path: root/doc/sbase/dtd/birddoc.dtd
diff options
authorMartin Mares <>2000-05-29 14:05:21 +0200
committerMartin Mares <>2000-05-29 14:05:21 +0200
commit04a22949d7f63d6979642e41ded0f61d7a477980 (patch)
treed9b36d9e3507466b5c8daf06f9d292ec2ab7716f /doc/sbase/dtd/birddoc.dtd
parent897cd7aa559033aae99281e569a5153a22a952f9 (diff)
Renamed the DTD from linuxdoc to birddoc.
Pavel, please check whether it builds in your environment as well.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sbase/dtd/birddoc.dtd')
1 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sbase/dtd/birddoc.dtd b/doc/sbase/dtd/birddoc.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee74ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/dtd/birddoc.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+<!-- This is a DTD, but will be read as -*- sgml -*- -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- $Id$
+This was heavilly modified for use with bird! Don't you dare to use it
+anywhere else. <>
+ This was LINUXDOC.DTD,
+ a hacked version of QWERTZ.DTD v1.3 by Matt Welsh,
+ Greg Hankins, Eric Raymond, Marc Baudoin and
+ Tristan Debeaupuis; modified from QWERTZ.DTD by
+ Tom Gordon.
+ $Log$
+ Revision 1.1 2000-05-29 12:05:21 mj
+ Renamed the DTD from linuxdoc to birddoc.
+ Pavel, please check whether it builds in your environment as well.
+ Revision 1.1 2000/05/11 12:00:36 pavel
+ Critical files from linuxdoc1 distribution checked in.
+ Revision 1.8 1998/06/26 19:41:11 cg
+ * Add (La)TeX logos. (NJ)
+ Revision 1.7 1998/03/22 10:39:08 cg
+ * Corrected "isoent" entity reference in DTD. (CdG)
+ Revision 1.6 1998/01/08 19:48:20 cg
+ * Added "invisible" index tags <nidx> and <ncdx>. (SM/CdG)
+ Revision 1.5 1997/11/23 21:04:37 cg
+ * Added <file> tag to all DTDs and documented it (ESR)
+ * Added <idx> and <cdx> to linuxdoc97 and sgmltool DTDs (ESR)
+ * Arrange for <htmlurl> to call \url in the LaTeX back end (ESR)
+ Revision 1.4 1997/11/21 22:58:13 cg
+ * Allow [ and ] to be used inside <tag></tag>. (ESR)
+ Revision 1.3 1997/11/12 21:47:24 cg
+ * Manually modified the Log entry in linuxdoc96.dtd. It contained SGML
+ comments, and nested comments won't go... (CdG)
+ Revision 1.2 1997/11/11 20:50:22 cg
+ * First pass at conditionals. This version is implemented with magic comments
+ <!- if -> and <!- unless ->. (ESR)
+ * The generic options processing now includes the -D option to pass in an
+ attribute/value pair for conditionals. This meant the -D option in
+ sgml2html had to be changed, it's now -h. (ESR)
+ Revision 1.1 1997/07/09 13:27:19 cg
+ * Completely new DTD setup by Bernd (BK).
+ -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- Revision Comments -->
+<!-- ESR/97/11/17: Added file tag. -->
+<!-- ESR/97/11/11: Removed the crude and undocumented
+ conditionalization features in this DTD. They
+ weren't in the original linuxdoc 1.3 DTD, and are
+ superseded by the new if/unless facility. -->
+<!-- BK/97/05/09: this is the original Linuxdoc DTD,
+ as of SGML Tools 0.99.0. It is not longer
+ supported. Use only if in dire need, for backwards
+ compabitlity. Backend support for undocumented
+ QWERTZ leftovers not in the strict Linuxdoc DTD's
+ is not guaranteed. -->
+<!-- BK/97/06/06: finally applied changes proposed by
+ Ken MacLeod to dtd/catalog (PUBLIC). Removed
+ the duplicated linuxdoc96 element name. -->
+<!-- BK/97/06/22: replaced entire content with DTD
+ from 0.99.12 release - I am not going to maintain
+ any changes to this, just replacing. -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!entity % emph
+ " em|it|bf|sf|sl|tt|cf|m|cparam " >
+<!entity % index "idx|cdx|nidx|ncdx" >
+<!-- url added by HG; htmlurl added by esr -->
+<!entity % xref
+ " label|ref|pageref|cite|url|htmlurl|ncite " >
+<!entity % inline
+ " (#pcdata | f| x| %emph; |sq| %xref | %index | file )* " >
+<!entity % list
+ " list | itemize | enum | descrip " >
+<!entity % par
+ " %list; | comment | lq | quote | tscreen " >
+<!entity % mathpar " dm | eq " >
+<!entity % thrm
+ " def | prop | lemma | coroll | proof | theorem " >
+<!entity % litprog " code | verb " >
+<!entity % sectpar
+ " %par; | figure | tabular | table | %mathpar; |
+ %thrm; | %litprog; ">
+<!element birddoc o o
+ (sect | chapt | article | report |
+ book | letter | telefax | slides | notes | manpage ) >
+<!-- `general' entity replaced with ISO entities - kwm -->
+<!entity % isoent system "isoent">
+<!entity urlnam sdata "urlnam" >
+<!entity refnam sdata "refnam" >
+<!entity tex sdata "[tex ]" >
+<!entity latex sdata "[latex ]" >
+<!entity latexe sdata "[latexe]" >
+<!entity tm sdata "[trade ]" >
+<!entity dquot sdata "[quot ]" >
+<!entity ero sdata "[amp ]" >
+<!entity etago '</' >
+<!entity Ae '&Auml;' >
+<!entity ae '&auml;' >
+<!entity Oe '&Ouml;' >
+<!entity oe '&ouml;' >
+<!entity Ue '&Uuml;' >
+<!entity ue '&uuml;' >
+<!entity sz '&szlig;' >
+<!element p o o (( %inline | %sectpar )+) +(newline) >
+<!entity ptag '<p>' >
+<!entity psplit '</p><p>' >
+<!shortref pmap
+ "&#RS;B" null
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" psplit
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" psplit
+-- '"' qtag --
+ "[" lsqb
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar >
+<!usemap pmap p>
+<!element em - - (%inline)>
+<!element bf - - (%inline)>
+<!element it - - (%inline)>
+<!element sf - - (%inline)>
+<!element sl - - (%inline)>
+<!element tt - - (%inline)>
+<!element cf - - (%inline)>
+<!element m - - (%inline)>
+<!element sq - - (%inline)>
+<!element cparam - - (%inline)>
+<!entity ftag '<f>' -- formula begin -- >
+<!entity qendtag '</sq>'>
+<!shortref sqmap
+ "&#RS;B" null
+-- '"' qendtag --
+ "[" lsqb
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar >
+<!usemap sqmap sq >
+<!element lq - - (p*)>
+<!element quote - - ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*)+ >
+<!element tscreen - - ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*)+ >
+<!element itemize - - (item+)>
+<!element enum - - (item+)>
+<!element list - - (item+)>
+<!-- What a mess. The following is here to clean up problems with
+ paragraph breaks in a descrip. I can think of cases where this might
+ break, but it seems to work. mdw -->
+<!shortref desmap
+ "&#RS;B" null
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" ptag
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" ptag
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "[" lsqb
+ "]" rsqb
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar >
+<!element descrip - - (tag?, p+)+ >
+<!usemap desmap descrip>
+<!element item o o ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*) >
+<!element tag - o (%inline)>
+<!usemap desmap tag>
+<!usemap global (list,itemize,enum)>
+<!entity space " ">
+<!entity null "">
+<!shortref bodymap
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" ptag
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" ptag
+ '"' qtag
+ "[" lsqb
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar>
+<!element figure - - ((eps | ph ), img*, caption?)>
+<!attlist figure
+ loc cdata "tbp"
+ caption cdata "Caption">
+<!-- eps attributes added by mb and td -->
+<!element eps - o empty >
+<!attlist eps
+ file cdata #required
+ height cdata "5cm"
+ angle cdata "0">
+<!element ph - o empty >
+<!attlist ph
+ vspace cdata #required>
+<!element img - o empty>
+<!attlist img
+ src cdata #required>
+<!element caption - o (%inline)>
+<!shortref oneline
+ "B&#RE;" space
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" null
+-- '"' qtag --
+ "[" ftag
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar>
+<!usemap oneline tag>
+<!usemap oneline caption>
+<!entity % tabrow "(%inline, (colsep, %inline)*)" >
+<!element tabular - -
+ (hline?, %tabrow, (rowsep, hline?, %tabrow)*, caption?) >
+<!attlist tabular
+ ca cdata #required>
+<!element rowsep - o empty>
+<!element colsep - o empty>
+<!element hline - o empty>
+<!entity rowsep "<rowsep>">
+<!entity colsep "<colsep>">
+<!shortref tabmap
+ "&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;B" null
+ "B&#RE;" null
+ "BB" space
+ "@" rowsep
+ "|" colsep
+ "[" ftag
+-- '"' qtag --
+ "_" thinsp
+ "~" nbsp
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub >
+<!usemap tabmap tabular>
+<!element table - - (tabular, caption?) >
+<!attlist table
+ loc cdata "tbp">
+<!element code - - rcdata>
+<!element verb - - rcdata>
+<!shortref ttmap -- also on one-line --
+ "B&#RE;" space
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;B" null
+ '#' num
+ '%' percnt
+ '~' tilde
+ '_' lowbar
+ '^' circ
+ '{' lcub
+ '}' rcub
+ '|' verbar >
+<!usemap ttmap tt>
+<!element mc - - cdata >
+<!entity % sppos "tu" >
+<!entity % fcs "%sppos;|phr" >
+<!entity % fcstxt "#pcdata|mc|%fcs;" >
+<!entity % fscs "rf|v|fi" >
+<!entity % limits "pr|in|sum" >
+<!entity % fbu "fr|lim|ar|root" >
+<!entity % fph "unl|ovl|sup|inf" >
+<!entity % fbutxt "(%fbu;) | (%limits;) |
+ (%fcstxt;)|(%fscs;)|(%fph;)" >
+<!entity % fphtxt "p|#pcdata" >
+<!element f - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!entity fendtag '</f>' -- formula end -- >
+<!shortref fmap
+ "&#RS;B" null
+ "&#RS;B&#RE;" null
+ "&#RS;&#RE;" null
+ "_" thinsp
+ "~" nbsp
+ "]" rsqb
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar>
+<!usemap fmap f >
+<!element dm - - ((%fbutxt;)*)>
+<!element eq - - ((%fbutxt;)*)>
+<!shortref dmmap
+ "&#RE;" space
+ "_" thinsp
+ "~" nbsp
+ "]" rsqb
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar>
+<!usemap dmmap (dm,eq)>
+<!element fr - - (nu,de) >
+<!element nu o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element de o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element ll o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element ul o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element opd - o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element pr - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
+<!element in - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
+<!element sum - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
+<!element lim - - (op,ll,ul,opd?) >
+<!element op o o (%fcstxt;|rf|%fph;) -(tu) >
+<!element root - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!attlist root
+ n cdata "">
+<!element col o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element row o o (col, (arc, col)*) >
+<!element ar - - (row, (arr, row)*) >
+<!attlist ar
+ ca cdata #required >
+<!element arr - o empty >
+<!element arc - o empty >
+<!entity arr "<arr>" >
+<!entity arc "<arc>" >
+<!shortref arrmap
+ "&#RE;" space
+ "@" arr
+ "|" arc
+ "_" thinsp
+ "~" nbsp
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub >
+<!usemap arrmap ar >
+<!element sup - - ((%fbutxt;)*) -(tu) >
+<!element inf - - ((%fbutxt;)*) -(tu) >
+<!element unl - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element ovl - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
+<!element rf - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element phr - o ((%fphtxt;)*) >
+<!element v - o ((%fcstxt;)*)
+ -(tu|%limits;|%fbu;|%fph;) >
+<!element fi - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element tu - o empty >
+<!usemap global (rf,phr)>
+<!element def - - (thtag?, p+) >
+<!element prop - - (thtag?, p+) >
+<!element lemma - - (thtag?, p+) >
+<!element coroll - - (thtag?, p+) >
+<!element proof - - (p+) >
+<!element theorem - - (thtag?, p+) >
+<!element thtag - - (%inline)>
+<!usemap global (def,prop,lemma,coroll,proof,theorem)>
+<!usemap oneline thtag>
+<!entity qtag '<sq>' >
+<!shortref global
+ "&#RS;B" null -- delete leading blanks --
+ -- '"' qtag --
+ "[" ftag
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar>
+<!usemap global birddoc>
+<!element label - o empty>
+<!attlist label id cdata #required>
+<!-- ref modified to have an optional name field HG -->
+<!element ref - o empty>
+<!attlist ref
+ id cdata #required
+ name cdata "&refnam">
+<!-- url entity added to have direct url references HG -->
+<!element url - o empty>
+<!attlist url
+ url cdata #required
+ name cdata "&urlnam" >
+<!-- htmlurl entity added to have quieter url references esr -->
+<!element htmlurl - o empty>
+<!attlist htmlurl
+ url cdata #required
+ name cdata "&urlnam" >
+<!element pageref - o empty>
+<!attlist pageref
+ id cdata #required>
+<!element comment - - (%inline)>
+<!element x - - ((#pcdata | mc)*) >
+<!usemap #empty x >
+<!-- Hacked by mdw to exclude abstract; abstract now part of titlepag -->
+<!element article - -
+ (titlepag, header?,
+ toc?, lof?, lot?, p*, sect*,
+ (appendix, sect+)?, biblio?) +(footnote)>
+<!attlist article
+ opts cdata "null">
+<!-- Hacked by mdw to exclude abstract; abstract now part of titlepag -->
+<!element report - -
+ (titlepag, header?, toc?, lof?, lot?, p*,
+ chapt*, (appendix, chapt+)?, biblio?) +(footnote)>
+<!attlist report
+ opts cdata "null">
+<!element book - -
+ (titlepag, header?, toc?, lof?, lot?, p*, chapt*,
+ (appendix, chapt+)?, biblio?) +(footnote) >
+<!attlist book
+ opts cdata "null">
+<!-- Hacked by mdw, abstract now part of titlepag -->
+<!element titlepag o o (title, author, date?, abstract?)>
+<!element title - o (%inline, subtitle?) +(newline)>
+<!element subtitle - o (%inline)>
+<!usemap oneline titlepag>
+<!element author - o (name, thanks?, inst?,
+ (and, name, thanks?, inst?)*)>
+<!element name o o (%inline) +(newline)>
+<!element and - o empty>
+<!element thanks - o (%inline)>
+<!element inst - o (%inline) +(newline)>
+<!element date - o (#pcdata) >
+<!usemap global thanks>
+<!element newline - o empty >
+<!entity nl "<newline>">
+<!-- Hacked by mdw -->
+<!element abstract - o (%inline)>
+<!usemap oneline abstract>
+<!element toc - o empty>
+<!element lof - o empty>
+<!element lot - o empty>
+<!element header - - (lhead, rhead) >
+<!element lhead - o (%inline)>
+<!element rhead - o (%inline)>
+<!entity % sect "heading, header?, p* " >
+<!element heading o o (%inline)>
+<!element chapt - o (%sect, sect*) +(footnote)>
+<!element sect - o (%sect, sect1*) +(footnote)>
+<!element sect1 - o (%sect, sect2*)>
+<!element sect2 - o (%sect, sect3*)>
+<!element sect3 - o (%sect, sect4*)>
+<!element sect4 - o (%sect)>
+<!usemap oneline (chapt,sect,sect1,sect2,sect3,sect4)>
+<!element appendix - o empty >
+<!element footnote - - (%inline)>
+<!usemap global footnote>
+<!element cite - o empty>
+<!attlist cite
+ id cdata #required>
+<!element ncite - o empty>
+<!attlist ncite
+ id cdata #required
+ note cdata #required>
+<!element file - - (#pcdata)>
+<!element idx - - (#pcdata)>
+<!element cdx - - (#pcdata)>
+<!element nidx - - (#pcdata)>
+<!element ncdx - - (#pcdata)>
+<!element biblio - o empty>
+<!attlist biblio
+ style cdata "birddoc"
+ files cdata "">
+<!element slides - - (slide*) >
+<!attlist slides
+ opts cdata "null">
+<!element slide - o (title?, p+) >
+<!entity % addr "(address?, email?, phone?, fax?)" >
+<!element letter - -
+ (from, %addr, to, %addr, cc?, subject?, sref?, rref?,
+ rdate?, opening, p+, closing, encl?, ps?)>
+<!attlist letter
+ opts cdata "null">
+<!element from - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element to - o (#pcdata) >
+<!usemap oneline (from,to)>
+<!element address - o (#pcdata) +(newline) >
+<!element email - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element phone - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element fax - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element subject - o (%inline;) >
+<!element sref - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element rref - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element rdate - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element opening - o (%inline;) >
+<!usemap oneline opening>
+<!element closing - o (%inline;) >
+<!element cc - o (%inline;) +(newline) >
+<!element encl - o (%inline;) +(newline) >
+<!element ps - o (p+) >
+<!element telefax - -
+ (from, %addr, to, address, email?,
+ phone?, fax, cc?, subject?,
+ opening, p+, closing, ps?)>
+<!attlist telefax
+ opts cdata "null"
+ length cdata "2">
+<!element notes - - (title?, p+) >
+<!attlist notes
+ opts cdata "null" >
+<!element manpage - - (sect1*)
+ -(sect2 | f | %mathpar | figure | tabular |
+ table | %xref | %thrm )>
+<!attlist manpage
+ opts cdata "null"
+ title cdata ""
+ sectnum cdata "1" >
+<!shortref manpage
+ "&#RS;B" null
+-- '"' qtag --
+ "[" ftag
+ "~" nbsp
+ "_" lowbar
+ "#" num
+ "%" percnt
+ "^" circ
+ "{" lcub
+ "}" rcub
+ "|" verbar>
+<!usemap manpage manpage >
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- end of LINUXDOC DTD -->
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: sgml
+ End: -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->