Some more restructuring, WIP
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 70 additions and 23 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Phi.Phi ( Phi
, MessageBus
, Message(..)
, initPhi
, runPhi
, sendMessage
, getMessageBus
, receiveMessage
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad
data Phi = Phi (Chan Message)
data MessageBus = MessageBus (Chan Message)
data Message = forall a. Show a => Message a
initPhi :: IO Phi
initPhi = liftM Phi newChan
runPhi :: Phi -> IO ()
runPhi (Phi chan) = forever $ readChan chan
sendMessage :: Phi -> Message -> IO ()
sendMessage (Phi chan) = writeChan chan
getMessageBus :: Phi -> IO MessageBus
getMessageBus (Phi chan) = liftM MessageBus $ dupChan chan
receiveMessage :: MessageBus -> IO Message
receiveMessage (MessageBus chan) = readChan chan
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeFamilies, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Phi.Widget ( Widget(..)
module Phi.Widget ( Message(..)
, Widget(..)
, WidgetClass(..)
, WidgetState(..)
, separator
@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ import Data.Traversable
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Phi.Phi
class Show a => WidgetClass a where
type WidgetData a :: *
@ -30,6 +33,9 @@ class Show a => WidgetClass a where
render :: a -> WidgetData a -> Int -> Int -> Render ()
handleMessage :: a -> WidgetData a -> Message -> WidgetData a
handleMessage _ priv _ = priv
data Widget = forall a. (WidgetClass a, Show (WidgetData a)) => Widget a
deriving instance Show Widget
@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ layoutWidgets widgets x y width height = snd $ mapAccumL layoutWidgetAndX x widg
WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv} ->
let wWidth = floor $ (fromIntegral $ minSize w) + (fromIntegral surplus)*(nneg $ weight w)/wsum
priv' = layout w priv wWidth height
in WidgetState { stateWidget = w, stateX = wX, stateY = y, stateWidth = wWidth, stateHeight = height, statePrivateData = priv' }
in WidgetState w wX y wWidth height priv'
nneg :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
nneg x = max 0 x
@ -84,6 +90,10 @@ renderWidgets widgets = forM_ widgets $ \WidgetState { stateWidget = widget
render widget priv w h
handleMessageWidgets :: Message -> [WidgetState] -> [WidgetState]
handleMessageWidgets message = map handleMessageWidget
handleMessageWidget (WidgetState w x y width height priv) = WidgetState w x y width height $ handleMessage w priv message
data Separator = Separator Int Float deriving Show
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Phi.X11 ( XConfig(..)
, defaultXConfig
, initPhi
, initPhiX
) where
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Phi.Phi
import qualified Phi.Types as Phi
import qualified Phi.Panel as Panel
import qualified Phi.Widget as Widget
@ -54,17 +55,17 @@ newtype PhiReader a = PhiReader (ReaderT PhiConfig IO a)
runPhiReader :: PhiConfig -> PhiReader a -> IO a
runPhiReader config (PhiReader a) = runReaderT a config
newtype Phi a = Phi (StateT PhiState PhiReader a)
newtype PhiX a = PhiX (StateT PhiState PhiReader a)
deriving (Monad, MonadState PhiState, MonadReader PhiConfig, MonadIO)
runPhi :: PhiConfig -> PhiState -> Phi a -> IO (a, PhiState)
runPhi config st (Phi a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
runPhiX :: PhiConfig -> PhiState -> PhiX a -> IO (a, PhiState)
runPhiX config st (PhiX a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
liftIOContToPhi :: ((a -> IO (b, PhiState)) -> IO (b, PhiState)) -> (a -> Phi b) -> Phi b
liftIOContToPhi f c = do
liftIOContToPhiX :: ((a -> IO (b, PhiState)) -> IO (b, PhiState)) -> (a -> PhiX b) -> PhiX b
liftIOContToPhiX f c = do
config <- ask
state <- get
(a, state') <- liftIO $ f $ runPhi config state . c
(a, state') <- liftIO $ f $ runPhiX config state . c
put state'
return a
@ -73,13 +74,13 @@ defaultXConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo = getScreenInfo
initPhi :: XConfig -> Panel.PanelConfig -> [Widget.Widget] -> IO ()
initPhi xconfig config widgets = do
initPhiX :: Phi -> XConfig -> Panel.PanelConfig -> [Widget.Widget] -> IO ()
initPhiX phi xconfig config widgets = do
disp <- openDisplay []
atoms <- initAtoms disp
selectInput disp (defaultRootWindow disp) $ propertyChangeMask.|.structureNotifyMask
runPhi PhiConfig { phiXConfig = xconfig, phiPanelConfig = config, phiDisplay = disp, phiAtoms = atoms } PhiState { phiRootPixmap = 0, phiPanels = [] } $ do
runPhiX PhiConfig { phiXConfig = xconfig, phiPanelConfig = config, phiDisplay = disp, phiAtoms = atoms } PhiState { phiRootPixmap = 0, phiPanels = [] } $ do
screens <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig disp
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ initPhi xconfig config widgets = do
updatePanels True
liftIOContToPhi allocaXEvent $ \xevent -> do
liftIOContToPhiX allocaXEvent $ \xevent -> do
forever $ do
liftIO $ nextEvent disp xevent
event <- liftIO $ getEvent xevent
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ initPhi xconfig config widgets = do
return ()
updatePanels :: Bool -> Phi ()
updatePanels :: Bool -> PhiX ()
updatePanels redraw = do
disp <- asks phiDisplay
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ updatePanels redraw = do
modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels' }
handlePropertyUpdate :: Event -> Phi ()
handlePropertyUpdate :: Event -> PhiX ()
handlePropertyUpdate PropertyEvent { ev_atom = atom } = do
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
panels <- gets phiPanels
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ handlePropertyUpdate PropertyEvent { ev_atom = atom } = do
updatePanels True
updateRootPixmap :: Phi ()
updateRootPixmap :: PhiX ()
updateRootPixmap = do
disp <- asks phiDisplay
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ updateRootPixmap = do
modify $ \state -> state { phiRootPixmap = pixmap }
createPanel :: [Widget.Widget] -> Rectangle -> Phi PanelState
createPanel :: [Widget.Widget] -> Rectangle -> PhiX PanelState
createPanel widgets screenRect = do
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
disp <- asks phiDisplay
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ createPanel widgets screenRect = do
return PanelState { panelWindow = win, panelGC = gc, panelPixmap = pixmap, panelSurface = surface, panelArea = rect, panelScreenArea = screenRect, panelWidgetStates = map Widget.createWidgetState widgets }
createPanelWindow :: Rectangle -> Phi Window
createPanelWindow :: Rectangle -> PhiX Window
createPanelWindow rect = do
disp <- asks phiDisplay
let screen = defaultScreen disp
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ createPanelWindow rect = do
withRectangle rect (createWindow disp rootwin) 0 depth inputOutput visual mask attr
setPanelProperties :: PanelState -> Phi ()
setPanelProperties :: PanelState -> PhiX ()
setPanelProperties panel = do
disp <- asks phiDisplay
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ setPanelProperties panel = do
setStruts panel
setStruts :: PanelState -> Phi ()
setStruts :: PanelState -> PhiX ()
setStruts panel = do
atoms <- asks phiAtoms
disp <- asks phiDisplay
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ build-type: Simple
build-depends: base >= 4, template-haskell, mtl, cairo, X11
exposed-modules: Phi.Types, Phi.Panel, Phi.Widget, Phi.Border, Phi.X11
exposed-modules: Phi.Types, Phi.Phi, Phi.Panel, Phi.Widget, Phi.Border, Phi.X11
other-modules: Phi.X11.Atoms, Phi.X11.AtomList, Phi.Bindings.Util
hs-source-dirs: lib
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Widget
import Phi.Panel
@ -8,7 +9,8 @@ import Data.Monoid
main :: IO ()
main = do
initPhi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Bottom}
phi <- initPhi
initPhiX phi defaultXConfig defaultPanelConfig { panelPosition = Bottom, panelSize = 48 }
[border border1 [border border3 [], border border3 []], border border2 []]
border1 = BorderConfig (simpleBorderWidth 1) 1 (simpleBorderWidth 2) (1, 1, 1, 0.5) (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5) 7 2
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