Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStoneTray

Uses of IStoneTray in jrummikub.model

Subinterfaces of IStoneTray in jrummikub.model
 interface IHand
          Interface for the Hand model
 interface ITable
          Interface for the Table model

Classes in jrummikub.model that implement IStoneTray
 class Hand
          Class managing a Player's Stones
 class StoneTray<E extends Sizeable>
          A StoneTray is a collection of positioned objects (for example Stones or StoneSets.
 class Table
          Class administering the Stones on the game-Table

Methods in jrummikub.model that return IStoneTray
 IStoneTray<E> StoneTray.clone()
 IStoneTray<E> IStoneTray.clone()
          Create a clone of the StoneTray