Uses of Class

Packages that use Pair

Uses of Pair in jrummikub.control

Methods in jrummikub.control that return Pair
private static Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> RoundControl.updateBestScore(Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> bestScore, int stonePoints, int size)
          Update the best score to find the winner in case of special game end (everybody still has stones on hand)

Methods in jrummikub.control with parameters of type Pair
private static Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> RoundControl.updateBestScore(Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> bestScore, int stonePoints, int size)
          Update the best score to find the winner in case of special game end (everybody still has stones on hand)

Uses of Pair in jrummikub.control.turn

Methods in jrummikub.control.turn with parameters of type Pair
 int<Stone,Position> pair1, Pair<Stone,Position> pair2)
 int<Stone,Position> pair1, Pair<Stone,Position> pair2)

Uses of Pair in jrummikub.model

Fields in jrummikub.model with type parameters of type Pair
private static java.util.Comparator<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>> Hand.comparator
          The measure to compare the stones by
protected  java.util.HashMap<E,Pair<E,Position>> StoneTray.objects

Methods in jrummikub.model that return Pair
 Pair<StoneSet.Type,java.lang.Integer> StoneSet.classify(GameSettings settings)
          Test for rule conflict within the StoneSet and determine whether the set is a group or a run
private  Pair<StoneSet.Type,java.lang.Integer> StoneSet.classifyJokersOnly(GameSettings settings)
          Test for rule conflict within a StoneSet with jokers only and determine whether the set is a group or a run
private static Pair<java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer>,java.lang.Integer> Hand.countStones(java.util.List<Stone> stones)
          Counts the numbers of stones
protected  Pair<Position,StoneTray.Direction> StoneTray.fixInvalidDrop(E object, Position pos, StoneTray.Direction dir)
          Checks whether the object may be placed on the given position, computes new position if not
protected  Pair<Position,StoneTray.Direction> Hand.fixInvalidDrop(Stone stone, Position pos, StoneTray.Direction dir)
 Pair<StoneSet,StoneSet> StoneSet.splitAt(int position)
          Splits the StoneSet at a specified Position and returns two new Stone Sets

Methods in jrummikub.model that return types with arguments of type Pair
private static Pair<java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer>,java.lang.Integer> Hand.countStones(java.util.List<Stone> stones)
          Counts the numbers of stones
 java.util.Iterator<Pair<E,Position>> StoneTray.iterator()

Methods in jrummikub.model with parameters of type Pair
private  StoneTray.Direction StoneTray.getMoveDirection(E object, Position position, Pair<E,Position> blocking)
          Returns the direction to move the object in
private  boolean StoneTray.getMoveOrientation(E object, Position position, Pair<E,Position> blocking)
          Will the object be moved horizontally or vertically
private static void Hand.incrementStoneCount(java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer> stones, Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor> stone)
          Increments the count of a stone in the list of all stones

Method parameters in jrummikub.model with type arguments of type Pair
private static void Hand.incrementStoneCount(java.util.TreeMap<Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor>,java.lang.Integer> stones, Pair<java.lang.Integer,StoneColor> stone)
          Increments the count of a stone in the list of all stones

Uses of Pair in jrummikub.view

Method parameters in jrummikub.view with type arguments of type Pair
 void IHandPanel.setStones(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> stones)
          Set the player's stones to display on the board
 void ITablePanel.setStoneSets(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<StoneSet,Position>> stoneSets)
          Sets the stone sets lying on the table

Uses of Pair in jrummikub.view.impl

Fields in jrummikub.view.impl with type parameters of type Pair
private  java.util.List<Pair<StoneSet,Position>> TablePanel.pauseStoneSets
private  java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> AbstractStonePanel.stones
private  java.lang.Iterable<Pair<StoneSet,Position>> TablePanel.stoneSets

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl that return Pair
private static Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> GameListPanel.getPlayerSlotCount(GameData gameData)
          Counts the empty slots for network players in a game
protected  Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> StoneCollectionPanel.getTranslation()
 Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> HandPanel.getTranslation()
protected  Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> TablePanel.getTranslation()
protected  Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> AbstractStonePanel.getTranslation()
          Returns the translation in pixels the stones in this panel are painted with

Methods in jrummikub.view.impl that return types with arguments of type Pair
private  java.util.List<Pair<Stone,Position>> View.createDecorationStones()
protected  java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> AbstractStonePanel.getStones()
          Returns the list of stones and positions currently set

Method parameters in jrummikub.view.impl with type arguments of type Pair
 void HandPanel.setStones(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> stones)
protected  void AbstractStonePanel.setStones(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<Stone,Position>> stones)
          Sets the list of stones that can be clicked on
 void TablePanel.setStoneSets(java.lang.Iterable<Pair<StoneSet,Position>> stoneSets)