path: root/MetaTile/Core.hs
diff options
authorMatthias Schiffer <>2013-09-12 21:08:13 +0200
committerMatthias Schiffer <>2013-09-12 21:08:13 +0200
commit3bf5609453485e8b20a75797994ff3b64d8c60ed (patch)
treebaf5eea0458537c5fdf217847e850fe305303c10 /MetaTile/Core.hs
parent29e342c4985744cc2538d85cdbb248e6dd5f5ff8 (diff)
Split up window and frame state
Diffstat (limited to 'MetaTile/Core.hs')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/MetaTile/Core.hs b/MetaTile/Core.hs
index 5596ec3..572280b 100644
--- a/MetaTile/Core.hs
+++ b/MetaTile/Core.hs
@@ -18,13 +18,15 @@
module MetaTile.Core (
X, WindowSet, WindowSpace, WorkspaceId, BorderWidth(..), WindowState(..),
- ScreenId(..), ScreenDetail(..), XState(..),
+ FrameState(..), ScreenId(..), ScreenDetail(..), XState(..),
XConf(..), XConfig(..), LayoutClass(..),
Layout(..), readsLayout, Typeable, Message,
SomeMessage(..), fromMessage, LayoutMessages(..),
StateExtension(..), ExtensionClass(..),
runX, catchX, userCode, userCodeDef, io, catchIO, installSignalHandlers, uninstallSignalHandlers,
- withDisplay, withWindowSet, isRoot, runOnWorkspaces, getWindowState, getsWindowState, setWindowState, modifyWindowState,
+ withDisplay, withWindowSet, isRoot, runOnWorkspaces,
+ getWindowState, getsWindowState, setWindowState, modifyWindowState,
+ getFrameState, getsFrameState, setFrameState, deleteFrameState, modifyFrameState,
getAtom, spawn, spawnPID, xfork, getMetaTileDir, recompile, trace, whenJust, whenX,
atom_WM_STATE, atom_WM_PROTOCOLS, atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS, ManageHook, Query(..), runQuery
) where
@@ -35,11 +37,9 @@ import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (encodeString)
import Control.Exception.Extensible (catch, fromException, try, bracket, throw, finally, SomeException(..))
import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Default
-import Data.Function (on)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Info
@@ -71,17 +71,19 @@ data WindowState = WindowState
{ wsMapped :: !Bool
, wsWaitingUnmap :: !Int -- ^ the number of expected UnmapEvents
, wsFrame :: !Window
- , wsBorderWidth :: !BorderWidth
- } deriving Show
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Eq WindowState where
- (==) = (==) `on` (wsMapped &&& wsWaitingUnmap &&& wsFrame)
+data FrameState = FrameState
+ { fsWindow :: !Window
+ , fsBorderWidth :: !BorderWidth
+ } deriving Show
-- | XState, the (mutable) window manager state.
data XState = XState
{ windowset :: !WindowSet -- ^ workspace list
, windowState :: !(M.Map Window WindowState) -- ^ the extended window state
+ , frameState :: !(M.Map Window FrameState) -- ^ the extended frame state
, dragging :: !(Maybe (Position -> Position -> X (), X ()))
, numberlockMask :: !KeyMask -- ^ The numlock modifier
, extensibleState :: !(M.Map String (Either String StateExtension))
@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ getAtom :: String -> X Atom
getAtom str = withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ internAtom dpy str False
emptyWindowState :: WindowState
-emptyWindowState = WindowState False 0 none (BorderWidth 0 0 0 0)
+emptyWindowState = WindowState False 0 none
getWindowState :: Window -> X WindowState
getWindowState w = gets $ M.findWithDefault emptyWindowState w . windowState
@@ -251,6 +253,23 @@ setWindowState w ws = do
modifyWindowState :: (WindowState -> WindowState) -> Window -> X ()
modifyWindowState f w = getWindowState w >>= return . f >>= setWindowState w
+getFrameState :: Window -> X (Maybe FrameState)
+getFrameState fr = gets $ M.lookup fr . frameState
+getsFrameState :: (FrameState -> a) -> Window -> X (Maybe a)
+getsFrameState f fr = fmap f <$> getFrameState fr
+setFrameState :: Window -> FrameState -> X ()
+setFrameState fr fs = modify $ \s -> s { frameState = M.insert fr fs (frameState s) }
+deleteFrameState :: Window -> X ()
+deleteFrameState fr = modify $ \s -> s { frameState = M.delete fr (frameState s) }
+modifyFrameState :: (FrameState -> FrameState) -> Window -> X ()
+modifyFrameState f fr = getFrameState fr >>= return . fmap f >>= maybe (return ()) (setFrameState fr)
-- | Common non-predefined atoms