Interface IStonePanel

All Known Subinterfaces:
IHandPanel, IStoneCollectionPanel, ITablePanel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStonePanel, HandPanel, StoneCollectionPanel, TablePanel

public interface IStonePanel

An interface for view elements that can emit click events for clicks on stones

Method Summary
 IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getRangeClickEvent()
          the range click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a range instead of a single stone
 IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getSetClickEvent()
          the set click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a whole set instead of a single stone
 IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getStoneClickEvent()
          the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.

Method Detail


IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getStoneClickEvent()
the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.

the event; the first parameter is the position of the click in grid coordinates, the second is true when the player wants to add stones to his selection instead of replacing them


IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getRangeClickEvent()
the range click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a range instead of a single stone

the event; the first parameter is the position of the click in grid coordinates, the second is true when the player wants to add stones to his selection instead of replacing them


IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getSetClickEvent()
the set click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a whole set instead of a single stone

the event; the first parameter is the position of the click in grid coordinates, the second is true when the player wants to add stones to his selection instead of replacing them