2011-09-03 12:12:07 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2011-09-03 13:09:55 +02:00
module DynamicPerScreenWorkspaces ( screenWorkspaceStorage
, WorkspaceScreens
2011-09-03 12:12:07 +02:00
, DynamicWorkspaceConfig(..)
, dynamicRescreenHook
2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
, create
, cleanup
2011-09-03 13:43:11 +02:00
, focusWindow
2011-09-03 12:12:07 +02:00
, view
, viewOn
, viewOnCurrent
) where
import XMonad hiding (hide)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier (LayoutModifier(..), ModifiedLayout(..))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Storage
data DynamicWorkspaceStoreData = DWSD (M.Map Int ScreenId)
deriving (Typeable, Show, Read)
instance StoreData DynamicWorkspaceStoreData
screenWorkspaceStorage :: (LayoutClass l a) => l a -> ModifiedLayout (Storage DynamicWorkspaceStoreData) l a
screenWorkspaceStorage = storage (DWSD M.empty)
type WorkspaceScreens = Int -> Int -> ScreenId
data DynamicWorkspaceConfig = DynamicWorkspaceConfig
{ defaultWorkspaceScreen :: !WorkspaceScreens
, workspaceTag :: !(Int -> WorkspaceId)
defaultScreenWorkspaces :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> ScreenId -> [Int]
defaultScreenWorkspaces conf n s = filter ((== s) . defaultWorkspaceScreen conf n) [0..]
dynamicRescreenHook :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> [ScreenDetail] -> X ()
dynamicRescreenHook conf sds = do
layout <- asks $ layoutHook . config
2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
windows $ cleanup' . \wset -> let (as,bs) = splitAt (length sds) $ map W.workspace (W.current wset:W.visible wset)
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2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
mkWS i = let tag = workspaceTag conf i
in W.Workspace tag layout Nothing
mkScreen sid (Just ws) sd = W.Screen ws sid sd
mkScreen sid Nothing sd = W.Screen (mkWS $ nextEmpty' conf (length sds) sid wset) sid sd
(s:ss) = zipWith3 mkScreen (map S [0..]) (map Just as ++ repeat Nothing) sds
in wset {W.current = s, W.visible = ss, W.hidden = bs ++ W.hidden wset}
2011-09-03 12:12:07 +02:00
workspaceScreen :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> X ScreenId
workspaceScreen conf i = do
wset <- gets windowset
d <- getStoreData
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let defaultScreen = defaultWorkspaceScreen conf (length $ W.screens wset) i
return $ case d of
Just (DWSD wsscreens) -> do
case (M.lookup i wsscreens) of
Just s -> s
Nothing -> defaultScreen
_ ->
hide :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> WindowSet -> X WindowSet
hide conf i wset = gets (W.screens . windowset) >>= foldM (flip hideOn) wset
hideOn s | (workspaceTag conf i) == (W.tag $ W.workspace s) = viewNextEmpty conf (W.screen s)
hideOn _ = return
2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
cleanup' :: WindowSet -> WindowSet
cleanup' wset = wset { W.hidden = hidden' }
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hidden' = filter (isJust . W.stack) $ W.hidden wset
viewOn' :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> ScreenId -> Int -> WindowSet -> X WindowSet
viewOn' conf sid i wset = do
let tag = workspaceTag conf i
case W.tagMember tag wset of
False -> viewEmpty conf sid i wset
True -> do
wset' <- hide conf i wset
let mws = W.lookupWorkspace sid wset'
return $ case mws of
Just ws -> W.view tag . W.view ws $ wset'
Nothing -> wset'
2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
create' :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> ScreenId -> Int -> WindowSet -> X WindowSet
create' conf sid i wset = do
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layout <- asks $ layoutHook . config
let tag = workspaceTag conf i
workspace = W.Workspace tag layout Nothing
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return $ if W.tagMember tag wset then wset else wset { W.hidden = workspace:(W.hidden wset) }
viewEmpty :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> ScreenId -> Int -> WindowSet -> X WindowSet
viewEmpty conf sid i = create' conf sid i >=> viewOn' conf sid i
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nextEmpty' ::DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> ScreenId -> WindowSet -> Int
nextEmpty' conf n sid wset = fst $ head $ dropWhile ((`W.tagMember` wset) . snd) $ map (id &&& workspaceTag conf) $ defaultScreenWorkspaces conf n sid
nextEmpty :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> ScreenId -> WindowSet -> Int
nextEmpty conf sid wset = nextEmpty' conf (length $ W.screens wset) sid wset
viewNextEmpty :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> ScreenId -> WindowSet -> X WindowSet
viewNextEmpty conf sid wset = viewEmpty conf sid (nextEmpty conf sid wset) wset
windows' :: (WindowSet -> X WindowSet) -> X ()
windows' f = do
wset <- gets windowset
wset' <- f wset
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windows . const $ wset'
create :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> X ()
create conf i = do
sid <- workspaceScreen conf i
windows' $ create' conf sid i
cleanup :: X ()
cleanup = windows cleanup'
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2011-09-03 13:43:11 +02:00
focusWindow :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Window -> X ()
focusWindow conf w = do
wset <- gets windowset
let mws = W.findTag w wset
whenJust mws $ \ws -> do
let i = head $ filter ((== ws) . workspaceTag conf) [0..]
sid <- workspaceScreen conf i
windows' $ liftM (cleanup' . W.focusWindow w) . viewOn' conf sid i
2011-09-03 12:12:07 +02:00
view :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> X ()
view conf i = do
sid <- workspaceScreen conf i
2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
windows' $ liftM cleanup' . viewOn' conf sid i
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viewOn :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> ScreenId -> Int -> X ()
viewOn conf sid i = do
updateStoreData $ \(DWSD m) -> DWSD $ M.insert i sid m
2011-09-03 13:00:38 +02:00
windows' $ liftM cleanup' . viewOn' conf sid i
2011-09-03 12:12:07 +02:00
viewOnCurrent :: DynamicWorkspaceConfig -> Int -> X ()
viewOnCurrent conf i = do
sid <- gets (W.screen . W.current . windowset)
viewOn conf sid i