diff options
authorDon Stewart <>2007-04-01 02:28:03 +0200
committerDon Stewart <>2007-04-01 02:28:03 +0200
commitef7a1806c88d1fe044abbcefd2d9fd87625768f2 (patch)
parent8cd6c6a3aa9f06546a93a2ed25848682b72e3ddd (diff)
formatting fixes. the style is getting a bit dodgy in some places...
2 files changed, 41 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index c0e4450..5a31c5a 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ refresh = do
l = layoutType fl
ratio = tileFraction fl
case l of
- Full -> whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) $ \w -> do
- move w sx sy sw sh
- io $ raiseWindow d w
+ Full -> whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) $ \w ->
+ do move w sx sy sw sh; io $ raiseWindow d w
Tile -> case W.index n ws of
[] -> return ()
[w] -> do move w sx sy sw sh; io $ raiseWindow d w
@@ -53,29 +52,29 @@ refresh = do
rw = sw - fromIntegral lw
rh = fromIntegral sh `div` fromIntegral (length s)
move w sx sy (fromIntegral lw) sh
- zipWithM_ (\i a -> move a (sx + lw) (sy + i * rh) rw (fromIntegral rh)) [0..] s
+ zipWithM_ (\i a -> move a (sx + lw) (sy + i * rh) rw (fromIntegral rh))
+ [0..] s
whenJust (W.peek ws) (io . raiseWindow d) -- this is always Just
whenJust (W.peek ws) setFocus
-- | switchLayout. Switch to another layout scheme. Switches the current workspace.
switchLayout :: X ()
-switchLayout = layout $ \fl -> fl { layoutType = case layoutType fl of
- Full -> Tile
- Tile -> Full }
+switchLayout = layout $ \fl -> fl { layoutType = swap (layoutType fl) }
-- | changeWidth. Change the width of the main window in tiling mode.
changeWidth :: Rational -> X ()
-changeWidth delta = do
- layout $ \fl -> fl { tileFraction = min 1 $ max 0 $ tileFraction fl + delta }
+changeWidth delta = layout $ \fl ->
+ fl { tileFraction = min 1 (max 0 (tileFraction fl + delta)) }
-- | layout. Modify the current workspace's layout with a pure function and refresh.
layout :: (LayoutDesc -> LayoutDesc) -> X ()
-layout f = do modify $ \s -> let fls = layoutDescs s
- n = W.current . workspace $ s
- fl = M.findWithDefault (defaultLayoutDesc s) n fls
- in s { layoutDescs = M.insert n (f fl) fls }
- refresh
+layout f = do
+ modify $ \s ->
+ let fls = layoutDescs s
+ n = W.current . workspace $ s
+ fl = M.findWithDefault (defaultLayoutDesc s) n fls
+ in s { layoutDescs = M.insert n (f fl) fls }
+ refresh
-- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
windows :: (WorkSpace -> WorkSpace) -> X ()
@@ -99,12 +98,15 @@ buttonsToGrab :: [Button]
buttonsToGrab = [button1, button2, button3]
setButtonGrab :: Bool -> Window -> X ()
-setButtonGrab True w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab (\b ->
- grabButton d b anyModifier w False
- (buttonPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
- grabModeAsync grabModeSync none none)
-setButtonGrab False w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab (\b ->
- ungrabButton d b anyModifier w)
+setButtonGrab True w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $
+ flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab $ \b ->
+ grabButton d b anyModifier w False
+ (buttonPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
+ grabModeAsync grabModeSync none none
+setButtonGrab False w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $
+ flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab $ \b ->
+ ungrabButton d b anyModifier w
-- | manage. Add a new window to be managed in the current workspace. Bring it into focus.
-- If the window is already under management, it is just raised.
@@ -146,8 +148,9 @@ safeFocus w = do ws <- gets workspace
-- | Explicitly set the keyboard focus to the given window
setFocus :: Window -> X ()
setFocus w = do
- ws <- gets workspace
+ ws <- gets workspace
ws2sc <- gets wsOnScreen
-- clear mouse button grab and border on other windows
flip mapM_ (M.keys ws2sc) $ \n -> do
flip mapM_ (W.index n ws) $ \otherw -> do
@@ -156,10 +159,11 @@ setFocus w = do
withDisplay $ \d -> io $ setInputFocus d w revertToPointerRoot 0
setButtonGrab False w
- setBorder w 0xff0000
+ setBorder w 0xff0000 -- make this configurable
-- This does not use 'windows' intentionally. 'windows' calls refresh,
-- which means infinite loops.
- modify (\s -> s { workspace = W.raiseFocus w (workspace s) })
+ modify $ \s -> s { workspace = W.raiseFocus w (workspace s) }
-- | Set the focus to the window on top of the stack, or root
setTopFocus :: X ()
@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ raise = windows . W.rotate
-- | promote. Make the focused window the master window in its workspace
promote :: X ()
-promote = windows (\w -> maybe w (\k -> W.promote k w) (W.peek w))
+promote = windows $ \w -> maybe w (\k -> W.promote k w) (W.peek w)
-- | Kill the currently focused client
kill :: X ()
@@ -217,9 +221,9 @@ view o = do
-- is the workspace we want to switch to currently visible?
if M.member n ws2sc
then windows $ W.view n
- else do
+ else do
sc <- case M.lookup m ws2sc of
- Nothing -> do
+ Nothing -> do
trace "Current workspace isn't visible! This should never happen!"
-- we don't know what screen to use, just use the first one.
return 0
@@ -247,6 +251,7 @@ screenWS n = do
-- | Restart xmonad by exec()'ing self. This doesn't save state and xmonad has
-- to be in PATH for this to work.
restart :: IO ()
-restart = do prog <- getProgName
- args <- getArgs
- executeFile prog True args Nothing
+restart = do
+ prog <- getProgName
+ args <- getArgs
+ executeFile prog True args Nothing
diff --git a/XMonad.hs b/XMonad.hs
index 28c9c6a..7ffab6c 100644
--- a/XMonad.hs
+++ b/XMonad.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
module XMonad (
X, WorkSpace, XState(..), Layout(..), LayoutDesc(..),
runX, io, withDisplay, isRoot,
- spawn, trace, whenJust
+ spawn, trace, whenJust, swap
) where
import StackSet (StackSet)
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ type WorkSpace = StackSet Window
-- | The different layout modes
data Layout = Full | Tile
+-- | 'not' for Layout.
+swap :: Layout -> Layout
+swap Full = Tile
+swap _ = Full
-- | A full description of a particular workspace's layout parameters.
data LayoutDesc = LayoutDesc { layoutType :: !Layout
, tileFraction :: !Rational