2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TITLE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< META NAME = "date" CONTENT = "2011-07-05" >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
SUMMARY: NESTED | < A HREF = "#field_summary" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_summary" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_summary" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
DETAIL: < A HREF = "#field_detail" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_detail" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_detail" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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< HR >
<!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
< H2 >
< FONT SIZE = "-1" >
jrummikub.control< / FONT >
< BR >
Class GameControl< / H2 >
< PRE >
< IMG SRC = "../../resources/inherit.gif" ALT = "extended by " > < B > jrummikub.control.GameControl< / B >
< / PRE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< DL >
< DT > < B > Direct Known Subclasses:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/network/NetworkGameControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control.network" > NetworkGameControl< / A > < / DD >
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< HR >
< DL >
< DT > < PRE > public class < B > GameControl< / B > < DT > extends java.lang.Object< / DL >
< / PRE >
< P >
Controls a Game, at some point including all Rounds, starts new Rounds
< P >
< P >
< HR >
< P >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
<!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
< A NAME = "field_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Field Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected java.util.List< < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/util/Connection.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > Connection< / A > > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#connections" > connections< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#endOfGameEvent" > endOfGameEvent< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameSettings.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameSettings< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#gameSettings" > gameSettings< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameState.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameState< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#gameState" > gameState< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/RoundControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > RoundControl< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#roundControl" > roundControl< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/SaveControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > SaveControl< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#saveControl" > saveControl< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/view/IView.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IView< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#view" > view< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
<!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
< A NAME = "constructor_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Constructor Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#GameControl(jrummikub.model.GameSettings, jrummikub.control.SaveControl, jrummikub.view.IView)" > GameControl< / A > < / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameSettings.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameSettings< / A > gameSettings,
< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/SaveControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > SaveControl< / A > saveControl,
< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/view/IView.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IView< / A > view)< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
Constructor< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
< A NAME = "method_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Method Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#abortGame()" > abortGame< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Clean abortion of a running game when another one is loaded or when a new
one is started< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#continueGame(jrummikub.model.GameState, jrummikub.model.IRoundState)" > continueGame< / A > < / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameState.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameState< / A > gameState,
< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > roundState)< / CODE >
< BR >
Continues game after loading< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/RoundControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > RoundControl< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#createRoundControl(jrummikub.model.IRoundState)" > createRoundControl< / A > < / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > roundState)< / CODE >
< BR >
Creates a new round control with the specified round state< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#createRoundState()" > createRoundState< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Creates a new round State< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#endGame()" > endGame< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Ends the running game< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#endOfRound(jrummikub.model.Score)" > endOfRound< / A > < / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/Score.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > Score< / A > roundScore)< / CODE >
< BR >
Sets the score and default values for saving when round ends< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#endProgram()" > endProgram< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Exits System without warnings if no game control is active< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#getEndOfGameEvent()" > getEndOfGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Is emitted when the user ends the game and start a new one< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#prepareRound(jrummikub.model.IRoundState)" > prepareRound< / A > < / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > roundState)< / CODE >
< BR >
Prepare a new round by setting start player, adding listeners< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#removeListeners()" > removeListeners< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Removes all listeners from the connection< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#restartRound()" > restartRound< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Restarts round after redealing< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#showScorePanel()" > showScorePanel< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Sets score panel visible< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#showWinPanel()" > showWinPanel< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#startGame()" > startGame< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Game gets started by initializing the first Round< / TD >
< / TR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > protected void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#startRound()" > startRound< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Start a new round within the existing game< / TD >
< / TR >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
<!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
< A NAME = "field_detail" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "1" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Field Detail< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "saveControl" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
saveControl< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/SaveControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > SaveControl< / A > < B > saveControl< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "gameSettings" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
gameSettings< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameSettings.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameSettings< / A > < B > gameSettings< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "view" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
view< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/view/IView.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IView< / A > < B > view< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "roundControl" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
roundControl< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/RoundControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > RoundControl< / A > < B > roundControl< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "gameState" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
gameState< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameState.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameState< / A > < B > gameState< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "connections" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
connections< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected java.util.List< < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/util/Connection.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > Connection< / A > > < B > connections< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "endOfGameEvent" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
endOfGameEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < B > endOfGameEvent< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
<!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
< A NAME = "constructor_detail" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "1" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Constructor Detail< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< A NAME = "GameControl(jrummikub.model.GameSettings, jrummikub.control.SaveControl, jrummikub.view.IView)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
GameControl< / H3 >
< PRE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
public < B > GameControl< / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameSettings.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameSettings< / A > gameSettings,
< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/SaveControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > SaveControl< / A > saveControl,
< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/view/IView.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IView< / A > view)< / PRE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< DL >
< DD > Constructor
< P >
< DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > gameSettings< / CODE > - the game settings< DD > < CODE > saveControl< / CODE > - the save control< DD > < CODE > view< / CODE > - the view< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / DL >
<!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
< A NAME = "method_detail" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "1" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Method Detail< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< A NAME = "getEndOfGameEvent()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getEndOfGameEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
public < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < B > getEndOfGameEvent< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Is emitted when the user ends the game and start a new one
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the endOfGameEvent< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "endGame()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
endGame< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > endGame< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Ends the running game
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "removeListeners()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
removeListeners< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > removeListeners< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Removes all listeners from the connection
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< A NAME = "startGame()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
startGame< / H3 >
< PRE >
public void < B > startGame< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Game gets started by initializing the first Round
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< HR >
< A NAME = "continueGame(jrummikub.model.GameState, jrummikub.model.IRoundState)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
continueGame< / H3 >
< PRE >
public void < B > continueGame< / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/GameState.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > GameState< / A > gameState,
< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > roundState)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Continues game after loading
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > gameState< / CODE > - the saved GameState (Players, startplayer, points)< DD > < CODE > roundState< / CODE > - the saved RoundState (activePlayer, Table, heap etc)< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "abortGame()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
abortGame< / H3 >
< PRE >
public void < B > abortGame< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Clean abortion of a running game when another one is loaded or when a new
one is started
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "startRound()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
startRound< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected void < B > startRound< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Start a new round within the existing game
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "prepareRound(jrummikub.model.IRoundState)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
prepareRound< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > prepareRound< / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > roundState)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Prepare a new round by setting start player, adding listeners
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > roundState< / CODE > - of current round< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "createRoundState()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
createRoundState< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > < B > createRoundState< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Creates a new round State
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the round state< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "createRoundControl(jrummikub.model.IRoundState)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
createRoundControl< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected < A HREF = "../../jrummikub/control/RoundControl.html" title = "class in jrummikub.control" > RoundControl< / A > < B > createRoundControl< / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/IRoundState.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.model" > IRoundState< / A > roundState)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Creates a new round control with the specified round state
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > roundState< / CODE > - for new round control
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the round control< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "restartRound()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
restartRound< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > restartRound< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Restarts round after redealing
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "endOfRound(jrummikub.model.Score)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
endOfRound< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > endOfRound< / B > (< A HREF = "../../jrummikub/model/Score.html" title = "class in jrummikub.model" > Score< / A > roundScore)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Sets the score and default values for saving when round ends
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > roundScore< / CODE > - score for ended round< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "showScorePanel()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
showScorePanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > showScorePanel< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Sets score panel visible
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "showWinPanel()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
showWinPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
protected void < B > showWinPanel< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "endProgram()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
endProgram< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > endProgram< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Exits System without warnings if no game control is active
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
SUMMARY: NESTED | < A HREF = "#field_summary" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_summary" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_summary" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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