Package jrummikub.view

Interface Summary
IClickable An interface for view elements that can emit click events
IConnectPanel Panel shown during connection process and showing errors
IGameListPanel Panel showing all offered games in the chosen channel
IHandPanel The view for a player's hand that displays his stones
ILoginPanel LoginPanel for network game
IPlayerPanel The player panel that contains a player's board and other user interfaces
IQuitWarningPanel Warning panel shown to if the emitted event would cancel the current game
IScorePanel The panel the scores are displayed in
ISettingsPanel The panel for the game setup
ISidePanel Side panel to show all players and relevant player information in round order, game settings and stone heap size
IStoneCollectionPanel The view of the collection that shows the stones a player has selected
IStonePanel An interface for view elements that can emit click events for clicks on stones
ITablePanel The view of the table, where the stone sets lie
IView The top-level view interface

Enum Summary
IQuitWarningPanel.QuitMode Enum summarizing the different events invoking the quit warning panel
ISettingsPanel.SettingsError Specifies the different kinds of settings errors that can be displayed
ISettingsPanel.SettingsMode SettingsPanel can be used with different functions in different situations
IView.BottomPanelType Different types of bottom panels
LoginError Enum summarizing the different kinds of login errors