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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Phi.Widgets.X11.Taskbar ( IconStyle
, idIconStyle
, desaturateIconStyle
, TaskStyle(..)
, DesktopStyle(..)
, TaskbarConfig(..)
, defaultTaskbarConfig
, Taskbar
, taskbar
) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Unique
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as A
import qualified Data.Accessor.Container as AC
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Foreign.C.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Enums (PangoRectangle(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Layout
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Font
import Graphics.XHB
import Graphics.XHB.Gen.Xproto
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Border
import Phi.Widget
import Phi.X11
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import Phi.X11.Util
newtype IconStyle = IconStyle { withIconStyle :: Surface -> Render () }
instance Eq IconStyle where
_ == _ = True
idIconStyle :: IconStyle
idIconStyle = IconStyle $ flip withPatternForSurface setSource
desaturateIconStyle :: Double -> IconStyle
desaturateIconStyle v = IconStyle $ \icon -> do
w <- imageSurfaceGetWidth icon
h <- imageSurfaceGetHeight icon
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentColorAlpha w h $ \surface -> do
renderWith surface $ do
setOperator OperatorAdd
withPatternForSurface icon setSource
setSourceRGB 0 0 0
setOperator OperatorHslSaturation
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 (1-v)
setOperator OperatorDestIn
withPatternForSurface icon setSource
withPatternForSurface surface setSource
downscaled :: Double -> Surface -> Render ()
downscaled s surface = do
case True of
_ | s < 0.5 -> do
w <- imageSurfaceGetWidth surface
h <- imageSurfaceGetHeight surface
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentColorAlpha (ceiling (fromIntegral w*s)) (ceiling (fromIntegral h*s)) $ \surface' -> do
renderWith surface' $ do
scale 0.5 0.5
downscaled (2*s) surface
withPatternForSurface surface' setSource
| otherwise -> do
scale s s
withPatternForSurface surface setSource
data TaskStyle = TaskStyle { taskFont :: !String
, taskColor :: !Color
, taskBorder :: !BorderConfig
, taskIconStyle :: !IconStyle
} deriving Eq
data DesktopStyle = DesktopStyle { desktopFont :: !String
, desktopLabelWidth :: !Int
, desktopLabelGap :: !Int
, desktopColor :: !Color
, desktopBorder :: !BorderConfig
data TaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize :: !Int
, normalTaskStyle :: !TaskStyle
, activeTaskStyle :: !TaskStyle
, desktopStyle :: !(Maybe (DesktopStyle, DesktopStyle))
defaultStyle :: TaskStyle
defaultStyle = TaskStyle { taskFont = "Sans 8"
, taskColor = (0, 0, 0, 1)
, taskBorder = defaultBorderConfig { backgroundColor = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1) }
, taskIconStyle = idIconStyle
defaultTaskbarConfig :: TaskbarConfig
defaultTaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize = 200
, normalTaskStyle = defaultStyle
, activeTaskStyle = defaultStyle {taskBorder = defaultBorderConfig { borderColor = (1, 1, 1, 1) }}
, desktopStyle = Nothing
data Taskbar = Taskbar TaskbarConfig
data TaskbarState = TaskbarState { taskbarScreens :: ![Rectangle]
, taskbarActiveWindow :: !WINDOW
, taskbarDesktopCount :: !Int
, taskbarCurrentDesktop :: !Int
, taskbarDesktopNames :: ![String]
, taskbarWindows :: ![WINDOW]
, taskbarWindowStates :: !(M.Map WINDOW WindowState)
} deriving Eq
data Icon = Icon !Unique !Int !Surface
instance Eq Icon where (Icon a _ _) == (Icon b _ _) = a == b
instance Show Icon where show (Icon _ size _) = "Icon { size = " ++ (show size) ++ " }"
createIcon :: Int -> Surface -> IO Icon
createIcon size surface = do
id <- newUnique
return $ Icon id size surface
data WindowState = WindowState { windowTitle :: !String
, windowDesktop :: !Int
, windowVisible :: !Bool
, windowIcons :: ![Icon]
, windowGeometry :: !Rectangle
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data WindowCache = WindowCache { createScaledIconCached :: !(IOCache ([Icon], Int) (Maybe Icon))
, renderWindowCached :: !(IOCache (String, Maybe Icon, TaskStyle, Int, Int) Surface)
createScaledIconCached' = A.fromSetGet (\a cache -> cache {createScaledIconCached = a}) createScaledIconCached
renderWindowCached' = A.fromSetGet (\a cache -> cache {renderWindowCached = a}) renderWindowCached
newtype DesktopCache = DesktopCache (IOCache () ())
emptyWindowCache :: WindowCache
emptyWindowCache = WindowCache { createScaledIconCached = createIOCache createScaledIcon
, renderWindowCached = createIOCache doRenderWindow
data TaskbarCache = TaskbarCache { desktopCaches :: !(M.Map Int DesktopCache)
, windowCaches :: !(M.Map WINDOW WindowCache)
-- substitute for the liftT function in Data.Accessor.MonadState that uses the strict StateT variant
liftT :: (Monad m) => A.T r s -> StateT s m a -> StateT r m a
liftT f m = do
s0 <- gets $ A.get f
(a,s1) <- lift $ runStateT m s0
modify $ A.set f s1
return a
liftIOStateT :: (MonadIO m) => StateT s IO a -> StateT s m a
liftIOStateT m = do
s0 <- get
(a,s1) <- liftIO $ runStateT m s0
put s1
return a
cached :: (MonadIO m, Eq a) => A.T s (IOCache a b) -> a -> StateT s m b
cached t = liftT t . liftIOStateT . runIOCache
data TaskbarMessage = WindowListUpdate ![WINDOW] !(M.Map WINDOW WindowState)
| DesktopCountUpdate !Int
| CurrentDesktopUpdate !Int
| DesktopNamesUpdate ![String]
| ActiveWindowUpdate !WINDOW
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Widget Taskbar TaskbarState (M.Map WINDOW WindowCache) X11 where
initWidget (Taskbar _) phi dispvar screens = do
phi' <- dupPhi phi
forkIO $ taskbarRunner phi' dispvar
return $ TaskbarState (map fst screens) (fromXid xidNone) 0 (-1) [] [] M.empty
initCache _ = M.empty
minSize _ _ _ _ = 0
weight _ = 1
render (Taskbar config) TaskbarState { taskbarScreens = screens
, taskbarActiveWindow = activeWindow
, taskbarDesktopCount = desktopCount
, taskbarCurrentDesktop = currentDesktop
, taskbarDesktopNames = desktopNames
, taskbarWindows = windows
, taskbarWindowStates = windowStates
} _ _ w h screen = do
let windowScreen w = maximumBy (compare `on` unionArea (windowGeometry w)) screens
screenWindows = filter ((== Just screen) . fmap windowScreen . flip M.lookup windowStates) windows
desktopNumbers = take desktopCount $ zip [0..] (desktopNames ++ repeat "")
desktops = map (\desktop -> (desktop, filter (fromMaybe False . fmap (windowOnDesktop . fst $ desktop) . flip M.lookup windowStates) screenWindows)) desktopNumbers
windowCount = sum $ map (length . snd) $ desktops
dstyle d = fmap (if d == currentDesktop then snd else fst) $ desktopStyle config
dlabelwidth d = fromMaybe 0 $ fmap desktopLabelWidth $ dstyle d
gap d ds = if null (snd $ desktops !! d) then 0 else desktopLabelGap ds
dleftwidth d = fromMaybe 0 $ fmap (\ds@DesktopStyle {desktopBorder = border}
-> (borderLeft $ margin border) + (borderWidth border) + (borderLeft $ padding border)
+ dlabelwidth d + gap d ds) $ dstyle d
dwidth d = fromMaybe 0 $ fmap (\ds@DesktopStyle {desktopBorder = border}
-> (borderH $ margin border) + 2*(borderWidth border) + (borderH $ padding border)
+ dlabelwidth d + gap d ds) $ dstyle d
desktopsWidth = sum $ map (dwidth . fst) desktopNumbers
windowWidth = if windowCount == 0 then 0 else min (taskMaxSize config) ((w - desktopsWidth) `div` windowCount)
surface <- liftIO $ createImageSurface FormatARGB32 w h
cache <- liftM (M.filterWithKey $ \w _ -> elem w windows) get
cache' <- renderWith surface $ flip execStateT cache $ do
lift $ do
setOperator OperatorClear
setOperator OperatorOver
flip (flip foldM_ 0) desktops $ \nwindows (desktop, desktopWindows) -> do
let dstyle' = dstyle (fst desktop)
dx = dleftwidth (fst desktop) + (sum $ map dwidth $ take (fst desktop) [0..]) + nwindows*windowWidth
case dstyle' of
Just ds -> do
let (r, g, b, a) = desktopColor ds
lift $ do
drawBorder (desktopBorder ds) (dx - dleftwidth (fst desktop)) 0 (dwidth (fst desktop) + windowWidth * length desktopWindows) h
setSourceRGBA r g b a
renderText (desktopFont ds) (fromIntegral (dx - dlabelwidth (fst desktop) - gap (fst desktop) ds)) 0 (dlabelwidth (fst desktop)) h $ snd desktop
forM_ (zip [0..] desktopWindows) $ \(i, window) -> do
let style = (if window == activeWindow then activeTaskStyle else normalTaskStyle) config
h' = h - (borderV $ margin $ desktopBorder ds) - 2*(borderWidth $ desktopBorder ds) - (borderV $ padding $ desktopBorder ds)
mstate = M.lookup window windowStates
x = dx + i*windowWidth
y = (borderTop $ margin $ desktopBorder ds) + (borderWidth $ desktopBorder ds) + (borderTop $ padding $ desktopBorder ds)
case mstate of
Just state -> do
windowSurface <- liftT (AC.mapDefault emptyWindowCache window) . liftIOStateT $ renderWindow state style windowWidth h'
lift $ do
translate (fromIntegral $ x - 5) (fromIntegral $ y - 5)
withPatternForSurface windowSurface setSource
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> return ()
return $ nwindows + length desktopWindows
put cache'
return [(True, SurfaceSlice 0 surface)]
handleMessage _ priv m = case (fromMessage m) of
Just (WindowListUpdate windows windowStates) -> priv { taskbarWindows = windows
, taskbarWindowStates = windowStates
Just (DesktopCountUpdate count) -> priv {taskbarDesktopCount = count}
Just (CurrentDesktopUpdate current) -> priv {taskbarCurrentDesktop = current}
Just (DesktopNamesUpdate names) -> priv {taskbarDesktopNames = names}
Just (ActiveWindowUpdate window) -> priv {taskbarActiveWindow = window}
_ -> case (fromMessage m) of
Just (UpdateScreens screens) -> priv {taskbarScreens = map fst screens}
_ -> priv
renderText :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Render ()
renderText font x y w h text = do
layout <- createLayout ""
(_, PangoRectangle _ _ textWidth textHeight) <- liftIO $ do
layoutSetMarkup layout $ "<span font='" ++ font ++ "'>" ++ (escapeMarkup text) ++ "</span>"
layoutSetWidth layout $ Just $ fromIntegral w
layoutSetEllipsize layout EllipsizeEnd
layoutGetExtents layout
moveTo ((fromIntegral x) + ((fromIntegral w) - textWidth)/2) ((fromIntegral y) + ((fromIntegral h) - textHeight)/2)
showLayout layout
renderWindow :: WindowState -> TaskStyle -> Int -> Int -> StateT WindowCache IO Surface
renderWindow state style w h = do
let h' = h - (borderV $ margin $ taskBorder style)
scaledIcon <- cached createScaledIconCached' (windowIcons state, h')
cached renderWindowCached' (windowTitle state, scaledIcon, style, w, h)
doRenderWindow :: (String, Maybe Icon, TaskStyle, Int, Int) -> IO Surface
doRenderWindow (title, scaledIcon, style, w, h) = do
let (r, g, b, a) = taskColor style
leftBorder = (borderLeft $ margin $ taskBorder style) + (borderWidth $ taskBorder style) + (borderLeft $ padding $ taskBorder style)
rightBorder = (borderRight $ margin $ taskBorder style) + (borderWidth $ taskBorder style) + (borderRight $ padding $ taskBorder style)
h' = h - (borderV $ margin $ taskBorder style)
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 (w+10) (h+10)
renderWith surface $ do
translate 5 5
drawBorder (taskBorder style) 0 0 w h
setSourceRGBA r g b a
renderText (taskFont style) (fromIntegral (leftBorder + h' + 3)) 0 (w - leftBorder - h' - 3 - rightBorder) h title
case scaledIcon of
Just (Icon _ _ icon) -> do
translate (fromIntegral leftBorder) (fromIntegral . borderTop . margin . taskBorder $ style)
withIconStyle (taskIconStyle style) icon
_ -> return ()
return surface
createScaledIcon :: ([Icon], Int) -> IO (Maybe Icon)
createScaledIcon (icons, h) = do
case bestIcon of
Just (Icon _ _ icon) -> do
scaledIcon <- createSimilarSurface icon ContentColorAlpha h h
renderWith scaledIcon $ do
imageW <- imageSurfaceGetWidth icon
imageH <- imageSurfaceGetHeight icon
let scalef = (fromIntegral h)/(fromIntegral $ max imageW imageH)
case () of
_ | imageH < imageW -> translate 0 (fromIntegral (imageW-imageH)*scalef/2)
| otherwise -> translate (fromIntegral (imageH-imageW)*scalef/2) 0
downscaled scalef icon
fmap Just $ createIcon h scaledIcon
_ -> return Nothing
bestIcon = listToMaybe $ sortBy compareIcons icons
compareIcons = flip (compare `on` (\(Icon _ size _) -> size))
windowOnDesktop :: Int -> WindowState -> Bool
windowOnDesktop desktop state = (windowVisible state) && (desktop == windowDesktop state)
taskbarRunner :: Phi -> X11 -> IO ()
taskbarRunner phi x11 = do
(windows, states) <- liftIO $ do
(windows, states) <- getWindowStates x11 M.empty
desktopCount <- getDesktopCount x11
current <- getCurrentDesktop x11
names <- getDesktopNames x11
activeWindow <- getActiveWindow x11
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows states
sendMessage phi $ DesktopCountUpdate desktopCount
sendMessage phi $ CurrentDesktopUpdate current
sendMessage phi $ DesktopNamesUpdate names
sendMessage phi $ ActiveWindowUpdate activeWindow
return (windows, states)
sendMessage phi Repaint
flip evalStateT (windows, states) $ forever $ do
m <- receiveMessage phi
case (fromMessage m) of
Just (XEvent event) ->
handleEvent phi x11 event
_ ->
return ()
handleEvent :: Phi -> X11 -> SomeEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
handleEvent phi x11 event =
case (fromEvent event) of
Just e -> handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi x11 e
Nothing -> case (fromEvent event) of
Just e -> handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi x11 e
Nothing -> return ()
handlePropertyNotifyEvent :: Phi -> X11 -> PropertyNotifyEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi x11 MkPropertyNotifyEvent {atom_PropertyNotifyEvent = atom, window_PropertyNotifyEvent = window} = do
let atoms = x11Atoms x11
rootwin = root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11
when (elem atom $ map ($ atoms) [ atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
, atom_NET_WM_ICON
, atomWM_NAME
, atom_NET_WM_NAME
]) $ do
if (window == rootwin)
then do
when (atom == atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW atoms) $ do
activeWindow <- liftIO $ getActiveWindow x11
sendMessage phi $ ActiveWindowUpdate activeWindow
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS atoms) $ do
desktopCount <- liftIO $ getDesktopCount x11
sendMessage phi $ DesktopCountUpdate desktopCount
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP atoms) $ do
current <- liftIO $ getCurrentDesktop x11
sendMessage phi $ CurrentDesktopUpdate current
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES atoms) $ do
names <- liftIO $ getDesktopNames x11
sendMessage phi $ DesktopNamesUpdate names
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms) $ do
(windows, windowStates) <- get
(windows', windowStates') <- liftIO $ getWindowStates x11 windowStates
when (windows /= windows') $ do
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows' windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows', windowStates')
else do
(windows, windowStates) <- get
when (elem window windows) $ do
case () of
_ | (atom == atom_NET_WM_ICON atoms) -> do
icons <- liftIO $ getWindowIcons x11 window
let windowStates' = M.update (\state -> Just state {windowIcons = icons}) window windowStates
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows, windowStates')
| otherwise -> do
(name, desktop, visible) <- liftIO $ getWindowInfo x11 window
let mwindowState = M.lookup window windowStates
case mwindowState of
Just windowState -> do
let windowState' = windowState {windowTitle = name, windowDesktop = desktop, windowVisible = visible}
when (windowState /= windowState') $ do
let windowStates' = M.insert window windowState' windowStates
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows, windowStates')
Nothing ->
return ()
handleConfigureNotifyEvent :: Phi -> X11 -> ConfigureNotifyEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi x11 MkConfigureNotifyEvent {window_ConfigureNotifyEvent = window} = do
let conn = x11Connection x11
(windows, windowStates) <- get
when (elem window windows) $ do
let geom = fmap windowGeometry . M.lookup window $ windowStates
geom' <- liftIO $ getWindowGeometry x11 window
when (geom /= (Just geom')) $ do
let windowStates' = M.update (\state -> Just state {windowGeometry = geom'}) window windowStates
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows, windowStates')
getDesktopCount :: X11 -> IO Int
getDesktopCount x11 =
liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS . x11Atoms $ x11)
getCurrentDesktop :: X11 -> IO Int
getCurrentDesktop x11 =
liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe (-1) . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP . x11Atoms $ x11)
getDesktopNames :: X11 -> IO [String]
getDesktopNames x11 =
liftM (map (decode . map fromIntegral) . break' . fromMaybe []) $ getProperty8 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES . x11Atoms $ x11)
break' l = case dropWhile (== 0) l of
[] -> []
l' -> w : break' l''
where (w, l'') = break (== 0) l'
getActiveWindow :: X11 -> IO WINDOW
getActiveWindow x11 =
liftM (fromXid . toXid . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW . x11Atoms $ x11)
getWindowStates :: X11 -> M.Map WINDOW WindowState -> IO ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState)
getWindowStates x11 windowStates = do
windows <- getWindowList x11
let windowStates' = map (\w -> (w, M.lookup w windowStates)) windows
newWindowStates <- mapM getWindowState' windowStates'
return (windows, M.fromList newWindowStates)
getWindowState' (window, Just windowState) = return (window, windowState)
getWindowState' (window, Nothing) = do
changeWindowAttributes (x11Connection x11) window $ toValueParam [(CWEventMask, toMask [EventMaskPropertyChange, EventMaskStructureNotify])]
windowState <- getWindowState x11 window
return (window, windowState)
getWindowState :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO WindowState
getWindowState x11 window = do
(name, workspace, visible) <- getWindowInfo x11 window
icons <- getWindowIcons x11 window
geom <- getWindowGeometry x11 window
return $ WindowState { windowTitle = name
, windowDesktop = workspace
, windowVisible = visible
, windowIcons = icons
, windowGeometry = geom
getWindowInfo :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO (String, Int, Bool)
getWindowInfo x11 window = do
let conn = x11Connection x11
atoms = x11Atoms x11
netwmname <- liftM (fmap (decode . map fromIntegral)) $ getProperty8 conn window (atom_NET_WM_NAME atoms)
wmname <- case netwmname of
Just name -> return name
Nothing -> liftM (map unsignedChr . fromMaybe []) $ getProperty8 conn window (atomWM_NAME atoms)
workspace <- liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0xFFFFFFFF . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 conn window (atom_NET_WM_DESKTOP atoms)
visible <- showWindow conn atoms window
return (wmname, workspace, visible)
unsignedChr = chr . fromIntegral
getWindowIcons :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO [Icon]
getWindowIcons x11 window = getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) window (atom_NET_WM_ICON . x11Atoms $ x11) >>= readIcons . fromMaybe []
readIcons :: [Word32] -> IO [Icon]
readIcons (width:height:iconData) = do
if ((fromIntegral $ length iconData) < (width*height)) then return [] else do
let (thisIcon, rest) = splitAt (fromIntegral (width*height)) iconData
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)
surfaceData <- imageSurfaceGetPixels surface :: IO (SurfaceData Int Word32)
forM_ (zip thisIcon [0..]) $ \(e, i) -> writeArray surfaceData i $ premultiply $ fromIntegral e
surfaceMarkDirty surface
liftM2 (:) (createIcon (fromIntegral $ max width height) surface) (readIcons rest)
readIcons _ = return []
premultiply :: Word32 -> Word32
premultiply c = a .|. r .|. g .|. b
amask = 0xFF000000
rmask = 0x00FF0000
gmask = 0x0000FF00
bmask = 0x000000FF
a = c .&. amask
pm mask = (((c .&. mask) * (a `shiftR` 24)) `div` 0xFF) .&. mask
r = pm rmask
g = pm gmask
b = pm bmask
getWindowGeometry :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO Rectangle
getWindowGeometry x11 window =
getGeometry (x11Connection x11) (fromXid . toXid $ window) >>= getReply >>=
return . ((const $ Rectangle 0 0 0 0) ||| (\(MkGetGeometryReply _ _ x y width height _) -> Rectangle (fi x) (fi y) (fi width) (fi height)))
fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fi = fromIntegral
showWindow :: ConnectionClass c => c -> Atoms -> WINDOW -> IO Bool
showWindow conn atoms window = do
states <- liftM (map (fromXid . toXid) . fromMaybe []) $ getProperty32 conn window (atom_NET_WM_STATE atoms)
transientFor <- liftM (map fromIntegral . fromMaybe []) $ getProperty32 conn window (atomWM_TRANSIENT_FOR atoms)
windowType <- liftM (fromMaybe (atom_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL atoms) . fmap (fromXid . toXid) . join . fmap listToMaybe) $
getProperty32 conn window (atom_NET_WM_STATE atoms)
return $ not $ or [ elem (atom_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR atoms) states
, transientFor /= [] && transientFor /= [0]
, elem windowType $ map ($ atoms) [ atom_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK
getWindowList :: X11 -> IO [WINDOW]
getWindowList x11 = liftM (map (fromXid . toXid) . join . maybeToList) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST . x11Atoms $ x11)
taskbar :: TaskbarConfig -> Taskbar
taskbar = Taskbar