Uses of Class

Packages that use StoneColor   

Uses of StoneColor in

Fields in declared as StoneColor
(package private)  StoneColor TurnLogic.StoneState.color
private  StoneColor TurnLogic.maxColor
private  StoneColor TurnLogic.minColor

Fields in with type parameters of type StoneColor
private  java.util.ArrayList<StoneColor> TurnLogic.stoneColors

Uses of StoneColor in jrummikub.model

Fields in jrummikub.model declared as StoneColor
private  StoneColor Stone.color

Fields in jrummikub.model with type parameters of type StoneColor
private static java.util.Comparator<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>> Hand.comparator
          The measure to compare the stones by
private  java.util.HashSet<StoneColor> GameSettings.stoneColors

Methods in jrummikub.model that return StoneColor
 StoneColor Stone.getColor()
          Returns the color of the stone.
static StoneColor StoneColor.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static StoneColor[] StoneColor.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in jrummikub.model that return types with arguments of type StoneColor
private static Pair<java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer>,java.lang.Integer> Hand.countStones(java.util.List<Stone> stones)
          Counts the numbers of stones
 java.util.Set<StoneColor> GameSettings.getStoneColors()
          Get stone colors used

Method parameters in jrummikub.model with type arguments of type StoneColor
private static void Hand.incrementStoneCount(java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer> stones, Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor> stone)
          Increments the count of a stone in the list of all stones
private static void Hand.incrementStoneCount(java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer> stones, Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor> stone)
          Increments the count of a stone in the list of all stones
 void GameSettings.setStoneColors(java.util.Set<StoneColor> stoneColors)
          Set stone colors used

Constructors in jrummikub.model with parameters of type StoneColor
Stone(int value, StoneColor color)
          Creates a normal stone of a given color and value
Stone(StoneColor color)
          Creates a joker of the given color.

Uses of StoneColor in jrummikub.view

Methods in jrummikub.view that return types with arguments of type StoneColor
 IEvent1<java.util.Set<StoneColor>> ISettingsPanel.getChangeStoneColorsEvent()
          The change Stone colors event is emitted when the user chooses the stone colors to play with.

Uses of StoneColor in jrummikub.view.impl

Fields in jrummikub.view.impl with type parameters of type StoneColor
private  Event1<java.util.Set<StoneColor>> SettingsPanel.changeStoneColorsEvent
private  java.util.Map<StoneColor,javax.swing.JToggleButton> SettingsPanel.colorButtons
private  java.util.Map<StonePainter.StoneState,java.util.Map<StoneColor,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.awt.image.BufferedImage>>> StonePainter.defaultStones
private  java.util.Map<StonePainter.StoneState,java.util.Map<StoneColor,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.awt.image.BufferedImage>>> StonePainter.hoveredStones

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl that return types with arguments of type StoneColor
 IEvent1<java.util.Set<StoneColor>> SettingsPanel.getChangeStoneColorsEvent()

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl with parameters of type StoneColor
private  void SettingsPanel.createColorButton(StoneColor color)
(package private) static java.awt.Color StonePainter.getColor(StoneColor color)
private  java.awt.image.BufferedImage StonePainter.getStoneImage(StoneColor color, int value, StonePainter.StoneState state, boolean hovered)