path: root/StackSet.hs
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1 files changed, 24 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/StackSet.hs b/StackSet.hs
index 1453c97..3604f3b 100644
--- a/StackSet.hs
+++ b/StackSet.hs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ data StackSet a =
{ current:: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ the currently visible stack
, stacks :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Int [a]) -- ^ the separate stacks
+ , focus :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Int a) -- ^ the window focused in each stack
, cache :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map a Int) -- ^ a cache of windows back to their stacks
} deriving Eq
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ instance Show a => Show (StackSet a) where
empty :: Int -> StackSet a
empty n = StackSet { current = 0
, stacks = M.fromList (zip [0..n-1] (repeat []))
+ , focus = M.empty
, cache = M.empty }
-- | /O(log w)/. True if x is somewhere in the StackSet
@@ -97,7 +99,12 @@ push k w = insert k (current w) w
-- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the current stack. If no such
-- element exists, Nothing is returned.
peek :: StackSet a -> Maybe a
-peek w = listToMaybe $ index (current w) w
+peek w = peekStack (current w) w
+-- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the given stack. If no such
+-- element exists, Nothing is returned.
+peekStack :: Int -> StackSet a -> Maybe a
+peekStack n w = M.lookup n (focus w)
-- | /O(log s)/. Index. Extract the stack at index 'n'.
-- If the index is invalid, an exception is thrown.
@@ -118,12 +125,15 @@ view n w | n >= 0 && n < M.size (stacks w) = w { current = n }
-- where xs = [5..8] ++ [1..4]
-rotate :: Ordering -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
-rotate o w = w { stacks = M.adjust rot (current w) (stacks w) }
- where rot s = take l . drop offset . cycle $ s
- where n = fromEnum o - 1
- l = length s
- offset = if n < 0 then l + n else n
+rotate :: Eq a => Ordering -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
+rotate o w = maybe w id $ do
+ f <- M.lookup (current w) (focus w)
+ s <- M.lookup (current w) (stacks w)
+ ea <- case o of
+ EQ -> Nothing
+ GT -> elemAfter f s
+ LT -> elemAfter f (reverse s)
+ return (w { focus = M.insert (current w) ea (focus w) })
-- | /O(log n)/. shift. move the client on top of the current stack to
-- the top of stack 'n'. If the stack to move to is not valid, and
@@ -139,7 +149,8 @@ shift n w = maybe w (\k -> insert k n (delete k w)) (peek w)
insert :: Ord a => a -> Int -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
insert k n old = new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new)
- , stacks = M.adjust (k:) n (stacks new) }
+ , stacks = M.adjust (k:) n (stacks new)
+ , focus = M.insert n k (focus new) }
where new = delete k old
-- | /O(log n)/. Delete an element entirely from from the StackSet.
@@ -148,4 +159,8 @@ insert k n old = new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new)
delete :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
delete k w = maybe w tweak (M.lookup k (cache w))
where tweak i = w { cache = M.delete k (cache w)
- , stacks = M.adjust (L.delete k) i (stacks w) }
+ , stacks = M.adjust (L.delete k) i (stacks w)
+ , focus = M.update (\k' -> if k == k' then elemAfter k (stacks w M.! i) else Just k') i (focus w) }
+elemAfter :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
+elemAfter w ws = listToMaybe . filter (/= w) . dropWhile (/= w) $ ws ++ ws