2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
Uses of Interface jrummikub.util.IEvent
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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< H2 >
< B > Uses of Interface< br > jrummikub.util.IEvent< / B > < / H2 >
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< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Packages that use < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < A HREF = "#jrummikub.control" > < B > jrummikub.control< / B > < / A > < / TD >
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< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < A HREF = "#jrummikub.control.network" > < B > jrummikub.control.network< / B > < / A > < / TD >
< TD > < / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < A HREF = "#jrummikub.control.turn" > < B > jrummikub.control.turn< / B > < / A > < / TD >
< TD > < / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< TD > < A HREF = "#jrummikub.util" > < B > jrummikub.util< / B > < / A > < / TD >
< TD > < / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < A HREF = "#jrummikub.view" > < B > jrummikub.view< / B > < / A > < / TD >
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< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < A HREF = "#jrummikub.view.impl" > < B > jrummikub.view.impl< / B > < / A > < / TD >
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< P >
< A NAME = "jrummikub.control" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Uses of < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.control< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > Methods in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.control< / A > that return < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > LoginControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/LoginControl.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
Getter for cancelEvent< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > GameControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/GameControl.html#getEndOfGameEvent()" > getEndOfGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
Is emitted when the user ends the game and start a new one< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ITurnTimer.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/ITurnTimer.html#getTimeRunOutEvent()" > getTimeRunOutEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Returns the event that is emitted if the timer timed out.< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > TurnTimer.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/TurnTimer.html#getTimeRunOutEvent()" > getTimeRunOutEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< A NAME = "jrummikub.control.network" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Uses of < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.control.network< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > Methods in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.control.network< / A > that return < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > AbstractGameBeginControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/AbstractGameBeginControl.html#getBackEvent()" > getBackEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The back event is emitted when the player wants to go back to the previous
control and panel< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > NetworkControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/NetworkControl.html#getBackToLoginEvent()" > getBackToLoginEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The back to login event is emitted when the player aborted the connecting
process or when a connection error has occured and been acknowledged< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getConnectedEvent()" > getConnectedEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getConnectedEvent()" > getConnectedEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getConnectionLostEvent()" > getConnectionLostEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getConnectionLostEvent()" > getConnectionLostEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getGameStartEvent()" > getGameStartEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getGameStartEvent()" > getGameStartEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getNextPlayerEvent()" > getNextPlayerEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getNextPlayerEvent()" > getNextPlayerEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getRoundStartEvent()" > getRoundStartEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getRoundStartEvent()" > getRoundStartEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > GameJoinControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/GameJoinControl.html#getStartGameEvent()" > getStartGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The event that is emitted when the game is started< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > NetworkControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/NetworkControl.html#getStopNetworkEvent()" > getStopNetworkEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Getter for stopNetworkEvent< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/ConnectionControl.html#getTurnStartEvent()" > getTurnStartEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectionControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/network/IConnectionControl.html#getTurnStartEvent()" > getTurnStartEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< A NAME = "jrummikub.control.turn" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Uses of < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.control.turn< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > Methods in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.control.turn< / A > that return < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > AbstractTurnControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/AbstractTurnControl.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ITurnControl.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/ITurnControl.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when the round is aborted and needs to be restarted< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< A NAME = "jrummikub.util" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Uses of < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.util< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > Classes in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.util< / A > that implement < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
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< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > class< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
Simple parameterless event generator< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< A NAME = "jrummikub.view" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Uses of < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.view< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > Methods in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.view< / A > that return < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent()" > getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The acknoledge connection lost event is emitted when the user has
acknowledged that the network connection was lost< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent()" > getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The start turn event is emitted when the player knows what invalid stones
he played< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ISettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ISettingsPanel.html#getAddPlayerEvent()" > getAddPlayerEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The add player event is emitted when the user wants to add a player to the
player list< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ISettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ISettingsPanel.html#getBackEvent()" > getBackEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when the user wants to go back to the panel before< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IConnectPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IConnectPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Is emitted when the user wants to abort connecting or has acknowledged
the error< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ILoginPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ILoginPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when the user cancels the login process< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IQuitWarningPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IQuitWarningPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Is emitted if the user selected quit by mistake< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IGameListPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IGameListPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when the network game is canceled< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getEndPauseEvent()" > getEndPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The end pause event is emitted when the user wants to sresume the game
after a pause< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getEndProgramEvent()" > getEndProgramEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The quit event is emitted when the player wants to quit the game< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > IPlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getEndTurnEvent()" > getEndTurnEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The end turn event is emitted when the player wants to end his turn< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getLoadEvent()" > getLoadEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The load event is emitted when the user wants to load a previously saved
game state< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getMenuNewGameEvent()" > getMenuNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The menu new game event is emitted when the user selects the new game menu
entry< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getNetworkGameEvent()" > getNetworkGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The network game event is emitted when the user chooses a network game< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getNewGameEvent()" > getNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
Is emitted if the player wants to end the game and start a new one< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getNewRoundEvent()" > getNewRoundEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The new round event is emitted when the player wants to start a new round< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ISettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ISettingsPanel.html#getOfferGameEvent()" > getOfferGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The offer new game event is emitted when a new game is started and looking
for players< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IGameListPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IGameListPanel.html#getOpenNewGameEvent()" > getOpenNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when a new game is offered< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getPauseEvent()" > getPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The pause event is emitted when the user wants to pause the current turn< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IQuitWarningPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IQuitWarningPanel.html#getQuitEvent()" > getQuitEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Is emitted if the user is positive about quitting< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getQuitEvent()" > getQuitEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
The quit event is emitted when the user wants to leave the application< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IPlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The redeal event is emitted when the player wants to get new stones< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ISettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ISettingsPanel.html#getSetVariantChildrenEvent()" > getSetVariantChildrenEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when the children variant is chosen< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ISettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ISettingsPanel.html#getSetVariantDefaultEvent()" > getSetVariantDefaultEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Emitted when the variables are reset to the default values< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IPlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getSortByGroupsEvent()" > getSortByGroupsEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The sort by groups event is emitted when the player wants to sort his
stones by groups< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IPlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getSortByRunsEvent()" > getSortByRunsEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
The sort by runs event is emitted when the player wants to sort his
stones by runs< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ISettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/ISettingsPanel.html#getStartGameEvent()" > getStartGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
the start game event is emitted when the user wants to start the game< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > IView.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IView.html#getStartTurnEvent()" > getStartTurnEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The start turn event is emitted when the player wants to start his turn< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< A NAME = "jrummikub.view.impl" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
Uses of < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.view.impl< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > Methods in < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/package-summary.html" > jrummikub.view.impl< / A > that return < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > StartTurnPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/StartTurnPanel.html#getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent()" > getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent()" > getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > StartTurnPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/StartTurnPanel.html#getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent()" > getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent()" > getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getAddPlayerEvent()" > getAddPlayerEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getBackEvent()" > getBackEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > QuitWarningPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/QuitWarningPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > ConnectPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/ConnectPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > LoginPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/LoginPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > GameListPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/GameListPanel.html#getCancelEvent()" > getCancelEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > PausePanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PausePanel.html#getEndPauseEvent()" > getEndPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getEndPauseEvent()" > getEndPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > RoundEndPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/RoundEndPanel.html#getEndProgramEvent()" > getEndProgramEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The end program is emitted when the player wants to quit the program< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getEndProgramEvent()" > getEndProgramEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
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< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > PlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getEndTurnEvent()" > getEndTurnEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getLoadEvent()" > getLoadEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getLoadGameEvent()" > getLoadGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getMenuNewGameEvent()" > getMenuNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getNetworkGameEvent()" > getNetworkGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getNetworkGameEvent()" > getNetworkGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > RoundEndPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/RoundEndPanel.html#getNewGameEvent()" > getNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getNewGameEvent()" > getNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > RoundEndPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/RoundEndPanel.html#getNewRoundEvent()" > getNewRoundEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
The new round event is emitted when the player wants to start a new round< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getNewRoundEvent()" > getNewRoundEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getOfferGameEvent()" > getOfferGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > GameListPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/GameListPanel.html#getOpenNewGameEvent()" > getOpenNewGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > PlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getPauseEvent()" > getPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getPauseEvent()" > getPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > QuitWarningPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/QuitWarningPanel.html#getQuitEvent()" > getQuitEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getQuitEvent()" > getQuitEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > PlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getSetVariantChildrenEvent()" > getSetVariantChildrenEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getSetVariantDefaultEvent()" > getSetVariantDefaultEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > PlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getSortByGroupsEvent()" > getSortByGroupsEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > PlayerPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getSortByRunsEvent()" > getSortByRunsEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
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< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > SettingsPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/SettingsPanel.html#getStartGameEvent()" > getStartGameEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > StartTurnPanel.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/StartTurnPanel.html#getStartTurnEvent()" > getStartTurnEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > View.< / B > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/View.html#getStartTurnEvent()" > getStartTurnEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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