/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Felix Fietkau * Copyright (C) 2013 John Crispin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "procd.h" #include "service.h" #include "instance.h" #include "md5.h" enum { INSTANCE_ATTR_COMMAND, INSTANCE_ATTR_ENV, INSTANCE_ATTR_DATA, INSTANCE_ATTR_NETDEV, INSTANCE_ATTR_FILE, INSTANCE_ATTR_TRIGGER, INSTANCE_ATTR_NICE, __INSTANCE_ATTR_MAX }; static const struct blobmsg_policy instance_attr[__INSTANCE_ATTR_MAX] = { [INSTANCE_ATTR_COMMAND] = { "command", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, [INSTANCE_ATTR_ENV] = { "env", BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE }, [INSTANCE_ATTR_DATA] = { "data", BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE }, [INSTANCE_ATTR_NETDEV] = { "netdev", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, [INSTANCE_ATTR_FILE] = { "file", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, [INSTANCE_ATTR_TRIGGER] = { "triggers", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, [INSTANCE_ATTR_NICE] = { "nice", BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32 }, }; struct instance_netdev { struct blobmsg_list_node node; int ifindex; }; struct instance_file { struct blobmsg_list_node node; uint32_t md5[4]; }; static void instance_run(struct service_instance *in) { struct blobmsg_list_node *var; struct blob_attr *cur; char **argv; int argc = 1; /* NULL terminated */ int rem, fd; if (in->nice) setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, in->nice); blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, in->command, rem) argc++; blobmsg_list_for_each(&in->env, var) setenv(blobmsg_name(var->data), blobmsg_data(var->data), 1); argv = alloca(sizeof(char *) * argc); argc = 0; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, in->command, rem) argv[argc++] = blobmsg_data(cur); argv[argc] = NULL; fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (fd > -1) { dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) close(fd); } execvp(argv[0], argv); exit(127); } void instance_start(struct service_instance *in) { int pid; if (in->proc.pending) return; in->restart = false; if (!in->valid) return; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) return; if (!pid) { uloop_done(); instance_run(in); return; } DEBUG(1, "Started instance %s::%s\n", in->srv->name, in->name); in->proc.pid = pid; uloop_process_add(&in->proc); } static void instance_timeout(struct uloop_timeout *t) { struct service_instance *in; in = container_of(t, struct service_instance, timeout); kill(in->proc.pid, SIGKILL); uloop_process_delete(&in->proc); in->proc.cb(&in->proc, -1); } static void instance_exit(struct uloop_process *p, int ret) { struct service_instance *in; in = container_of(p, struct service_instance, proc); DEBUG(1, "Instance %s::%s exit with error code %d\n", in->srv->name, in->name, ret); uloop_timeout_cancel(&in->timeout); if (in->restart) instance_start(in); } void instance_stop(struct service_instance *in, bool restart) { if (!in->proc.pending) return; kill(in->proc.pid, SIGTERM); } static bool instance_config_changed(struct service_instance *in, struct service_instance *in_new) { if (!in->valid) return true; if (!blob_attr_equal(in->command, in_new->command)) return true; if (!blobmsg_list_equal(&in->env, &in_new->env)) return true; if (!blobmsg_list_equal(&in->data, &in_new->data)) return true; if (!blobmsg_list_equal(&in->netdev, &in_new->netdev)) return true; if (!blobmsg_list_equal(&in->file, &in_new->file)) return true; if (in->nice != in_new->nice) return true; return false; } static bool instance_netdev_cmp(struct blobmsg_list_node *l1, struct blobmsg_list_node *l2) { struct instance_netdev *n1 = container_of(l1, struct instance_netdev, node); struct instance_netdev *n2 = container_of(l2, struct instance_netdev, node); return n1->ifindex == n2->ifindex; } static void instance_netdev_update(struct blobmsg_list_node *l) { struct instance_netdev *n = container_of(l, struct instance_netdev, node); n->ifindex = if_nametoindex(n->node.avl.key); } static bool instance_file_cmp(struct blobmsg_list_node *l1, struct blobmsg_list_node *l2) { struct instance_file *f1 = container_of(l1, struct instance_file, node); struct instance_file *f2 = container_of(l2, struct instance_file, node); return !memcmp(f1->md5, f2->md5, sizeof(f1->md5)); } static void instance_file_update(struct blobmsg_list_node *l) { struct instance_file *f = container_of(l, struct instance_file, node); md5_ctx_t md5; char buf[256]; int len, fd; memset(f->md5, 0, sizeof(f->md5)); fd = open(l->avl.key, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return; md5_begin(&md5); do { len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } if (!len) break; md5_hash(buf, len, &md5); } while(1); md5_end(f->md5, &md5); close(fd); } static bool instance_fill_array(struct blobmsg_list *l, struct blob_attr *cur, blobmsg_update_cb cb, bool array) { struct blobmsg_list_node *node; if (!cur) return true; if (!blobmsg_check_attr_list(cur, BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING)) return false; blobmsg_list_fill(l, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_data_len(cur), array); if (cb) { blobmsg_list_for_each(l, node) cb(node); } return true; } static bool instance_config_parse(struct service_instance *in) { struct blob_attr *tb[__INSTANCE_ATTR_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur, *cur2; int argc = 0; int rem; blobmsg_parse(instance_attr, __INSTANCE_ATTR_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(in->config), blobmsg_data_len(in->config)); cur = tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_COMMAND]; if (!cur) return false; if (!blobmsg_check_attr_list(cur, BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING)) return false; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur2, cur, rem) { argc++; break; } if (!argc) return false; in->command = cur; in->trigger = tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_TRIGGER]; if (in->trigger) { trigger_add(in->trigger, in); } if ((cur = tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_NICE])) { in->nice = (int8_t) blobmsg_get_u32(cur); if (in->nice < -20 || in->nice > 20) return false; } if (!instance_fill_array(&in->env, tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_ENV], NULL, false)) return false; if (!instance_fill_array(&in->data, tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_DATA], NULL, false)) return false; if (!instance_fill_array(&in->netdev, tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_NETDEV], instance_netdev_update, true)) return false; if (!instance_fill_array(&in->file, tb[INSTANCE_ATTR_FILE], instance_file_update, true)) return false; return true; } static void instance_config_cleanup(struct service_instance *in) { blobmsg_list_free(&in->env); blobmsg_list_free(&in->data); blobmsg_list_free(&in->netdev); } static void instance_config_move(struct service_instance *in, struct service_instance *in_src) { instance_config_cleanup(in); blobmsg_list_move(&in->env, &in_src->env); blobmsg_list_move(&in->data, &in_src->data); blobmsg_list_move(&in->netdev, &in_src->netdev); in->trigger = in_src->trigger; in->command = in_src->command; in->name = in_src->name; in->node.avl.key = in_src->node.avl.key; free(in->config); in->config = in_src->config; in_src->config = NULL; } bool instance_update(struct service_instance *in, struct service_instance *in_new) { bool changed = instance_config_changed(in, in_new); bool running = in->proc.pending; if (!changed && running) return false; if (!running) { if (changed) instance_config_move(in, in_new); instance_start(in); } else { in->restart = true; instance_stop(in, true); instance_config_move(in, in_new); } return true; } void instance_free(struct service_instance *in) { uloop_process_delete(&in->proc); uloop_timeout_cancel(&in->timeout); trigger_del(in); instance_config_cleanup(in); free(in->config); free(in); } void instance_init(struct service_instance *in, struct service *s, struct blob_attr *config) { config = blob_memdup(config); in->srv = s; in->name = blobmsg_name(config); in->config = config; in->timeout.cb = instance_timeout; in->proc.cb = instance_exit; blobmsg_list_init(&in->netdev, struct instance_netdev, node, instance_netdev_cmp); blobmsg_list_init(&in->file, struct instance_file, node, instance_file_cmp); blobmsg_list_simple_init(&in->env); blobmsg_list_simple_init(&in->data); in->valid = instance_config_parse(in); } void instance_dump(struct blob_buf *b, struct service_instance *in, int verbose) { void *i; i = blobmsg_open_table(b, in->name); blobmsg_add_u8(b, "running", in->proc.pending); if (in->proc.pending) blobmsg_add_u32(b, "pid", in->proc.pid); blobmsg_add_blob(b, in->command); if (verbose && in->trigger) blobmsg_add_blob(b, in->trigger); blobmsg_close_table(b, i); }