607 lines
16 KiB
607 lines
16 KiB
![]() |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42) (by Poul-Henning Kamp):
# Joerg Wunsch <j.gnu@uriah.heep.sax.de> wrote this file. As long as you
# retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet
# some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer
# in return.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id: htmlview.tcl,v 1.7 2004/07/15 20:50:48 j Exp $
# This implements a simple HTML viewer that is just suitable to browse through
# a document generated by latex2html
proc htmlview {file} {
global htmlposx htmlposy
global tcl_platform
global helpicon
global tcl_platform
global bgcolor
if {$file == ""} {
set subtag ""
# determine requested subtag (if any)
if {[regexp "^(\[^\#\]*)\#(.*)" $file dummy match subtag]} {
set file $match
set f ""
catch {set f [open $file]}
if {$f == ""} {
set dirname [file dirname $file]
set ok 0
while {!$ok} {
set w ".htmlview[expr {int(rand()*30000)}]"
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
set ok 1
toplevel $w
if {[info exists htmlposx]} {
set htmlposx [expr $htmlposx + 10]
set htmlposy [expr $htmlposy + 10]
} else {
set htmlposx [expr [winfo x .] + 80]
set htmlposy [expr [winfo y .] + 50]
wm geometry $w "+$htmlposx+$htmlposy"
wm positionfrom $w user
frame $w.f0
text $w.f0.t1 -wrap word -yscrollcommand "$w.f0.sb1 set" \
-font {Helvetica -12} -cursor {top_left_arrow}
scrollbar $w.f0.sb1 -command "$w.f0.t1 yview"
frame $w.f1
button $w.f1.bok -text {Close} -command "destroy $w"
#button $w.f1.closeall -text {Hilfe beenden} -command {destroyhtmlwins}
pack $w.f0.t1 -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack $w.f0.sb1 -side right -expand 0 -fill y
pack $w.f0 -side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack $w.f1.bok -side left
#pack $w.f1.closeall -side right
pack $w.f1 -side top
set x [winfo width $w]
set y [winfo height $w]
wm minsize $w $x $y
bind $w <Key-Prior> "$w.f0.t1 yview scroll -10 units"
bind $w <Key-Next> "$w.f0.t1 yview scroll 10 units"
bind $w <Key-space> "$w.f0.t1 yview scroll 10 units"
focus $w
set bgcolor [$w.f0.t1 cget -background]
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" && [file exists $helpicon]} {
wm iconbitmap $w @$helpicon
set buf ""; set head ""; set tail ""
set title ""
set list ""; set lcount {1}; set ullevel 0
set bold 0; set italic 0; set titlemode 0
set tagno 0; set attribs {}; set attrib ""; set justify "left"
set paraopen 0
set lmargin 0; set rmargin 0
set hrno 0; set bulletno 0; set imgno 0
set newlineput 0; set anchorhasmodifiedfont 0; set inheadline 0
while {1} {
# if $buf starts with a "<", it means we've got an unfinished yet
# tag in there, so we need to read more until the tag is finished
# and can be handled in full
if {$buf == "" || [string index $buf 0] == "<"} {
if {[gets $f lbuf] == -1} {
if {$lbuf == "" && !$inheadline} {
# single newline only, marks a paragraph break
set lbuf "<p>"
regsub -all {[\t ]+} $lbuf { } lbuf
if {[string index $lbuf end] != " "} {
set lbuf "$lbuf "
set buf "$buf$lbuf"
if {[set idx [string first "<" $buf]] != -1} {
set head [string range $buf 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
set tail [string range $buf $idx end]
} else {
set head $buf
set tail ""
if {[string length $head]} {
set head [untangletext $head]
if {$titlemode} {
set title "$title$head"
} else {
if {$attrib != ""} {
$w.f0.t1 insert end $head $attrib
} else {
$w.f0.t1 insert end $head
set head ""
if {[string length $tail]} {
if {[set idx [string first ">" $tail]] != -1} {
set tag [string range $tail 0 $idx]
set buf [string range $tail [expr $idx + 1] end]
set tag [string range $tag 1 end-1]
set tagname $tag
set remainder ""
regexp {^(/?[A-Za-z0-9]+) *(.*)} $tag dummy tagname remainder
set tagname [string tolower $tagname]
switch $tagname {
"br" {
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n"
"p" {
if {$paraopen && $attrib != ""} {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
set align ""
while {1} {
set x [parsetag $remainder]
set name [string tolower [lindex $x 0]]
set val [lindex $x 1]
set remainder [lindex $x 2]
if {$name == ""} {
if {$name == "align"} {
set align [string tolower $val]
if {$align != ""} {
set justify "left"
switch $align {
"center" { set justify "center" }
"right" { set justify "right" }
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n"
set paraopen 1
"/p" {
set paraopen 0
if {$attrib != ""} {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"title" {
set titlemode 1
set title ""
"/title" {
set titlemode 0
wm title $w $title
"b" {
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/b" {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"strong" {
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/strong" {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"i" {
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12 italic}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/i" {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"em" {
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12 italic}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/em" {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"tt" {
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Courier -12}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/tt" {
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"h1" {
incr inheadline
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Times -18 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/h1" {
set inheadline [expr $inheadline - 1]
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n\n"
"h2" {
incr inheadline
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Times -16 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/h2" {
set inheadline [expr $inheadline - 1]
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n\n"
"h3" {
incr inheadline
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Times -14 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/h3" {
set inheadline [expr $inheadline - 1]
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n\n"
"h4" {
incr inheadline
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Times -12 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/h4" {
set inheadline [expr $inheadline - 1]
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n\n"
"a" {
set target ""
while {1} {
set x [parsetag $remainder]
set name [string tolower [lindex $x 0]]
set val [lindex $x 1]
set remainder [lindex $x 2]
if {$name == ""} {
if {$name == "href"} {
set target $val
if {$name == "name" && $subtag == $val} {
# subtag was requested, notice it
set see [$w.f0.t1 index end]
if {$target != "" && ![regexp {^(http:|ftp:)} $target]} {
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
"windows" {
if {![regexp {^([A-Za-z]:)?[\\/]} $target]} {
# relative pathname
set target "$dirname/$target"
"unix" {
if {![regexp {^/} $val]} {
# relative unix pathname
set target "$dirname/$target"
set anchorhasmodifiedfont 1
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -foreground {blue}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
$w.f0.t1 tag bind $attrib <ButtonPress> "htmlview $target"
"/a" {
if {$anchorhasmodifiedfont} {
set anchorhasmodifiedfont 0
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
"ul" {
set list "ul"
incr ullevel
incr tagno
lappend attribs $attrib
set attrib "attrib$tagno"
set lmargin [expr 40 * $ullevel - 10]
set rmargin [expr 40 * $ullevel]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
"/ul" {
set ullevel [expr $ullevel - 1]
if {$ullevel == 0} {
set list ""
set lmargin 0
set rmargin 0
} else {
set lmargin [expr 40 * $ullevel - 10]
set rmargin [expr 40 * $ullevel]
set attrib [lindex $attribs end]
set attribs [lrange $attribs 0 end-1]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -font {Helvetica -12}
$w.f0.t1 tag configure $attrib -lmargin1 $lmargin -lmargin2 $lmargin \
-rmargin $rmargin -justify $justify
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n"
"li" {
switch $list {
"ul" {
incr bulletno
canvas $w.bullet$bulletno \
-width [expr 40 * $ullevel - 15] -height 6 \
-background $bgcolor -highlightthickness 0 \
-border 0
if {$ullevel == 1} {
$w.bullet$bulletno create oval 11 1 14 4
} else {
$w.bullet$bulletno create rectangle \
[expr 40 * $ullevel - 29] 1 [expr 40 * $ullevel - 26] 4
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n" $attrib
$w.f0.t1 window create end -align baseline \
-window $w.bullet$bulletno
"address" {
set attrib ""
set attribs {}
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n"
"hr" {
incr hrno
makehr $w.hr$hrno [expr [winfo width $w.f0.t1] - 10]
$w.f0.t1 insert end "\n" $attrib
$w.f0.t1 window create end -window $w.hr$hrno
"img" {
set iwidth 0
set iheight 0
set ialign "bottom"
set isrc ""
while {1} {
set x [parsetag $remainder]
set name [string tolower [lindex $x 0]]
set val [lindex $x 1]
set remainder [lindex $x 2]
if {$name == ""} {
switch $name {
"width" { set iwidth $val }
"height" { set iheight $val }
"src" {
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
"windows" {
if {[regexp {^([A-Za-z]:)?[\\/]} $val]} {
# absolute pathname
set isrc $val
} else {
set isrc "$dirname/$val"
"unix" {
if {[regexp {^/} $val]} {
# absolute unix pathname
set isrc $val
} else {
set isrc "$dirname/$val"
"align" { set ialign [string tolower $val] }
if {$isrc != "" && [file exists $isrc]} {
incr imgno
image create photo htmlview$imgno \
-width $iwidth -height $iheight \
-file $isrc
set imgidx [$w.f0.t1 image create end -image htmlview$imgno]
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib $imgidx
$w.f0.t1 tag add $attrib end
} else {
# unfinished tag, return to $buf
set buf $tail
} else {
set buf ""
close $f
# prevent users from editing the text widget's contents
$w.f0.t1 configure -state disabled
if {[info exists see]} {
# we have a subtag to display
$w.f0.t1 see $see
# parse $str, obtain first name=value pair, return remainder as well
proc parsetag {str} {
# first check for quoted value
if {[regexp {^([A-Za-z0-9_]+) *= *"([^\"]+)" *(.*)} $str dummy name val rem]} {
return [list $name $val $rem]
# else check for argument that must not contain a space
if {[regexp {^([A-Za-z0-9_]+) *= *([^ ]+) *(.*)} $str dummy name val rem]} {
return [list $name $val $rem]
# else we fail
return [list "" "" ""]
# proc destroyhtmlwins {} {
# global htmlposx htmlposy
# foreach win [winfo children .] {
# if {[string match {.htmlview[0-9]*} $win]} {
# destroy $win
# }
# }
# foreach img [image names] {
# if {[string match {htmlview[0-9]+} $img]} {
# image delete $img
# }
# }
# set htmlposx [expr [winfo x .] + 80]
# set htmlposy [expr [winfo y .] + 50]
# }
proc makehr {c w} {
global bgcolor
canvas $c -width $w -height 6 -background $bgcolor \
-highlightthickness 0
$c create line 2 2 [expr $w - 2] 2 -width 1 -fill "\#202020"
$c create line 2 2 2 4 -width 1 -fill "\#202020"
$c create line 3 4 [expr $w - 1] 4 -width 1 -fill "\#ffffff"
$c create line [expr $w - 2] 4 [expr $w - 2] 2 -width 1 -fill "\#ffffff"
proc untangletext {t} {
set result ""
set ok 1
while {$ok} {
if {[regexp {^([^&]*)&([^;]+);(.*)} $t dummy left marked right]} {
set result "$result$left"
set t $right
switch -glob $marked {
"Auml" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"Ouml" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"Uuml" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"auml" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"ouml" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"uuml" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"szlig" { set result "${result}<EFBFBD>" }
"nbsp" { set result "${result} " }
"amp" { set result "${result}&" }
"lt" { set result "${result}<" }
"gt" { set result "${result}>" }
"\#[0-9]*" {
regexp {^.(.*)} $marked dummy c
set c [subst "\\[format {%o} $c]"]
set result ${result}$c
"*" {
# puts stderr "Warning: unknown html mark $marked"
} else {
set result "$result$t"
set ok 0
return $result