Add collision radius

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Schiffer 2018-11-05 00:51:30 +01:00
parent 6a02ea105a
commit aee504be88
Signed by: neocturne
GPG key ID: 16EF3F64CB201D9C
2 changed files with 77 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ export class GameContext {
private readonly entityPos: vec2 = vec2.clone([6, 6]);
private readonly entityMovement: vec2 = vec2.create();
private readonly collisionRadius = 7 / 16;
private readonly walls: LineSegment[] = [
LineSegment.fromPoints(vec2.fromValues(1, 1), vec2.fromValues(11, 1)),
@ -99,10 +100,14 @@ export class GameContext {
const move = new Movement(this.entityPos, dest);
for (const w of this.walls) {
if (!w.collidesMove(dest2, move))
if (!w.collidesMoveCircle(dest2, move, this.collisionRadius))
if (!vec2.exactEquals(dest, dest2)) {
// Ensure termination
if (vec2.squaredDistance(this.entityPos, dest2) >= vec2.squaredDistance(this.entityPos, dest))
vec2.copy(dest, dest2);
rescan = true;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import { mat2, vec2 } from 'gl-matrix';
const rot90 = mat2.fromRotation(mat2.create(), Math.PI / 2);
const rot90 = mat2.fromValues(
0, 1,
-1, 0,
export function normal(out: vec2, a: vec2): vec2 {
return vec2.transformMat2(out, a, rot90);
@ -16,6 +19,10 @@ export class Line {
public readonly v: vec2,
) {}
public getNormal(out: vec2): vec2 {
return normal(out, this.v);
public projectPointDistance(p2: vec2): number {
const v2 = vec2.sub(vec2.create(), p2, this.p);
return, v2);
@ -55,6 +62,22 @@ export class Movement {
const d2 = d / crossz(this.v, l.v);
return vec2.scaleAndAdd(out, l.p, l.v, d2);
public passes(p: vec2): boolean {
const vp = vec2.sub(vec2.create(), p, this.p1);
const d =, vp);
return d >= 0 && d <= vec2.sqrLen(this.v);
public toLineSegment(): LineSegment {
return LineSegment.fromPoints(this.p1, this.p2);
public translate(t: vec2): Movement {
const p1 = vec2.add(vec2.create(), this.p1, t);
const p2 = vec2.add(vec2.create(), this.p2, t);
return new Movement(p1, p2);
export class LineSegment extends Line {
@ -98,4 +121,51 @@ export class LineSegment extends Line {
return true;
public collidesMoveCircle(out: vec2, move: Movement, r: number): boolean {
const t = this.getNormal(vec2.create());
vec2.scale(t, t, -r);
const refMove = move.translate(t);
const refOut = vec2.create();
if (this.collidesMove(refOut, refMove)) {
vec2.sub(out, refOut, t);
return true;
return this.collidesPointMoveCircle(out, move, r);
private collidesPointMoveCircle(out: vec2, move: Movement, r: number): boolean {
const moveLine = move.toLineSegment();
if (moveLine.projectPointDistance(this.p) < 0)
return false;
const d = moveLine.distancePoint(this.p) / r;
if (Math.abs(d) >= 1)
return false;
const e = Math.sqrt(1 - d * d);
const t = moveLine.getNormal(vec2.create());
vec2.scale(t, t, d);
vec2.scaleAndAdd(t, t, moveLine.v, e);
const tr = vec2.scale(vec2.create(), t, r);
const refMove = move.translate(tr);
if (vec2.sqrDist(this.p, move.p1) > r * r && !refMove.passes(this.p))
return false;
normal(t, t);
const tang = new Line(this.p, t);
tang.projectPoint(out, refMove.p2);
vec2.sub(out, out, tr);
return true;