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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Phi.Widgets.Clock ( ClockConfig(..)
, defaultClockConfig
, clock
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Enums (PangoRectangle(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Layout
import System.Locale
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Widget
data ClockConfig = ClockConfig { clockFormat :: !String
, fontColor :: !Color
, lineSpacing :: !Double
, clockSize :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultClockConfig :: ClockConfig
defaultClockConfig = ClockConfig "%R" (0, 0, 0, 1) 0 50
data Clock = Clock !ClockConfig deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving instance Eq ZonedTime
data ClockState = ClockState !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Eq)
data ClockMessage = UpdateTime !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Widget Clock ClockState (RenderCache Clock ClockState) where
initWidget (Clock _) phi _ = do
forkIO $ forever $ do
time <- getZonedTime
sendMessage phi $ UpdateTime time
sendMessage phi Repaint
threadDelay $ ceiling $ 1000000*(max 1 $ 60 - (todSec . localTimeOfDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime $ time))
time <- getZonedTime
return $ ClockState time
initCache _ = createRenderCache $ \(Clock config) (ClockState time) _ _ w h _ -> do
let (r, g, b, a) = fontColor config
str = formatTime defaultTimeLocale (clockFormat config) time
setSourceRGBA r g b a
layout <- createLayout ""
(_, PangoRectangle _ _ textWidth textHeight) <- liftIO $ do
layoutSetMarkup layout str
layoutSetAlignment layout AlignCenter
layoutSetSpacing layout $ lineSpacing config
layoutGetExtents layout
let scalef = min 1 ((fromIntegral w)/textWidth)
when (scalef < 1) $ do
scale scalef scalef
updateLayout layout
(_, PangoRectangle _ _ textWidth' textHeight') <- liftIO $ layoutGetExtents layout
moveTo (((fromIntegral w)/scalef - textWidth')/2) (((fromIntegral h)/scalef - textHeight')/2)
showLayout layout
minSize (Clock config) _ _ _ = clockSize config
render = renderCached
handleMessage _ priv m = case (fromMessage m) of
Just (UpdateTime time) -> ClockState time
_ -> priv
clock :: ClockConfig -> Clock
clock config = do
Clock config