Some more work on the taskbar
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 273 additions and 72 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ module Phi.Border ( BorderWidth(..)
, simpleBorderWidth
, simpleBorderWidth
, BorderConfig(..)
, BorderConfig(..)
, defaultBorderConfig
, defaultBorderConfig
, drawBorder
, roundRectangle
, border
, border
) where
) where
@ -76,41 +78,46 @@ instance WidgetClass Border where
height' = height - borderV m - 2*bw - borderV p
height' = height - borderV m - 2*bw - borderV p
render (Border config _) (BorderState widgetStates) w h = do
render (Border config _) (BorderState widgetStates) w h = do
drawBorder config 0 0 w h
arc (x + width - radius) (y + radius) radius (-pi/2) 0
arc (x + width - radius) (y + height - radius) radius 0 (pi/2)
arc (x + radius) (y + height - radius) radius (pi/2) pi
arc (x + radius) (y + radius) radius pi (pi*3/2)
setSourceRGBA fr fg fb fa
setSourceRGBA br bg bb ba
setLineWidth $ fromIntegral bw
renderWidgets widgetStates
renderWidgets widgetStates
m = margin config
bw = borderWidth config
p = padding config
radius = cornerRadius config
x = (fromIntegral $ borderLeft m) + (fromIntegral bw)/2
y = (fromIntegral $ borderTop m) + (fromIntegral bw)/2
width = fromIntegral $ w - borderH m - bw
height = fromIntegral $ h - borderV m - bw
(br, bg, bb, ba) = borderColor config
(fr, fg, fb, fa) = backgroundColor config
handleMessage _ (BorderState widgetStates) m = BorderState $ handleMessageWidgets m widgetStates
handleMessage _ (BorderState widgetStates) m = BorderState $ handleMessageWidgets m widgetStates
drawBorder :: BorderConfig -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Render ()
drawBorder config dx dy w h = do
roundRectangle x y width height radius
setSourceRGBA fr fg fb fa
setSourceRGBA br bg bb ba
setLineWidth $ fromIntegral bw
m = margin config
bw = borderWidth config
p = padding config
radius = cornerRadius config
x = (fromIntegral dx) + (fromIntegral $ borderLeft m) + (fromIntegral bw)/2
y = (fromIntegral dy) + (fromIntegral $ borderTop m) + (fromIntegral bw)/2
width = fromIntegral $ w - borderH m - bw
height = fromIntegral $ h - borderV m - bw
(br, bg, bb, ba) = borderColor config
(fr, fg, fb, fa) = backgroundColor config
roundRectangle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
roundRectangle x y width height radius = do
arc (x + width - radius) (y + radius) radius (-pi/2) 0
arc (x + width - radius) (y + height - radius) radius 0 (pi/2)
arc (x + radius) (y + height - radius) radius (pi/2) pi
arc (x + radius) (y + radius) radius pi (pi*3/2)
border :: BorderConfig -> [Widget] -> Widget
border :: BorderConfig -> [Widget] -> Widget
border config widgets = Widget $ Border config widgets
border config widgets = Widget $ Border config widgets
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module Phi.Phi ( Phi
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable
data Phi = Phi (Chan Message)
data Phi = Phi (Chan Message)
@ -24,14 +26,14 @@ data DefaultMessage = Repaint deriving (Typeable, Show)
fromMessage :: (Typeable a, Show a) => Message -> Maybe a
fromMessage :: (Typeable a, Show a) => Message -> Maybe a
fromMessage (Message m) = cast m
fromMessage (Message m) = cast m
initPhi :: IO Phi
initPhi :: MonadIO m => m Phi
initPhi = liftM Phi newChan
initPhi = liftM Phi $ liftIO newChan
dupPhi :: Phi -> IO Phi
dupPhi :: MonadIO m => Phi -> m Phi
dupPhi (Phi chan) = liftM Phi $ dupChan chan
dupPhi (Phi chan) = liftM Phi $ liftIO $ dupChan chan
sendMessage :: (Typeable a, Show a) => Phi -> a -> IO ()
sendMessage :: (MonadIO m, Typeable a, Show a) => Phi -> a -> m ()
sendMessage (Phi chan) = writeChan chan . Message
sendMessage (Phi chan) = liftIO . writeChan chan . Message
receiveMessage :: Phi -> IO Message
receiveMessage :: MonadIO m => Phi -> m Message
receiveMessage (Phi chan) = readChan chan
receiveMessage (Phi chan) = liftIO $ readChan chan
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Phi.Widget ( Display(..)
module Phi.Widget ( Display(..)
, withDisplay
, withDisplay
, getAtoms
, Widget(..)
, Widget(..)
, WidgetClass(..)
, WidgetClass(..)
, WidgetState(..)
, WidgetState(..)
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ module Phi.Widget ( Display(..)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Traversable
@ -21,17 +23,21 @@ import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.X11.Atoms
newtype Display = Display (MVar Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display)
data Display = Display (MVar Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display) Atoms
withDisplay :: Display -> (Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display -> IO a) -> IO a
withDisplay :: MonadIO m => Display -> (Graphics.X11.Xlib.Display -> m a) -> m a
withDisplay (Display dispvar) f = do
withDisplay (Display dispvar _) f = do
disp <- takeMVar dispvar
disp <- liftIO $ takeMVar dispvar
a <- f disp
a <- f disp
putMVar dispvar disp
liftIO $ putMVar dispvar disp
return a
return a
getAtoms :: Display -> Atoms
getAtoms (Display _ atoms) = atoms
class Show a => WidgetClass a where
class Show a => WidgetClass a where
type WidgetData a :: *
type WidgetData a :: *
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( TaskbarConfig(..)
module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( TaskbarConfig(..)
, defaultTaskbarConfig
, defaultTaskbarConfig
@ -7,45 +7,225 @@ module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( TaskbarConfig(..)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Format
import Foreign.C.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Enums (PangoRectangle(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Enums (PangoRectangle(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Layout
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Layout
import System.Locale
import Graphics.X11.Xlib (Window)
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras as XExtras
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Border
import Phi.Widget
import Phi.Widget
import Phi.X11.Atoms
data TaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig deriving Show
data TaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize :: !Int
, showDesktops :: !Bool
, taskBorder :: !BorderConfig
, activeTaskBorder :: !BorderConfig
} deriving Show
defaultTaskbarConfig :: TaskbarConfig
defaultTaskbarConfig :: TaskbarConfig
defaultTaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig
defaultTaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize = 150
, showDesktops = False
, taskBorder = defaultBorderConfig
, activeTaskBorder = defaultBorderConfig { borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 1) }
data Taskbar = Taskbar TaskbarConfig deriving Show
data Taskbar = Taskbar TaskbarConfig deriving Show
data TaskbarState = TaskbarState deriving Show
data TaskbarState = TaskbarState { taskbarActiveWindow :: !Window
, taskbarDesktopCount :: !Int
, taskbarWindows :: ![Window]
, taskbarWindowStates :: !(M.Map Window WindowState)
} deriving Show
data WindowState = WindowState { windowTitle :: !String
, windowDesktop :: !Int
, windowVisible :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data TaskbarMessage = WindowListUpdate [Xlib.Window] (M.Map Window WindowState)
| DesktopCountUpdate Int
| ActiveWindowUpdate Window
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance WidgetClass Taskbar where
instance WidgetClass Taskbar where
type WidgetData Taskbar = TaskbarState
type WidgetData Taskbar = TaskbarState
initWidget (Taskbar _) phi dispvar = do
initWidget (Taskbar _) phi dispvar = do
return TaskbarState
forkIO $ taskbarRunner phi dispvar
return $ TaskbarState 0 0 [] M.empty
minSize _ = 0
minSize _ = 0
weight _ = 1
weight _ = 1
render (Taskbar config) _ w h = do
render (Taskbar config) TaskbarState {taskbarActiveWindow = activeWindow, taskbarDesktopCount = desktopCount, taskbarWindows = windows, taskbarWindowStates = windowStates} w h = do
return ()
let desktopWindows = map (\desktop -> (desktop, filter (fromMaybe False . fmap (windowOnDesktop desktop) . flip M.lookup windowStates) windows)) $ take desktopCount [0..]
windowCount = sum $ map (length . snd) $ desktopWindows
when (windowCount /= 0) $ do
let windowWidth = min (taskMaxSize config) (w `div` windowCount)
forM_ (zip [0..] $ join $ map snd desktopWindows) $ \(i, window) -> do
let border = if window == activeWindow then activeTaskBorder config else taskBorder config
drawBorder border (i*windowWidth) 0 windowWidth h
handleMessage _ priv m = case (fromMessage m) of
Just (WindowListUpdate windows windowStates) -> priv {taskbarWindows = windows, taskbarWindowStates = windowStates}
Just (DesktopCountUpdate count) -> priv {taskbarDesktopCount = count}
Just (ActiveWindowUpdate window) -> priv {taskbarActiveWindow = window}
_ -> priv
windowOnDesktop :: Int -> WindowState -> Bool
windowOnDesktop desktop state = (windowVisible state) && (desktop == windowDesktop state)
taskbarRunner :: Phi -> Display -> IO ()
taskbarRunner phi dispvar = do
(windows, tasks) <- liftIO $ withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
(windows, tasks) <- getWindowStates disp (getAtoms dispvar) [] M.empty
desktopCount <- getDesktopCount disp (getAtoms dispvar)
activeWindow <- getActiveWindow disp (getAtoms dispvar)
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows tasks
sendMessage phi $ DesktopCountUpdate desktopCount
sendMessage phi $ ActiveWindowUpdate activeWindow
return (windows, tasks)
sendMessage phi Repaint
flip evalStateT (windows, tasks) $ forever $ do
m <- receiveMessage phi
case (fromMessage m) of
Just event@XExtras.PropertyEvent {} ->
handlePropertyUpdate phi dispvar event
_ ->
return ()
handlePropertyUpdate :: Phi -> Display -> XExtras.Event -> StateT ([Window], M.Map Window WindowState) IO ()
handlePropertyUpdate phi dispvar XExtras.PropertyEvent {XExtras.ev_atom = atom, XExtras.ev_window = window} = do
let atoms = getAtoms dispvar
when (elem atom $ map ($ atoms) [ atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
, atom_NET_WM_NAME
, atomWM_NAME
]) $ withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
let rootwin = Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
if (window == rootwin)
then do
when (atom == atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW atoms) $ do
activeWindow <- liftIO $ getActiveWindow disp atoms
sendMessage phi $ ActiveWindowUpdate activeWindow
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS atoms) $ do
desktopCount <- liftIO $ getDesktopCount disp atoms
sendMessage phi $ DesktopCountUpdate desktopCount
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms) $ do
(windows, windowStates) <- get
(windows', windowStates') <- liftIO $ getWindowStates disp atoms windows windowStates
when (windows /= windows' || windowStates /= windowStates') $ do
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows' windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows', windowStates')
else do
(windows, windowStates) <- get
when (elem window windows) $ do
let windowState = M.lookup window windowStates
windowState' <- liftIO $ getWindowState disp atoms window
when (windowState /= (Just windowState')) $ do
let windowStates' = M.insert window windowState' windowStates
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows, windowStates')
getDesktopCount :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> IO Int
getDesktopCount disp atoms =
liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS atoms) $ Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
getActiveWindow :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> IO Window
getActiveWindow disp atoms =
liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW atoms) $ Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
getWindowStates :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> [Window] -> M.Map Window WindowState -> IO ([Window], M.Map Window WindowState)
getWindowStates disp atoms oldWindows windowStates = do
windows <- getWindowList disp atoms oldWindows
let windowStates' = map (\w -> (w, M.lookup w windowStates)) windows
newWindowStates <- mapM getWindowState' windowStates'
return (windows, M.fromList newWindowStates)
rootwin = Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
getWindowState' (window, Just windowState) = return (window, windowState)
getWindowState' (window, Nothing) = do
windowState <- getWindowState disp atoms window
return (window, windowState)
getWindowState :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> Window -> IO WindowState
getWindowState disp atoms window = do
Xlib.selectInput disp window Xlib.propertyChangeMask
netwmname <- liftM (fmap (decode . map fromIntegral)) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty8 disp (atom_NET_WM_NAME atoms) window
wmname <- case netwmname of
Just name -> return name
Nothing -> liftM (map unsignedChr . fromMaybe []) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty8 disp (atomWM_NAME atoms) window
workspace <- liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0xFFFFFFFF . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_WM_DESKTOP atoms) window
visible <- showWindow disp atoms window
return $ WindowState wmname workspace visible
unsignedChr = chr . fromIntegral . (fromIntegral :: (CChar -> CUChar))
showWindow :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> Window -> IO Bool
showWindow disp atoms window = do
states <- liftM (map fromIntegral . fromMaybe []) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_WM_STATE atoms) window
transientForHint <- XExtras.getTransientForHint disp window
windowType <- liftM (fromMaybe (atom_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL atoms) . fmap fromIntegral . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_WM_STATE atoms) window
return $ not $ or [ elem (atom_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR atoms) states
, transientForHint /= Nothing
, elem windowType $ map ($ atoms) [ atom_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK
getWindowList :: Xlib.Display -> Atoms -> [Window] -> IO [Window]
getWindowList disp atoms windows = do
newWindows <- liftM (map fromIntegral . join . maybeToList) $ XExtras.getWindowProperty32 disp (atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms) $ Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
return $ (filter (flip elem newWindows) windows) ++ (filter (not . flip elem windows) newWindows)
taskbar :: TaskbarConfig -> Widget
taskbar :: TaskbarConfig -> Widget
taskbar config = do
taskbar config = do
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import qualified Phi.Widget as Widget
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import qualified Phi.Bindings.Util as Util
import qualified Phi.Bindings.Util as Util
data XConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo :: !(Display -> IO [Rectangle])
data XConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo :: !(Display -> IO [Rectangle])
@ -63,13 +64,6 @@ newtype PhiX a = PhiX (StateT PhiState PhiReader a)
runPhiX :: PhiConfig -> PhiState -> PhiX a -> IO (a, PhiState)
runPhiX :: PhiConfig -> PhiState -> PhiX a -> IO (a, PhiState)
runPhiX config st (PhiX a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
runPhiX config st (PhiX a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
withDisplayX :: Widget.Display -> (Display -> PhiX a) -> PhiX a
withDisplayX (Widget.Display dispvar) f = do
disp <- liftIO $ takeMVar dispvar
a <- f disp
liftIO $ putMVar dispvar disp
return a
defaultXConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo = getScreenInfo
defaultXConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo = getScreenInfo
@ -88,10 +82,11 @@ runPhi xconfig config widgets = do
screens <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig disp
screens <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig disp
dispvar <- liftM Widget.Display $ liftIO $ newMVar disp
dispmvar <- liftIO $ newMVar disp
let dispvar = Widget.Display dispmvar atoms
widgetStates <- liftIO $ mapM (Widget.createWidgetState phi dispvar) widgets
widgetStates <- liftIO $ mapM (Widget.createWidgetState phi dispvar) widgets
withDisplayX dispvar $ \disp -> do
Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
panels <- mapM (createPanel disp widgetStates) screens
panels <- mapM (createPanel disp widgetStates) screens
forM_ panels $ \panel -> do
forM_ panels $ \panel -> do
@ -105,7 +100,7 @@ runPhi xconfig config widgets = do
liftIO $ forkIO $ receiveEvents phi dispvar
liftIO $ forkIO $ receiveEvents phi dispvar
forever $ do
forever $ do
message <- liftIO $ receiveMessage phi
message <- receiveMessage phi
handleMessage dispvar message
handleMessage dispvar message
return ()
return ()
@ -120,13 +115,13 @@ handleMessage dispvar m = do
modify $ \state@PhiState {phiPanels = panels} -> state {phiPanels = map (handlePanel m) panels}
modify $ \state@PhiState {phiPanels = panels} -> state {phiPanels = map (handlePanel m) panels}
case (fromMessage m) of
case (fromMessage m) of
Just Repaint -> withDisplayX dispvar $ \disp ->
Just Repaint -> Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp ->
updatePanels disp True
updatePanels disp True
_ ->
_ ->
case (fromMessage m) of
case (fromMessage m) of
Just ExposeEvent {} -> withDisplayX dispvar $ \disp ->
Just ExposeEvent {} -> Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp ->
updatePanels disp False
updatePanels disp False
Just event@PropertyEvent {} -> withDisplayX dispvar $ \disp ->
Just event@PropertyEvent {} -> Widget.withDisplay dispvar $ \disp ->
handlePropertyUpdate disp event
handlePropertyUpdate disp event
_ ->
_ ->
return ()
return ()
@ -206,8 +201,8 @@ updateRootImage disp = do
let screen = defaultScreen disp
let screen = defaultScreen disp
visual = defaultVisual disp screen
visual = defaultVisual disp screen
rootwin = defaultRootWindow disp
rootwin = defaultRootWindow disp
pixmap <- liftM (fromMaybe 0 . listToMaybe . join . catMaybes) $ forM [atom_XROOTPMAP_ID atoms, atom_XROOTMAP_ID atoms] $
pixmap <- liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 . listToMaybe . join . catMaybes) $ forM [atom_XROOTPMAP_ID atoms, atom_XROOTMAP_ID atoms] $
\atom -> liftIO $ rawGetWindowProperty 32 disp atom rootwin
\atom -> liftIO $ getWindowProperty32 disp atom rootwin
(_, _, _, rootWidth, rootHeight, _, _) <- liftIO $ getGeometry disp rootwin
(_, _, _, rootWidth, rootHeight, _, _) <- liftIO $ getGeometry disp rootwin
-- update surface size
-- update surface size
@ -2,9 +2,15 @@ module Phi.X11.AtomList ( atoms
) where
) where
atoms = [ "UTF8_STRING"
atoms = [ "UTF8_STRING"
@ -13,6 +19,9 @@ atoms = [ "UTF8_STRING"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ maintainer:
build-type: Simple
build-type: Simple
build-depends: base >= 4, template-haskell, mtl, time, old-locale, X11, cairo, pango
build-depends: base >= 4, template-haskell, containers, transformers, mtl, utf8-string, time, old-locale, X11, cairo, pango
exposed-modules: Phi.Types, Phi.Phi, Phi.Panel, Phi.Widget, Phi.Border, Phi.X11,
exposed-modules: Phi.Types, Phi.Phi, Phi.Panel, Phi.Widget, Phi.Border, Phi.X11,
Phi.Widgets.Clock, Phi.Widgets.Taskbar
Phi.Widgets.Clock, Phi.Widgets.Taskbar
other-modules: Phi.X11.Atoms, Phi.X11.AtomList, Phi.Bindings.Util
other-modules: Phi.X11.Atoms, Phi.X11.AtomList, Phi.Bindings.Util
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ main = do
runPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Bottom }
runPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Bottom }
[theTaskbar, brightBorder [theClock]]
[theTaskbar, brightBorder [theClock]]
theTaskbar = taskbar defaultTaskbarConfig
theTaskbar = taskbar defaultTaskbarConfig { taskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth 2 4 2 4) 1 (BorderWidth 0 10 0 10) (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.65) (0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.8) 5 0
, activeTaskBorder = BorderConfig (BorderWidth 2 4 2 4) 1 (BorderWidth 0 10 0 10) (1, 1, 1, 0.65) (0, 0, 0, 0.8) 5 0
theClock = clock defaultClockConfig { clockFormat = "<span font='Sans 8'>%R</span>\n<span font='Sans 6'>%A %d %B</span>"
theClock = clock defaultClockConfig { clockFormat = "<span font='Sans 8'>%R</span>\n<span font='Sans 6'>%A %d %B</span>"
, lineSpacing = (-2)
, lineSpacing = (-2)
, clockSize = 75
, clockSize = 75
Reference in a new issue