Interface IStonePanel

All Known Subinterfaces:
IHandPanel, IStoneCollectionPanel, ITablePanel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStonePanel, HandPanel, StoneCollectionPanel, TablePanel

public interface IStonePanel

An interface for view elements that can emit click events for clicks on stones

Method Summary
 IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getRangeClickEvent()
          the range click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc.
 IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getSetClickEvent()
          the set click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc.
 IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getStoneClickEvent()
          the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.

Method Detail


IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getStoneClickEvent()
the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.

the event; the first parameter is the stone that was clicked on, the second is true when the player wants to add stones to his selection instead of replacing them


IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getRangeClickEvent()
the range click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a range instead of a single stone

the event; the first parameter is the stone that was clicked on, the second is true when the player wants to add stones to his selection instead of replacing them


IEvent2<Stone,java.lang.Boolean> getSetClickEvent()
the set click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a whole set instead of a single stone

the event; the first parameter the stone that was clicked on, the second is true when the player wants to add stones to his selection instead of replacing them