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// qfixMega128Board.h
// This file contains the class Mega128Board which represents the
// physical Mega128Board with all its inputs and outputs.
// Copyright 2005 by KTB mechatronics GmbH
// Author: Stefan Enderle, Florian Schrapp
#include "qfix.h"
#ifndef qfixMega128Board_h
#define qfixMega128Board_h
static int speedMotor0 = 50;
static int speedMotor1 = 50;
class Mega128Board
/** Constructor for the robot board class.
/** Puts on LED i
void ledOn(int i);
/** Puts off LED i
void ledOff(int i);
/** Puts off all LEDs
void ledsOff();
/** Puts LED i on if state is true, else off
void led(int i, bool state);
/** Uses the four LEDs on the board to display the value i
* with 0 <= i <= 255
void ledMeter(int i);
/** Puts the power output i on
void powerOn(int i);
/** Puts the power output i off
void powerOff(int i);
/** Puts the power output i on if state is true, else off
void power(int i, bool state);
/** Checks the state of button i. If it is pressed, true is returned,
* else false.
bool button(int i);
/** Sets motor i to the given speed. -255 <= speed <= 255
void motor(int i, int speed);
/** Sets both motors to the given speed. -255 <= speed <= 255
void motors(int speed0, int speed1);
/** Puts off both motors.
void motorsOff();
/** returns the value of the analog port i. 0 <= value <= 255
int analog(int i);
/** returns true if the digital port is logical high, else false.
bool digital(int i);
// PWM routine //
const int OFFSET=50; // motor does not work with very low ratio
static int counter=255+OFFSET;
if (speedMotor1==0) cbi(PORTB, 6); // enable1 = 0
else if (abs(speedMotor1)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 6); // enable1 = 1
else cbi(PORTB, 6); // enable1 = 0
if (speedMotor0==0) cbi(PORTB, 7); // enable2 = 0
else if (abs(speedMotor0)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 7); // enable2 = 1
else cbi(PORTB, 7); // enable2 = 0
if (counter==0) counter=255+OFFSET;
else counter--;
void initTimer()
TCCR0=1; // timer 0 for interrupt
sei(); // enable interrupts
// Port A: motors input
DDRA = 4+8+16+64; // all motors output
PORTA = 0; // clear all bits = motors off
// Port B: motors enable
DDRB = 64+128; // upper bits output
PORTB = 0; // clear bit 6 and 7 = motors off
// Port C: power output //
DDRC = 255; // default direction port C: all bits output
PORTC = 0; // clear all bits: power on
// Port D: I2C //
DDRD = 0; // all bits input
PORTD = 1+2; // set bits 0,1 -> I2C pullUps
// Port E: leds + buttons //
DDRE = 4+8+16+32; // pin 2-5 leds output; pin 6+7 input for buttons 0+1
PORTE |= 4+8+16+32; // set leds off
PORTE |= 64+128; // set pullups for buttons 0+1
// Port F: analog in + digital in //
DDRF = 0; // all bits input
// Port G: buttons //
DDRG = 0; // pin 3+4 input for buttons 2+3
PORTG |= 8+16; // set pullups for buttons 3+4
void Mega128Board::ledOn(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>3)) return;
cbi(PORTE, i+2); // clear bit -> LED on
void Mega128Board::ledOff(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>3)) return;
sbi(PORTE, i+2); // set bit -> LED off
void Mega128Board::ledsOff()
void Mega128Board::led(int i, bool state)
if (state) ledOn(i); else ledOff(i);
void Mega128Board::ledMeter(int i)
led(0, (i>50));
led(1, (i>100));
led(2, (i>150));
led(3, (i>200));
void Mega128Board::powerOn(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return;
cbi(PORTC, i);
void Mega128Board::powerOff(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return;
sbi(PORTC, i);
void Mega128Board::power(int i, bool state)
if (state) powerOn(i); else powerOff(i);
bool Mega128Board::button(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>3)) return false;
else if (i==0 || i ==1){
return ((PINE & (64<<i)) == 0); //wenn pina=0 button gedr<64>ckt => 0&1=false, also 0==0 => true
else if (i==2 || i==3){
return ((PING & (2<<i)) == 0);
else return false;
void Mega128Board::motor(int i, int speed)
if ((i<0) || (i>1)) return;
if (i==1) {
speedMotor1 = speed;
if (speed==0) {
cbi(PORTA, 2); // input1 = 0
cbi(PORTA, 3); // input2 = 0
//cbi(PORTB, 6); // enable1 = 0
else if (speed>0) {
sbi(PORTA, 2); // input1 = 1
cbi(PORTA, 3); // input2 = 0
//sbi(PORTB, 6); // enable1 = 1
else {
cbi(PORTA, 2); // input1 = 0
sbi(PORTA, 3); // input2 = 1
if (i==0) {
speedMotor0 = speed;
if (speed==0) {
cbi(PORTA, 4); // input3 = 0
cbi(PORTA, 5); // input4 = 0
//cbi(PORTB, 7); // enable2 = 0
else if (speed>0){
sbi(PORTA, 4); // input3 = 1
cbi(PORTA, 5); // input4 = 0
//sbi(PORTB, 7); // enable2 = 1
else {
cbi(PORTA, 4); // input3 = 0
sbi(PORTA, 5); // input4 = 1
void Mega128Board::motors(int motor0, int motor1)
void Mega128Board::motorsOff()
// return 0-255 //
int Mega128Board::analog(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return -1;
ADCSRA=128; // set A/D enable bit (ADEN)
ADMUX=i; // select analog input and start A/D
sbi(ADMUX, ADLAR); // left adjust -> we use only ADCH
sbi(ADCSRA, ADSC); // start conversion
while (ADCSRA & 64); // wait until ADSC is low again
int value = ADCH; // read 8 bit value fom ADCH
return value;
bool Mega128Board::digital(int i)
if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return false; // bad solution...
ADCSRA=0; // clear A/D enable bit (ADEN)
PORTF |= (1<<i); // set pullups for digital inputs
return (PINF & (1<<i)) ;