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diff --git a/XMonad/StackSet.hs b/XMonad/StackSet.hs
index cb19746..e5adfa1 100644
--- a/XMonad/StackSet.hs
+++ b/XMonad/StackSet.hs
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ renameTag o n = mapWorkspace rename
where rename w = if tag w == o then w { tag = n } else w
-- | Ensure that a given set of workspace tags is present by renaming
--- existing workspaces and/or creating new hidden workspaces as
+-- existing workspaces and\/or creating new hidden workspaces as
-- necessary.
ensureTags :: Eq i => l -> [i] -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
ensureTags l allt st = et allt (map tag (workspaces st) \\ allt) st