path: root/sasl.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'sasl.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/sasl.rb b/sasl.rb
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index f871533..0000000
--- a/sasl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-require 'digest/sha1'
-require 'openssl'
-require 'xmpp4r/client'
-require 'xmpp4r/sasl'
-module Jabber
- class Client
- def auth(password)
- #begin
- if @stream_mechanisms.include? 'SCRAM-SHA-1'
- auth_sasl, 'SCRAM-SHA-1'), password
- elsif @stream_mechanisms.include? 'DIGEST-MD5'
- auth_sasl, 'DIGEST-MD5'), password
- elsif @stream_mechanisms.include? 'PLAIN'
- auth_sasl, 'PLAIN'), password
- else
- auth_nonsasl(password)
- end
- #rescue
- # Jabber::debuglog("#{$!.class}: #{$!}\n#{$!.backtrace.join("\n")}")
- # raise, $!.to_s
- #end
- end
- end
- module SASL
- ##
- # Factory function to obtain a SASL helper for the specified mechanism
- def, mechanism)
- case mechanism
- when 'SCRAM-SHA-1'
- when 'DIGEST-MD5'
- when 'PLAIN'
- when 'ANONYMOUS'
- else
- raise "Unknown SASL mechanism: #{mechanism}"
- end
- end
- ##
- # SASL SCRAM-SHA1 authentication helper
- class SCRAMSHA1 < Base
- ##
- # Sends the wished auth mechanism and wait for a challenge
- #
- # (proceed with SCRAMSHA1#auth)
- def initialize(stream)
- super
- @nonce = generate_nonce
- @client_fm = "n=#{escape @stream.jid.node },r=#{@nonce}"
- challenge = {}
- challenge_text = ''
- error = nil
- @stream.send(generate_auth('SCRAM-SHA-1', text=Base64::strict_encode64('n,,'+@client_fm))) { |reply|
- if == 'challenge' and reply.namespace == NS_SASL
- challenge_text = Base64::decode64(reply.text)
- challenge = decode_challenge(challenge_text)
- else
- error = reply.first_element(nil).name
- end
- true
- }
- raise error if error
- @server_fm = challenge_text
- @cnonce = challenge['r']
- @salt = Base64::decode64(challenge['s'])
- @iterations = challenge['i'].to_i
- raise 'SCRAM-SHA-1 protocol error' if @cnonce[0, @nonce.length] != @nonce
- end
- def decode_challenge(text)
- res = {}
- state = :key
- key = ''
- value = ''
- text.scan(/./) do |ch|
- if state == :key
- if ch == '='
- state = :value
- else
- key += ch
- end
- elsif state == :value
- if ch == ','
- # due to our home-made parsing of the challenge, the key could have
- # leading whitespace. strip it, or that would break jabberd2 support.
- key = key.strip
- res[key] = value
- key = ''
- value = ''
- state = :key
- elsif ch == '"' and value == ''
- state = :quote
- else
- value += ch
- end
- elsif state == :quote
- if ch == '"'
- state = :value
- else
- value += ch
- end
- end
- end
- # due to our home-made parsing of the challenge, the key could have
- # leading whitespace. strip it, or that would break jabberd2 support.
- key = key.strip
- res[key] = value unless key == ''
- Jabber::debuglog("SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 challenge:\n#{text}\n#{res.inspect}")
- res
- end
- ##
- # * Send a response
- # * Wait for the server's challenge (which aren't checked)
- # * Send a blind response to the server's challenge
- def auth(password)
- salted_password = hi(password, @salt, @iterations)
- client_key = hmac(salted_password, 'Client Key')
- stored_key = h(client_key)
- final_message = "c=#{Base64::strict_encode64('n,,')},r=#{@cnonce}"
- auth_message = "#{@client_fm},#{@server_fm},#{final_message}"
- client_signature = hmac(stored_key, auth_message)
- client_proof = xor(client_key, client_signature)
- response_text = "#{final_message},p=#{Base64::strict_encode64(client_proof)}"
- Jabber::debuglog("SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 response:\n#{response_text}")
- r ='response')
- r.add_namespace NS_SASL
- r.text = Base64::strict_encode64(response_text)
- error = nil
- success = {}
- @stream.send(r) { |reply|
- if == 'success' and reply.namespace == NS_SASL
- success = decode_challenge(Base64::decode64(reply.text))
- elsif != 'challenge'
- error = reply.first_element(nil).name
- end
- true
- }
- raise error if error
- server_key = hmac(salted_password, 'Server Key')
- server_signature = hmac(server_key, auth_message)
- raise "Server authentication failed" if Base64::decode64(success['v']) != server_signature
- end
- private
- def xor(a, b)
- a.unpack('C*').zip(b.unpack('C*')).collect { | x, y | x ^ y }.pack('C*')
- end
- def h(s)
- Digest::SHA1.digest(s)
- end
- def hmac(key, s)
- OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', key, s)
- end
- def hi(s, salt, i)
- r =, obj=0).pack('C*')
- u = salt + [0, 0, 0, 1].pack('C*')
- i.times do |x|
- u = hmac(s, u)
- r = xor(r, u)
- end
- r
- end
- def escape(data)
- data.gsub(/=/, '=3D').gsub(/,/, '=2C')
- end
- end
- end