Uses of Class

Packages that use GameState

Uses of GameState in jrummikub.control

Fields in jrummikub.control declared as GameState
protected  GameState GameControl.gameState
private  GameState SaveControl.gameState

Fields in jrummikub.control with type parameters of type GameState
private  Event3<GameSettings,GameState,IRoundState> SaveControl.loadEvent

Methods in jrummikub.control that return types with arguments of type GameState
 IEvent3<GameSettings,GameState,IRoundState> SaveControl.getLoadEvent()
          Getter for loadEvent

Methods in jrummikub.control with parameters of type GameState
 void GameControl.continueGame(GameState gameState, IRoundState roundState)
          Continues game after loading
 void SaveControl.setGameState(GameState gameState)
          Sets the current game state

Uses of GameState in jrummikub.model

Fields in jrummikub.model declared as GameState
private  GameState RoundState.gameState

Methods in jrummikub.model that return GameState
 GameState IRoundState.getGameState()
          Returns the game state
 GameState RoundState.getGameState()

Constructors in jrummikub.model with parameters of type GameState
RoundState(GameSettings gameSettings, GameState gameState)
          Create a new RoundState with an empty table