Uses of Class

Packages that use Position

Uses of Position in jrummikub.control

Method parameters in jrummikub.control with type arguments of type Position
 int<Stone,Position> pair1, Pair<Stone,Position> pair2)
 int<Stone,Position> pair1, Pair<Stone,Position> pair2)

Uses of Position in jrummikub.model

Fields in jrummikub.model with type parameters of type Position
protected  java.util.HashMap<E,Pair<E,Position>> StoneTray.objects

Methods in jrummikub.model that return Position
 Position StoneTray.getPosition(E object)
 Position IStoneTray.getPosition(E object)
          Returns the position of an object that is already on the tray

Methods in jrummikub.model that return types with arguments of type Position
protected  Pair<Position,StoneTray.Direction> StoneTray.fixInvalidDrop(E object, Position pos, StoneTray.Direction dir)
          Checks whether the object may be placed on the given position, computes new position if not
protected  Pair<Position,StoneTray.Direction> Hand.fixInvalidDrop(Stone stone, Position pos, StoneTray.Direction dir)
 java.util.Iterator<Pair<E,Position>> StoneTray.iterator()

Methods in jrummikub.model with parameters of type Position
 void StoneTray.drop(E object, Position position)
 void IStoneTray.drop(E object, Position position)
          Adds object to the tray
protected  Pair<Position,StoneTray.Direction> StoneTray.fixInvalidDrop(E object, Position pos, StoneTray.Direction dir)
          Checks whether the object may be placed on the given position, computes new position if not
protected  Pair<Position,StoneTray.Direction> Hand.fixInvalidDrop(Stone stone, Position pos, StoneTray.Direction dir)

Uses of Position in jrummikub.view

Methods in jrummikub.view that return types with arguments of type Position
 IEvent1<Position> IClickable.getClickEvent()
          the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.

Method parameters in jrummikub.view with type arguments of type Position
 void IHandPanel.setStones(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> stones)
          Set the player's stones to display on the board
 void ITablePanel.setStoneSets(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<StoneSet,Position>> stoneSets)
          Sets the stone sets lying on the table

Uses of Position in jrummikub.view.impl

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl that return Position
 Position StonePainter.calculatePosition(int x, int y)

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl that return types with arguments of type Position
 Event1<Position> AbstractStonePanel.getClickEvent()
protected  java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> AbstractStonePanel.getStones()
          Returns the list of stones and positions currently set

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl with parameters of type Position
protected  boolean AbstractStonePanel.handleOtherClickEvent(Position pos)
          Overwrite this method to signal if special zone was clicked
protected  boolean StoneCollectionPanel.handleOtherClickEvent(Position pos)
protected  boolean TablePanel.handleOtherClickEvent(Position pos)
protected  void AbstractStonePanel.handleOtherMoveEvent(Position pos)
          Overwrite this method to signal if special zone was hovered
protected  void TablePanel.handleOtherMoveEvent(Position pos)
 void StonePainter.paintStone(java.awt.Graphics2D g, Stone stone, Position p, boolean selected, boolean hovered)
          Paints a stone

Method parameters in jrummikub.view.impl with type arguments of type Position
protected  void AbstractStonePanel.setStones(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> stones)
          Sets the list of stones that can be clicked on
 void HandPanel.setStones(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> stones)
 void TablePanel.setStoneSets(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<StoneSet,Position>> stoneSets)