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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeFamilies, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Phi.Widget ( Display(..)
, withDisplay
, getAtoms
, getScreens
, unionArea
, Widget(..)
, WidgetClass(..)
, WidgetState(..)
, separator
, createWidgetState
, layoutWidgets
, renderWidgets
, handleMessageWidgets
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.X11.Atoms
data Display = Display (MVar Xlib.Display) Atoms [Xlib.Rectangle]
withDisplay :: MonadIO m => Display -> (Xlib.Display -> m a) -> m a
withDisplay (Display dispvar _ _) f = do
disp <- liftIO $ takeMVar dispvar
a <- f disp
liftIO $ putMVar dispvar disp
return a
getAtoms :: Display -> Atoms
getAtoms (Display _ atoms _) = atoms
getScreens :: Display -> [Xlib.Rectangle]
getScreens (Display _ _ screens) = screens
unionArea :: Xlib.Rectangle -> Xlib.Rectangle -> Int
unionArea a b = fromIntegral $ uw*uh
uw = max 0 $ (min ax2 bx2) - (max ax1 bx1)
uh = max 0 $ (min ay2 by2) - (max ay1 by1)
Xlib.Rectangle ax1 ay1 aw ah = a
Xlib.Rectangle bx1 by1 bw bh = b
ax2 = ax1 + fromIntegral aw
ay2 = ay1 + fromIntegral ah
bx2 = bx1 + fromIntegral bw
by2 = by1 + fromIntegral bh
class Show a => WidgetClass a where
type WidgetData a :: *
initWidget :: a -> Phi -> Display -> IO (WidgetData a)
minSize :: a -> WidgetData a -> Int -> Int
weight :: a -> Float
weight _ = 0
layout :: a -> WidgetData a -> Int -> Int -> WidgetData a
layout _ priv _ _ = priv
render :: a -> WidgetData a -> Int -> Int -> Xlib.Rectangle -> Render ()
handleMessage :: a -> WidgetData a -> Message -> WidgetData a
handleMessage _ priv _ = priv
data Widget = forall a. (WidgetClass a, Show (WidgetData a)) => Widget a
deriving instance Show Widget
data WidgetState = forall a. (WidgetClass a, Show (WidgetData a)) => WidgetState { stateWidget :: a
, stateX :: Int
, stateY :: Int
, stateWidth :: Int
, stateHeight :: Int
, statePrivateData :: WidgetData a
deriving instance Show WidgetState
createWidgetState :: Phi -> Display -> Widget -> IO WidgetState
createWidgetState phi disp (Widget w) = do
phi' <- dupPhi phi
priv <- initWidget w phi' disp
return WidgetState { stateWidget = w
, stateX = 0
, stateY = 0
, stateWidth = 0
, stateHeight = 0
, statePrivateData = priv
layoutWidgets :: [WidgetState] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [WidgetState]
layoutWidgets widgets x y width height = snd $ mapAccumL layoutWidgetAndX x widgets
sizesum = sum $ map (\(WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv} ) -> nneg $ minSize w priv height) widgets
wsum = let wsum = sum $ map (\(WidgetState {stateWidget = w} ) -> nneg . weight $ w) widgets
in if wsum > 0 then wsum else 1
surplus = width - sizesum
layoutWidgetAndX wX state = let lw = layoutWidget wX state
in (wX + stateWidth lw, lw)
layoutWidget wX state = case state of
WidgetState {stateWidget = w, statePrivateData = priv} ->
let wWidth = floor $ (fromIntegral $ minSize w priv height) + (fromIntegral surplus)*(nneg $ weight w)/wsum
priv' = layout w priv wWidth height
in WidgetState w wX y wWidth height priv'
nneg :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
nneg x = max 0 x
renderWidgets :: [WidgetState] -> Xlib.Rectangle -> Render ()
renderWidgets widgets screen = forM_ widgets $ \WidgetState { stateWidget = widget
, stateX = x
, stateY = y
, stateWidth = w
, stateHeight = h
, statePrivateData = priv } -> do
translate (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
render widget priv w h screen
handleMessageWidgets :: Message -> [WidgetState] -> [WidgetState]
handleMessageWidgets message = map handleMessageWidget
handleMessageWidget (WidgetState w x y width height priv) = WidgetState w x y width height $ handleMessage w priv message
data Separator = Separator Int Float deriving Show
instance WidgetClass Separator where
type WidgetData Separator = ()
initWidget _ _ _ = return ()
minSize (Separator s _) _ _ = s
weight (Separator _ w) = w
render _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
separator :: Int -> Float -> Widget
separator s w = Widget $ Separator s w