path: root/README.dbk
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ <articleinfo>
+ <title>MAP66 (NAT from IPv6 to IPv6, NAT66) for Linux</title>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Sven-Ola</firstname>
+ <surname>Tücke</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <orgname>Freifunk</orgname>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <pubdate>06-OCT-2010</pubdate>
+ </articleinfo>
+ <para>These files implement a Linux netfilter target to change the IPv6
+ address of packets. The address change is done checksum neutral, thus no
+ checksum re-calculation for the IPv6 packet is necessary. You can change the
+ IPv6 source address of outgoing packets as well as the IPv6 destination
+ address of incoming packets. This allows you to map an internal IPv6 address
+ range to a second, externally used IPv6 address range. IPv6 address mapping
+ is not very similar to IPv4 network address translation, but one can
+ describe it as some sort of stateless NAT. The implmementation is based on
+ the expired the IETF discussion paper published here:</para>
+ <para><ulink
+ url=""></ulink></para>
+ <section>
+ <title>Installation</title>
+ <para>MAP66 implements two pieces of software: a shared library that
+ extends the ip6tables command and a Linux kernel module. The shared
+ library file adds the '-j MAP66' target to the ip6tables command. To build
+ and install, you need ip6tables installed as well as the necessary
+ headers. The Linux kernel module requires the Linux source file tree and
+ Linux configuration files to compile. On a Debian/(EKU)buntu, the
+ following command prepares the build environment:</para>
+ <programlisting>sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers iptables-dev</programlisting>
+ <para>Unpack the source tgz archive, change to the directory and issue
+ "make" to build. If this compiles without errors, install the ip6tables
+ extension with the following command:</para>
+ <programlisting>sudo make install</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>The kernel module (<filename>ip6t_MAP66.ko</filename> for
+ Linux-2.6 or <filename>ip6t_MAP66.o</filename> for Linux-2.4) is not
+ automatically installed nor loaded into the kernel. You can copy the
+ kernel module file manually, e.g. with <userinput>sudo cp ip6t_MAP66.ko
+ /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/</userinput>. </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>DKMS integration</title>
+ <para>If the next system update needs to install a new kernel version, you
+ also need to re-compile/re-install the MAP66 kernel module. With
+ Debian/(EKU)buntu, this can be automated with the Dynamic Kernel Module
+ Support Framework (DKMS). For this, the dkms.conf file is included with
+ the MAP66 source file package. Install DKMS with the following
+ command:</para>
+ <programlisting>sudo apt-get install dkms</programlisting>
+ <para>Move/unpack the MAP66 source files below /usr/src and adapt the
+ directory name to the version mentioned in the dkms.conf file. For
+ example, issue "mkdir /usr/src/ip6t_MAP66-0.3" and "cp *
+ /usr/src/ip6t_MAP66-0.3/". To register the MAP66 source to DKMS and
+ compile/install, issue these commands:</para>
+ <programlisting>sudo dkms add -m ip6t_MAP66 -v 0.3
+sudo dkms build -m ip6t_MAP66 -v 0.3
+sudo dkms install -m ip6t_MAP66 -v 0.3</programlisting>
+ <para>Read DKMS details here: <ulink
+ url="Read DKMS details here:"></ulink></para>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Configuration</title>
+ <para>Note for me: svn propedit svn:ignore.</para>
+ <para>Note: on ubuntu, you need to enable prefer-family in /etc/wgetrc.
+ after this e.g. "wget -O /dev/null" should
+ connect to the IPv6 addrs of that server.</para>
+ <para>/etc/gai.conf</para>
+ <para>for wget --prefer-family=IPv6 -O - one needs
+ ip6tables -t mangle -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS
+ --clamp-mss-to-pmtu </para>
+ <para>Mention --nocheck for speedup (if you do not expect the outer iface
+ in the mapping range) </para>
+ <para>Fieses zeugs: ein sixxs und ein 6to4. Kommt rein via sixxs, geht
+ raus ueber 6to4 wenn ping von einem anderen 6to4-rechner (route hat
+ 2002::/16)! Ping geht, ssh aber nicht == boinks kann evnt. mit TOS
+ markiert werden und mit einer policyroute aussortiert. Brrr. </para>
+ <para>Idea to think about: --salt 3b5b91c5a2 XOR client addresses for some
+ more privacy </para>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Motivation</title>
+ <para>My internet access at home is realized by a wireless community mesh
+ network not owned by me. The mesh is operated with small embedded devices
+ (nodes aka. WLAN routers) that are interconnected via radio links (WLAN
+ IBSS / AdHoc). Routing is done with a specialized protocol such as Batman
+ or OLSR. The routing protocol selects the nearest out of a dozen Internet
+ gateways and configures a default route or an ipip tunnel accordingly.
+ Each Internet gateway is connected to a different ISP and provides the
+ service with the help of IPv4 network address translation (NAT). Using NAT
+ has the following effects:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Address amplification - something not necessary with IPv6 any
+ more</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Anonymization - nice to have as an option but not mission
+ critical</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>ISP independance - no reverse routing, no
+ "buy-a-number-range"</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>The last point _is_ mission critical. One can use a provider
+ independant IPv6 address range, but you need the cooperation of an ISP to
+ use that address range for Internet connectivity. If you e.g. move to
+ another ISP you need that address range to be re-routed to your new
+ location.</para>
+ <para>ISP independance is also possible with some tunneling technique,
+ such as VPN or mobile IP. Tunneling can be implemented on client PCs and
+ Internet gateways/servers one day. But there is no need to implement the
+ same tunneling technique on every mesh node. Why? Because the mesh nodes
+ can use private IP adresses (or "ULA") to transport the tunnel data
+ between the client PC and the gateway/server. Each tunneling technique
+ typically needs a single instance (the "server") which forms a single
+ point of failure. Rule-of-thumb1: avoid a SPOF for the infrastructure.
+ Rule-of-thumb2: KISS.</para>
+ <para>Using private IP addresses on the mesh nodes has a drawback: mesh
+ node software updates e.g. via http downloads from an Internet server is
+ not possible. This is where I start to think: "hey, some kind of address
+ mapping may be nice to have". While opening pandoras NAT66 box, I
+ discovered that IPv6 nerds do not like the acronym. It is always a good
+ tactic in infowars to rename, hence the name "MAP66".</para>
+ <para>// Sven-Ola</para>
+ </section>