path: root/XMonad/Layout.hs
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authorMatthias Schiffer <>2013-09-11 19:14:25 +0200
committerMatthias Schiffer <>2013-09-11 19:14:25 +0200
commiteb5addb90f58ed0aa7e6f504fa2c960dd8228b1e (patch)
tree26ff1cc8b287979cd6a3c2deee315ef993bf4eab /XMonad/Layout.hs
parentccbc4c12236407083f3a3ebcd2d53be762f35eb5 (diff)
Rename XMonad to MetaTile
Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Layout.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout.hs b/XMonad/Layout.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eff488..0000000
--- a/XMonad/Layout.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternGuards, TypeSynonymInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- |
--- Module : XMonad.Layout
--- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen 2007
--- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer :
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : not portable, Typeable deriving, mtl, posix
--- The collection of core layouts.
-module XMonad.Layout (
- Full(..), Tall(..), Mirror(..),
- Resize(..), IncMasterN(..), Choose, (|||), ChangeLayout(..),
- mirrorRect, splitVertically,
- splitHorizontally, splitHorizontallyBy, splitVerticallyBy,
- tile
- ) where
-import XMonad.Core
-import Graphics.X11 (Rectangle(..))
-import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-import Control.Arrow ((***), second)
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
--- | Change the size of the master pane.
-data Resize = Shrink | Expand deriving Typeable
--- | Increase the number of clients in the master pane.
-data IncMasterN = IncMasterN !Int deriving Typeable
-instance Message Resize
-instance Message IncMasterN
--- | Simple fullscreen mode. Renders the focused window fullscreen.
-data Full a = Full deriving (Show, Read)
-instance LayoutClass Full a
--- | The builtin tiling mode of xmonad. Supports 'Shrink', 'Expand' and
--- 'IncMasterN'.
-data Tall a = Tall { tallNMaster :: !Int -- ^ The default number of windows in the master pane (default: 1)
- , tallRatioIncrement :: !Rational -- ^ Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes (default: 3/100)
- , tallRatio :: !Rational -- ^ Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane (default: 1/2)
- }
- deriving (Show, Read)
- -- TODO should be capped [0..1] ..
--- a nice pure layout, lots of properties for the layout, and its messages, in Properties.hs
-instance LayoutClass Tall a where
- pureLayout (Tall nmaster _ frac) r s = zip ws rs
- where ws = W.integrate s
- rs = tile frac r nmaster (length ws)
- pureMessage (Tall nmaster delta frac) m =
- msum [fmap resize (fromMessage m)
- ,fmap incmastern (fromMessage m)]
- where resize Shrink = Tall nmaster delta (max 0 $ frac-delta)
- resize Expand = Tall nmaster delta (min 1 $ frac+delta)
- incmastern (IncMasterN d) = Tall (max 0 (nmaster+d)) delta frac
- description _ = "Tall"
--- | Compute the positions for windows using the default two-pane tiling
--- algorithm.
--- The screen is divided into two panes. All clients are
--- then partioned between these two panes. One pane, the master, by
--- convention has the least number of windows in it.
- :: Rational -- ^ @frac@, what proportion of the screen to devote to the master area
- -> Rectangle -- ^ @r@, the rectangle representing the screen
- -> Int -- ^ @nmaster@, the number of windows in the master pane
- -> Int -- ^ @n@, the total number of windows to tile
- -> [Rectangle]
-tile f r nmaster n = if n <= nmaster || nmaster == 0
- then splitVertically n r
- else splitVertically nmaster r1 ++ splitVertically (n-nmaster) r2 -- two columns
- where (r1,r2) = splitHorizontallyBy f r
--- Divide the screen vertically into n subrectangles
-splitVertically, splitHorizontally :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
-splitVertically n r | n < 2 = [r]
-splitVertically n (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = Rectangle sx sy sw smallh :
- splitVertically (n-1) (Rectangle sx (sy+fromIntegral smallh) sw (sh-smallh))
- where smallh = sh `div` fromIntegral n --hmm, this is a fold or map.
--- Not used in the core, but exported
-splitHorizontally n = map mirrorRect . splitVertically n . mirrorRect
--- Divide the screen into two rectangles, using a rational to specify the ratio
-splitHorizontallyBy, splitVerticallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
-splitHorizontallyBy f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) =
- ( Rectangle sx sy leftw sh
- , Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral leftw) sy (sw-fromIntegral leftw) sh)
- where leftw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * f
--- Not used in the core, but exported
-splitVerticallyBy f = (mirrorRect *** mirrorRect) . splitHorizontallyBy f . mirrorRect
--- | Mirror a layout, compute its 90 degree rotated form.
-newtype Mirror l a = Mirror (l a) deriving (Show, Read)
-instance LayoutClass l a => LayoutClass (Mirror l) a where
- runLayout (W.Workspace i (Mirror l) ms) r = (map (second mirrorRect) *** fmap Mirror)
- `fmap` runLayout (W.Workspace i l ms) (mirrorRect r)
- handleMessage (Mirror l) = fmap (fmap Mirror) . handleMessage l
- description (Mirror l) = "Mirror "++ description l
--- | Mirror a rectangle.
-mirrorRect :: Rectangle -> Rectangle
-mirrorRect (Rectangle rx ry rw rh) = Rectangle ry rx rh rw
--- LayoutClass selection manager
--- Layouts that transition between other layouts
--- | Messages to change the current layout.
-data ChangeLayout = FirstLayout | NextLayout deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
-instance Message ChangeLayout
--- | The layout choice combinator
-(|||) :: (LayoutClass l a, LayoutClass r a) => l a -> r a -> Choose l r a
-(|||) = Choose L
-infixr 5 |||
--- | A layout that allows users to switch between various layout options.
-data Choose l r a = Choose LR (l a) (r a) deriving (Read, Show)
--- | Are we on the left or right sub-layout?
-data LR = L | R deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
-data NextNoWrap = NextNoWrap deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
-instance Message NextNoWrap
--- | A small wrapper around handleMessage, as it is tedious to write
--- SomeMessage repeatedly.
-handle :: (LayoutClass l a, Message m) => l a -> m -> X (Maybe (l a))
-handle l m = handleMessage l (SomeMessage m)
--- | A smart constructor that takes some potential modifications, returns a
--- new structure if any fields have changed, and performs any necessary cleanup
--- on newly non-visible layouts.
-choose :: (LayoutClass l a, LayoutClass r a)
- => Choose l r a-> LR -> Maybe (l a) -> Maybe (r a) -> X (Maybe (Choose l r a))
-choose (Choose d _ _) d' Nothing Nothing | d == d' = return Nothing
-choose (Choose d l r) d' ml mr = f lr
- where
- (l', r') = (fromMaybe l ml, fromMaybe r mr)
- lr = case (d, d') of
- (L, R) -> (hide l' , return r')
- (R, L) -> (return l', hide r' )
- (_, _) -> (return l', return r')
- f (x,y) = fmap Just $ liftM2 (Choose d') x y
- hide x = fmap (fromMaybe x) $ handle x Hide
-instance (LayoutClass l a, LayoutClass r a) => LayoutClass (Choose l r) a where
- runLayout (W.Workspace i (Choose L l r) ms) =
- fmap (second . fmap $ flip (Choose L) r) . runLayout (W.Workspace i l ms)
- runLayout (W.Workspace i (Choose R l r) ms) =
- fmap (second . fmap $ Choose R l) . runLayout (W.Workspace i r ms)
- description (Choose L l _) = description l
- description (Choose R _ r) = description r
- handleMessage lr m | Just NextLayout <- fromMessage m = do
- mlr' <- handle lr NextNoWrap
- maybe (handle lr FirstLayout) (return . Just) mlr'
- handleMessage c@(Choose d l r) m | Just NextNoWrap <- fromMessage m =
- case d of
- L -> do
- ml <- handle l NextNoWrap
- case ml of
- Just _ -> choose c L ml Nothing
- Nothing -> choose c R Nothing =<< handle r FirstLayout
- R -> choose c R Nothing =<< handle r NextNoWrap
- handleMessage c@(Choose _ l _) m | Just FirstLayout <- fromMessage m =
- flip (choose c L) Nothing =<< handle l FirstLayout
- handleMessage c@(Choose d l r) m | Just ReleaseResources <- fromMessage m =
- join $ liftM2 (choose c d) (handle l ReleaseResources) (handle r ReleaseResources)
- handleMessage c@(Choose d l r) m = do
- ml' <- case d of
- L -> handleMessage l m
- R -> return Nothing
- mr' <- case d of
- L -> return Nothing
- R -> handleMessage r m
- choose c d ml' mr'