Make taskbar more styleable
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 89 additions and 27 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( TaskbarConfig(..)
module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( IconStyle
, idIconStyle
, desaturateIconStyle
, TaskStyle(..)
, TaskbarConfig(..)
, defaultTaskbarConfig
, defaultTaskbarConfig
, taskbar
, taskbar
) where
) where
@ -41,19 +45,62 @@ import Phi.Widget
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import Phi.X11.Atoms
data TaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskbarFont :: !String
type IconStyle = Surface -> Render ()
, taskMaxSize :: !Int
instance Show IconStyle where
show _ = "IconStyle"
idIconStyle :: IconStyle
idIconStyle = flip withPatternForSurface setSource
desaturateIconStyle :: Double -> IconStyle
desaturateIconStyle v icon = do
w <- imageSurfaceGetWidth icon
h <- imageSurfaceGetHeight icon
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentColorAlpha w h $ \surface1 -> do
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentColor w h $ \surface2 -> do
renderWith surface1 $ do
renderWith surface2 $ do
withPatternForSurface icon setSource
setOperator OperatorHslSaturation
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 (1-v)
withPatternForSurface surface2 setSource
setOperator OperatorDestIn
withPatternForSurface icon setSource
withPatternForSurface surface1 setSource
data TaskStyle = TaskStyle { taskFont :: !String
, taskColor :: !Color
, taskBorder :: !BorderConfig
, taskIconStyle :: !IconStyle
} deriving Show
data TaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize :: !Int
, showDesktops :: !Bool
, showDesktops :: !Bool
, taskBorder :: !BorderConfig
, normalTaskStyle :: !TaskStyle
, activeTaskBorder :: !BorderConfig
, activeTaskStyle :: !TaskStyle
} deriving Show
} deriving Show
defaultStyle :: TaskStyle
defaultStyle = TaskStyle { taskFont = "Sans 8"
, taskColor = (0, 0, 0, 1)
, taskBorder = defaultBorderConfig
, taskIconStyle = idIconStyle
defaultTaskbarConfig :: TaskbarConfig
defaultTaskbarConfig :: TaskbarConfig
defaultTaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskbarFont = "Sans 7"
defaultTaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize = 150
, taskMaxSize = 150
, showDesktops = False
, showDesktops = False
, taskBorder = defaultBorderConfig
, normalTaskStyle = defaultStyle
, activeTaskBorder = defaultBorderConfig { borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 1) }
, activeTaskStyle = defaultStyle {taskBorder = defaultBorderConfig { borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 1) }}
data Taskbar = Taskbar TaskbarConfig deriving Show
data Taskbar = Taskbar TaskbarConfig deriving Show
@ -90,35 +137,41 @@ instance WidgetClass Taskbar where
minSize _ = 0
minSize _ = 0
weight _ = 1
weight _ = 1
render (Taskbar config) TaskbarState {taskbarActiveWindow = activeWindow, taskbarDesktopCount = desktopCount, taskbarWindows = windows, taskbarWindowStates = windowStates, taskbarWindowIcons = windowIcons} w h = do
render (Taskbar config) TaskbarState { taskbarActiveWindow = activeWindow
, taskbarDesktopCount = desktopCount
, taskbarWindows = windows
, taskbarWindowStates = windowStates
, taskbarWindowIcons = windowIcons
} w h = do
let desktopWindows = map (\desktop -> (desktop, filter (fromMaybe False . fmap (windowOnDesktop desktop) . flip M.lookup windowStates) windows)) $ take desktopCount [0..]
let desktopWindows = map (\desktop -> (desktop, filter (fromMaybe False . fmap (windowOnDesktop desktop) . flip M.lookup windowStates) windows)) $ take desktopCount [0..]
windowCount = sum $ map (length . snd) $ desktopWindows
windowCount = sum $ map (length . snd) $ desktopWindows
when (windowCount /= 0) $ do
when (windowCount /= 0) $ do
let windowWidth = min (taskMaxSize config) (w `div` windowCount)
let windowWidth = min (taskMaxSize config) (w `div` windowCount)
forM_ (zip [0..] $ join $ map snd desktopWindows) $ \(i, window) -> do
forM_ (zip [0..] $ join $ map snd desktopWindows) $ \(i, window) -> do
let border = if window == activeWindow then activeTaskBorder config else taskBorder config
let style = (if window == activeWindow then activeTaskStyle else normalTaskStyle) config
leftBorder = (borderLeft $ margin border) + (borderWidth border) + (borderLeft $ padding border)
(r, g, b, a) = taskColor style
rightBorder = (borderRight $ margin border) + (borderWidth border) + (borderRight $ padding border)
leftBorder = (borderLeft $ margin $ taskBorder style) + (borderWidth $ taskBorder style) + (borderLeft $ padding $ taskBorder style)
h' = h - (borderV $ margin border)
rightBorder = (borderRight $ margin $ taskBorder style) + (borderWidth $ taskBorder style) + (borderRight $ padding $ taskBorder style)
h' = h - (borderV $ margin $ taskBorder style)
mstate = M.lookup window windowStates
mstate = M.lookup window windowStates
micons = M.lookup window windowIcons
micons = M.lookup window windowIcons
case (mstate, micons) of
case (mstate, micons) of
(Just state, Just icons) -> do
(Just state, Just icons) -> do
drawBorder border (i*windowWidth) 0 windowWidth h
drawBorder (taskBorder style) (i*windowWidth) 0 windowWidth h
setSourceRGB 1 1 1
setSourceRGBA r g b a
renderText config (fromIntegral (i*windowWidth + leftBorder + h' + 3)) 0 (windowWidth - leftBorder - h' - 3 - rightBorder) h $ windowTitle state
renderText style (fromIntegral (i*windowWidth + leftBorder + h' + 3)) 0 (windowWidth - leftBorder - h' - 3 - rightBorder) h $ windowTitle state
case bestIcon h' icons of
case bestIcon h' icons of
Just icon -> withPatternForSurface icon $ \pattern -> do
Just icon -> do
translate (fromIntegral $ i*windowWidth + leftBorder) (fromIntegral $ borderTop $ margin border)
translate (fromIntegral $ i*windowWidth + leftBorder) (fromIntegral $ borderTop $ margin $ taskBorder style)
imageW <- imageSurfaceGetWidth icon
imageW <- imageSurfaceGetWidth icon
imageH <- imageSurfaceGetHeight icon
imageH <- imageSurfaceGetHeight icon
@ -127,8 +180,8 @@ instance WidgetClass Taskbar where
when (imageH < imageW) $
when (imageH < imageW) $
translate 0 $ (fromIntegral (imageW-imageH))/2
translate 0 $ (fromIntegral (imageW-imageH))/2
setSource pattern
taskIconStyle style icon
@ -144,11 +197,11 @@ instance WidgetClass Taskbar where
_ -> priv
_ -> priv
renderText :: TaskbarConfig -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Render ()
renderText :: TaskStyle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Render ()
renderText config x y w h text = do
renderText style x y w h text = do
layout <- createLayout ""
layout <- createLayout ""
(_, PangoRectangle _ _ textWidth textHeight) <- liftIO $ do
(_, PangoRectangle _ _ textWidth textHeight) <- liftIO $ do
layoutSetMarkup layout $ "<span font='" ++ (taskbarFont config) ++ "'>" ++ (escapeMarkup text) ++ "</span>"
layoutSetMarkup layout $ "<span font='" ++ (taskFont style) ++ "'>" ++ (escapeMarkup text) ++ "</span>"
layoutSetWidth layout $ Just $ fromIntegral w
layoutSetWidth layout $ Just $ fromIntegral w
layoutSetEllipsize layout EllipsizeEnd
layoutSetEllipsize layout EllipsizeEnd
@ -12,9 +12,18 @@ main = do
runPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Bottom }
runPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Bottom }
[theTaskbar, brightBorder [theClock]]
[theTaskbar, brightBorder [theClock]]
theTaskbar = taskbar defaultTaskbarConfig { taskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth 2 4 2 4) 1 (BorderWidth 0 5 0 5) (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.65) (0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.8) 5 0
normalTaskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth 2 4 2 4) 1 (BorderWidth 0 5 0 5) (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.65) (0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.8) 5 0
, activeTaskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth 2 4 2 4) 1 (BorderWidth 0 5 0 5) (1, 1, 1, 0.65) (0, 0, 0, 0.8) 5 0
activeTaskBorder = normalTaskBorder {borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 0.65), backgroundColor = (0, 0, 0, 0.8)}
taskStyle = TaskStyle { taskFont = "Sans 7"
, taskColor = (1, 1, 1, 1)
, taskBorder = normalTaskBorder
, taskIconStyle = idIconStyle
theTaskbar = taskbar defaultTaskbarConfig { normalTaskStyle = taskStyle {taskIconStyle = desaturateIconStyle 0.7}
, activeTaskStyle = taskStyle {taskBorder = activeTaskBorder}
theClock = clock defaultClockConfig { clockFormat = "<span font='Sans 8'>%R</span>\n<span font='Sans 6'>%A %d %B</span>"
theClock = clock defaultClockConfig { clockFormat = "<span font='Sans 8'>%R</span>\n<span font='Sans 6'>%A %d %B</span>"
, lineSpacing = (-2)
, lineSpacing = (-2)
, clockSize = 75
, clockSize = 75
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