
@ -218,13 +220,12 @@ updatePanels dispvar = do
setSource pattern
setSource pattern
Widget.renderWidgets layoutedWidgets (panelScreenArea panel) 0 0
(withDimension area $ Widget.render (panelWidget panel) layoutedWidget 0 0) (panelScreenArea panel)
renderWith xbuffer $ do
renderWith xbuffer $ do
withPatternForSurface buffer $ \pattern -> do
withPatternForSurface buffer $ \pattern -> do
setSource pattern
setSource pattern
surfaceFlush xbuffer
surfaceFinish xbuffer
surfaceFinish xbuffer
-- copy buffer to window
-- copy buffer to window
@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ updatePanels dispvar = do
modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels' }
modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels' }
handlePropertyUpdate :: Display -> Event -> PhiX ()
handlePropertyUpdate :: Display -> Event -> PhiX w d ()
handlePropertyUpdate disp PropertyEvent { ev_atom = atom } = do
handlePropertyUpdate disp PropertyEvent { ev_atom = atom } = do
phi <- asks phiPhi
phi <- asks phiPhi
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ handlePropertyUpdate disp PropertyEvent { ev_atom = atom } = do
sendMessage phi Repaint
sendMessage phi Repaint
updateRootImage :: Display -> PhiX ()
updateRootImage :: Display -> PhiX w d ()
updateRootImage disp = do
updateRootImage disp = do
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
@ -287,8 +288,8 @@ updateRootImage disp = do
surfaceFinish rootSurface
surfaceFinish rootSurface
createPanel :: Display -> Window -> [Widget.WidgetState] -> Rectangle -> PhiX PanelState
createPanel :: (Widget w d) => Display -> Window -> w -> d -> Rectangle -> PhiX w d (PanelState w d)
createPanel disp win widgets screenRect = do
createPanel disp win w d screenRect = do
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
let rect = panelBounds config screenRect
let rect = panelBounds config screenRect
let screen = defaultScreen disp
let screen = defaultScreen disp
@ -301,10 +302,11 @@ createPanel disp win widgets screenRect = do
, panelPixmap = pixmap
, panelPixmap = pixmap
, panelArea = rect
, panelArea = rect
, panelScreenArea = screenRect
, panelScreenArea = screenRect
, panelWidgetStates = widgets
, panelWidget = w
, panelWidgetState = d
createPanelWindow :: Display -> Rectangle -> PhiX Window
createPanelWindow :: Display -> Rectangle -> PhiX w d Window
createPanelWindow disp screenRect = do
createPanelWindow disp screenRect = do
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
let rect = panelBounds config screenRect
let rect = panelBounds config screenRect
@ -323,7 +325,7 @@ createPanelWindow disp screenRect = do
withRectangle rect (createWindow disp rootwin) 0 depth inputOutput visual mask attr
withRectangle rect (createWindow disp rootwin) 0 depth inputOutput visual mask attr
setPanelProperties :: Display -> PanelState -> PhiX ()
setPanelProperties :: Display -> PanelState w d -> PhiX w d ()
setPanelProperties disp panel = do
setPanelProperties disp panel = do
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
liftIO $ do
liftIO $ do
@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ setPanelProperties disp panel = do
setStruts disp panel
setStruts disp panel
setStruts :: Display -> PanelState -> PhiX ()
setStruts :: Display -> PanelState w d -> PhiX w d ()
setStruts disp panel = do
setStruts disp panel = do
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ import Phi.Widgets.Systray
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
runPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Top }
runPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Top } $ alphaBox 0.9 $ theTaskbar <~> brightBorder theSystray <~> brightBorder theClock
[alphaBox 0.9 [theTaskbar, brightBorder [theSystray], brightBorder [theClock]]]
normalTaskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth (-1) (-3) (-1) 7) 1 (BorderWidth 0 5 0 5) (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.8) (0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.8) 5 0
normalTaskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth (-1) (-3) (-1) 7) 1 (BorderWidth 0 5 0 5) (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.8) (0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.8) 5 0
activeTaskBorder = normalTaskBorder { borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 0.8)
activeTaskBorder = normalTaskBorder { borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 0.8)
@ -53,4 +52,5 @@ main = do
, lineSpacing = (-3)
, lineSpacing = (-3)
, clockSize = 75
, clockSize = 75
brightBorder :: (Widget w d) => w -> Border w d
brightBorder = border normalDesktopBorder
brightBorder = border normalDesktopBorder
Reference in a new issue