2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
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< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.LeftPanelResizeListener.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > < B > NEXT CLASS< / B > < / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
SUMMARY: < A HREF = "#nested_class_summary" > NESTED< / A > | < A HREF = "#field_summary" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_summary" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_summary" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
DETAIL: < A HREF = "#field_detail" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_detail" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_detail" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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<!-- ======== START OF CLASS DATA ======== -->
< H2 >
< FONT SIZE = "-1" >
jrummikub.view.impl< / FONT >
< BR >
Class PlayerPanel< / H2 >
< PRE >
< IMG SRC = "../../../resources/inherit.gif" ALT = "extended by " > java.awt.Component
< IMG SRC = "../../../resources/inherit.gif" ALT = "extended by " > java.awt.Container
< IMG SRC = "../../../resources/inherit.gif" ALT = "extended by " > javax.swing.JComponent
< IMG SRC = "../../../resources/inherit.gif" ALT = "extended by " > javax.swing.JPanel
< IMG SRC = "../../../resources/inherit.gif" ALT = "extended by " > < B > jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel< / B >
< / PRE >
< DL >
< DT > < B > All Implemented Interfaces:< / B > < DD > java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, java.io.Serializable, javax.accessibility.Accessible, < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< DL >
< DT > < PRE > class < B > PlayerPanel< / B > < DT > extends javax.swing.JPanel< DT > implements < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / DL >
< / PRE >
< P >
Implementation of the player panel
< P >
< P >
< HR >
< P >
<!-- ======== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ======== -->
< A NAME = "nested_class_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Nested Class Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private class< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.LeftPanelResizeListener.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > PlayerPanel.LeftPanelResizeListener< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private class< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.RightPanelResizeListener.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > PlayerPanel.RightPanelResizeListener< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "nested_classes_inherited_from_class_javax.swing.JPanel" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > javax.swing.JPanel.AccessibleJPanel< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "nested_classes_inherited_from_class_javax.swing.JComponent" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > javax.swing.JComponent.AccessibleJComponent< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "nested_classes_inherited_from_class_java.awt.Container" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Container< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > java.awt.Container.AccessibleAWTContainer< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "nested_classes_inherited_from_class_java.awt.Component" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, java.awt.Component.BltBufferStrategy, java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
<!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
< A NAME = "field_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Field Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JLabel< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#currentPlayerNameLabel" > currentPlayerNameLabel< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#endTurnButton" > endTurnButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#endTurnEvent" > endTurnEvent< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/HandPanel.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > HandPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#hand" > hand< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static float< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#HAND_ROW_BUTTON_RATIO" > HAND_ROW_BUTTON_RATIO< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#handRowDownButton" > handRowDownButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#handRowUpButton" > handRowUpButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JLabel< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#hasLaidOutLabel" > hasLaidOutLabel< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#keepStonesButton" > keepStonesButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JPanel< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#leftPanel" > leftPanel< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private java.awt.event.ComponentListener< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#leftPanelResizeListener" > leftPanelResizeListener< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private int< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#leftPanelWidth" > leftPanelWidth< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static float< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#MAX_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE" > MAX_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private boolean< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#mayPause" > mayPause< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#pauseButton" > pauseButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#pauseEvent" > pauseEvent< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#redealButton" > redealButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#redealEvent" > redealEvent< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JPanel< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#rightPanel" > rightPanel< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private java.awt.event.ComponentListener< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#rightPanelResizeListener" > rightPanelResizeListener< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static java.text.DecimalFormat< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#secondFormat" > secondFormat< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static float< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#SIDE_PANEL_FIRST_LINE_HEIGHT" > SIDE_PANEL_FIRST_LINE_HEIGHT< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static int< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#SIDE_PANEL_INSET" > SIDE_PANEL_INSET< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static int< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#SIDE_PANEL_MAX_WIDTH" > SIDE_PANEL_MAX_WIDTH< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private static int< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#SIDE_PANEL_SEPARATOR" > SIDE_PANEL_SEPARATOR< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#sortByGroupsButton" > sortByGroupsButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#sortByGroupsEvent" > sortByGroupsEvent< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#sortByRunsButton" > sortByRunsButton< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#sortByRunsEvent" > sortByRunsEvent< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private javax.swing.JProgressBar< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#timeBar" > timeBar< / A > < / B > < / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "fields_inherited_from_class_javax.swing.JComponent" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "fields_inherited_from_class_java.awt.Component" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "fields_inherited_from_class_java.awt.image.ImageObserver" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
<!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
< A NAME = "constructor_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Constructor Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#PlayerPanel()" > PlayerPanel< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
Creates a new PlayerPanel instance< / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
< A NAME = "method_summary" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "2" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Method Summary< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< CODE > private javax.swing.JButton< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#createButton(javax.swing.JPanel, java.lang.String, java.awt.event.ActionListener)" > createButton< / A > < / B > (javax.swing.JPanel panel,
java.lang.String caption,
java.awt.event.ActionListener listener)< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#createLeftPanel()" > createLeftPanel< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#createRightPanel()" > createRightPanel< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > private void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#createRightPanelButtons()" > createRightPanelButtons< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#enableButtons(boolean)" > enableButtons< / A > < / B > (boolean enable)< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getEndTurnEvent()" > getEndTurnEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The end turn event is emitted when the player wants to end his turn< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/HandPanel.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > HandPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getHandPanel()" > getHandPanel< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< CODE > (package private) int< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getLeftPanelWidth()" > getLeftPanelWidth< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getPauseEvent()" > getPauseEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The redeal event is emitted when the player wants to get new stones< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getSortByGroupsEvent()" > getSortByGroupsEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
The sort by groups event is emitted when the player wants to sort his
stones by groups< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#getSortByRunsEvent()" > getSortByRunsEvent< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
The sort by runs event is emitted when the player wants to sort his
stones by runs< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#rescale()" > rescale< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#setCurrentPlayerColor(java.awt.Color)" > setCurrentPlayerColor< / A > < / B > (java.awt.Color color)< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#setCurrentPlayerName(java.lang.String)" > setCurrentPlayerName< / A > < / B > (java.lang.String playerName)< / CODE >
< BR >
Sets the current player name< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#setEndTurnMode(jrummikub.control.turn.TurnMode)" > setEndTurnMode< / A > < / B > (< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/TurnMode.html" title = "enum in jrummikub.control.turn" > TurnMode< / A > turnMode)< / CODE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< BR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
Sets the buttons available to end the turn< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#setHasLaidOut(boolean)" > setHasLaidOut< / A > < / B > (boolean hasLaidOut)< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#setMayPause(boolean)" > setMayPause< / A > < / B > (boolean mayPause)< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#setTime(int, int)" > setTime< / A > < / B > (int time,
int totalTime)< / CODE >
< BR >
Sets the time the player has left for his turn< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#showButtons(boolean)" > showButtons< / A > < / B > (boolean show)< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD ALIGN = "right" VALIGN = "top" WIDTH = "1%" > < FONT SIZE = "-1" >
< CODE > (package private) void< / CODE > < / FONT > < / TD >
< TD > < CODE > < B > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.html#updateButtons()" > updateButtons< / A > < / B > ()< / CODE >
< BR >
< / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "methods_inherited_from_class_javax.swing.JPanel" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > getAccessibleContext, getUI, getUIClassID, paramString, setUI, updateUI< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "methods_inherited_from_class_javax.swing.JComponent" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > addAncestorListener, addNotify, addVetoableChangeListener, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, disable, enable, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getActionMap, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAncestorListeners, getAutoscrolls, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getComponentPopupMenu, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getDefaultLocale, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getHeight, getInheritsPopupMenu, getInputMap, getInputMap, getInputVerifier, getInsets, getInsets, getListeners, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPopupLocation, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getTransferHandler, getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, isDoubleBuffered, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, isPaintingForPrint, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, print, printAll, printBorder, printChildren, printComponent, processComponentKeyEvent, processKeyBinding, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, removeAncestorListener, removeNotify, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setActionMap, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setComponentPopupMenu, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDefaultLocale, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFont, setForeground, setInheritsPopupMenu, setInputMap, setInputVerifier, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setTransferHandler, setUI, setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, setVisible, unregisterKeyboardAction, update< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "methods_inherited_from_class_java.awt.Container" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getLayout, getMousePosition, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusCycleRoot, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setLayout, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "methods_inherited_from_class_java.awt.Component" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPeer, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusUpCycle< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#EEEEFF" CLASS = "TableSubHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" > < B > Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object< / B > < / TH >
< / TR >
< TR BGCOLOR = "white" CLASS = "TableRowColor" >
< TD > < CODE > clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait< / CODE > < / TD >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< P >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
<!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
< A NAME = "field_detail" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "1" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Field Detail< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "SIDE_PANEL_INSET" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
< PRE >
private static final int < B > SIDE_PANEL_INSET< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< DT > < B > See Also:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../../constant-values.html#jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.SIDE_PANEL_INSET" > Constant Field Values< / A > < / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "SIDE_PANEL_SEPARATOR" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
< PRE >
private static final int < B > SIDE_PANEL_SEPARATOR< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< DT > < B > See Also:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../../constant-values.html#jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.SIDE_PANEL_SEPARATOR" > Constant Field Values< / A > < / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "SIDE_PANEL_FIRST_LINE_HEIGHT" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
< PRE >
private static final float < B > SIDE_PANEL_FIRST_LINE_HEIGHT< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< DT > < B > See Also:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../../constant-values.html#jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.SIDE_PANEL_FIRST_LINE_HEIGHT" > Constant Field Values< / A > < / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "SIDE_PANEL_MAX_WIDTH" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
< PRE >
private static final int < B > SIDE_PANEL_MAX_WIDTH< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< DT > < B > See Also:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../../constant-values.html#jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.SIDE_PANEL_MAX_WIDTH" > Constant Field Values< / A > < / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "HAND_ROW_BUTTON_RATIO" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
< PRE >
private static final float < B > HAND_ROW_BUTTON_RATIO< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< DT > < B > See Also:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../../constant-values.html#jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.HAND_ROW_BUTTON_RATIO" > Constant Field Values< / A > < / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "MAX_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
< PRE >
private static final float < B > MAX_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< DT > < B > See Also:< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "../../../constant-values.html#jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.MAX_BUTTON_FONT_SIZE" > Constant Field Values< / A > < / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "secondFormat" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
secondFormat< / H3 >
< PRE >
private static final java.text.DecimalFormat < B > secondFormat< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "hand" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
hand< / H3 >
< PRE >
private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/HandPanel.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > HandPanel< / A > < B > hand< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "leftPanel" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
leftPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JPanel < B > leftPanel< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "rightPanel" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
rightPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JPanel < B > rightPanel< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "currentPlayerNameLabel" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
currentPlayerNameLabel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JLabel < B > currentPlayerNameLabel< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "hasLaidOutLabel" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
hasLaidOutLabel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JLabel < B > hasLaidOutLabel< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "sortByGroupsButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
sortByGroupsButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > sortByGroupsButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "sortByRunsButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
sortByRunsButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > sortByRunsButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "handRowUpButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
handRowUpButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > handRowUpButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "handRowDownButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
handRowDownButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > handRowDownButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "timeBar" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
timeBar< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JProgressBar < B > timeBar< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "endTurnButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
endTurnButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > endTurnButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "keepStonesButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
keepStonesButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > keepStonesButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "redealButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
redealButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > redealButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "pauseButton" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
pauseButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > pauseButton< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "sortByGroupsEvent" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
sortByGroupsEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < B > sortByGroupsEvent< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "sortByRunsEvent" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
sortByRunsEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < B > sortByRunsEvent< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "endTurnEvent" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
endTurnEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < B > endTurnEvent< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "redealEvent" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
redealEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < B > redealEvent< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "pauseEvent" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
pauseEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
private < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/Event.html" title = "class in jrummikub.util" > Event< / A > < B > pauseEvent< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "leftPanelWidth" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
leftPanelWidth< / H3 >
< PRE >
private int < B > leftPanelWidth< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "mayPause" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
mayPause< / H3 >
< PRE >
private boolean < B > mayPause< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "leftPanelResizeListener" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
leftPanelResizeListener< / H3 >
< PRE >
private java.awt.event.ComponentListener < B > leftPanelResizeListener< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "rightPanelResizeListener" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
rightPanelResizeListener< / H3 >
< PRE >
private java.awt.event.ComponentListener < B > rightPanelResizeListener< / B > < / PRE >
< DL >
< DL >
< / DL >
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
<!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
< A NAME = "constructor_detail" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "1" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Constructor Detail< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "PlayerPanel()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
PlayerPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
< B > PlayerPanel< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Creates a new PlayerPanel instance
< P >
< / DL >
<!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
< A NAME = "method_detail" > <!-- --> < / A >
< TR BGCOLOR = "#CCCCFF" CLASS = "TableHeadingColor" >
< TH ALIGN = "left" COLSPAN = "1" > < FONT SIZE = "+2" >
< B > Method Detail< / B > < / FONT > < / TH >
< / TR >
< / TABLE >
< A NAME = "getHandPanel()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getHandPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/HandPanel.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > HandPanel< / A > < B > getHandPanel< / B > ()< / PRE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "setCurrentPlayerName(java.lang.String)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
setCurrentPlayerName< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > setCurrentPlayerName< / B > (java.lang.String playerName)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > Sets the current player name
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > playerName< / CODE > - the player name< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< A NAME = "setCurrentPlayerColor(java.awt.Color)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
setCurrentPlayerColor< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > setCurrentPlayerColor< / B > (java.awt.Color color)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "setHasLaidOut(boolean)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
setHasLaidOut< / H3 >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< PRE >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
void < B > setHasLaidOut< / B > (boolean hasLaidOut)< / PRE >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "setTime(int, int)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
setTime< / H3 >
< PRE >
public void < B > setTime< / B > (int time,
int totalTime)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < B > Description copied from interface: < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#setTime(int, int)" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / B > < / DD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< DD > Sets the time the player has left for his turn
< P >
< DD > < DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< DT > < B > Specified by:< / B > < DD > < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#setTime(int, int)" > setTime< / A > < / CODE > in interface < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > time< / CODE > - the time left< DD > < CODE > totalTime< / CODE > - total time for a turn< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "getSortByGroupsEvent()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getSortByGroupsEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
public < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < B > getSortByGroupsEvent< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < B > Description copied from interface: < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getSortByGroupsEvent()" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / B > < / DD >
< DD > The sort by groups event is emitted when the player wants to sort his
stones by groups
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Specified by:< / B > < DD > < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getSortByGroupsEvent()" > getSortByGroupsEvent< / A > < / CODE > in interface < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the event< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "getSortByRunsEvent()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getSortByRunsEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
public < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < B > getSortByRunsEvent< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < B > Description copied from interface: < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getSortByRunsEvent()" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / B > < / DD >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< DD > The sort by runs event is emitted when the player wants to sort his
stones by runs
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Specified by:< / B > < DD > < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getSortByRunsEvent()" > getSortByRunsEvent< / A > < / CODE > in interface < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the event< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "getEndTurnEvent()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getEndTurnEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
public < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < B > getEndTurnEvent< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < B > Description copied from interface: < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getEndTurnEvent()" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / B > < / DD >
< DD > The end turn event is emitted when the player wants to end his turn
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Specified by:< / B > < DD > < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getEndTurnEvent()" > getEndTurnEvent< / A > < / CODE > in interface < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the event< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< HR >
< A NAME = "getRedealEvent()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getRedealEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
public < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < B > getRedealEvent< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < B > Description copied from interface: < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getRedealEvent()" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / B > < / DD >
< DD > The redeal event is emitted when the player wants to get new stones
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Specified by:< / B > < DD > < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#getRedealEvent()" > getRedealEvent< / A > < / CODE > in interface < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Returns:< / B > < DD > the event< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "getPauseEvent()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getPauseEvent< / H3 >
< PRE >
< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/util/IEvent.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.util" > IEvent< / A > < B > getPauseEvent< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "createLeftPanel()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
createLeftPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > createLeftPanel< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "createRightPanel()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
createRightPanel< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > createRightPanel< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "createRightPanelButtons()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
createRightPanelButtons< / H3 >
< PRE >
private void < B > createRightPanelButtons< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "createButton(javax.swing.JPanel, java.lang.String, java.awt.event.ActionListener)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
createButton< / H3 >
< PRE >
private javax.swing.JButton < B > createButton< / B > (javax.swing.JPanel panel,
java.lang.String caption,
java.awt.event.ActionListener listener)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "rescale()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
rescale< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > rescale< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "getLeftPanelWidth()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
getLeftPanelWidth< / H3 >
< PRE >
int < B > getLeftPanelWidth< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "updateButtons()" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
updateButtons< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > updateButtons< / B > ()< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "setEndTurnMode(jrummikub.control.turn.TurnMode)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
setEndTurnMode< / H3 >
< PRE >
public void < B > setEndTurnMode< / B > (< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/TurnMode.html" title = "enum in jrummikub.control.turn" > TurnMode< / A > turnMode)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < B > Description copied from interface: < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#setEndTurnMode(jrummikub.control.turn.TurnMode)" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / B > < / DD >
< DD > Sets the buttons available to end the turn
< P >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Specified by:< / B > < DD > < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html#setEndTurnMode(jrummikub.control.turn.TurnMode)" > setEndTurnMode< / A > < / CODE > in interface < CODE > < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/IPlayerPanel.html" title = "interface in jrummikub.view" > IPlayerPanel< / A > < / CODE > < / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< DT > < B > Parameters:< / B > < DD > < CODE > turnMode< / CODE > - the < A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/control/turn/TurnMode.html" title = "enum in jrummikub.control.turn" > < CODE > TurnMode< / CODE > < / A > < / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "showButtons(boolean)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
showButtons< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > showButtons< / B > (boolean show)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "enableButtons(boolean)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
enableButtons< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > enableButtons< / B > (boolean enable)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
< HR >
< A NAME = "setMayPause(boolean)" > <!-- --> < / A > < H3 >
setMayPause< / H3 >
< PRE >
void < B > setMayPause< / B > (boolean mayPause)< / PRE >
< DL >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< DD > < DL >
< / DL >
< / DD >
< / DL >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PausePanel.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > < B > PREV CLASS< / B > < / A >
< A HREF = "../../../jrummikub/view/impl/PlayerPanel.LeftPanelResizeListener.html" title = "class in jrummikub.view.impl" > < B > NEXT CLASS< / B > < / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
SUMMARY: < A HREF = "#nested_class_summary" > NESTED< / A > | < A HREF = "#field_summary" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_summary" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_summary" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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2011-07-06 16:36:06 +02:00
DETAIL: < A HREF = "#field_detail" > FIELD< / A > | < A HREF = "#constructor_detail" > CONSTR< / A > | < A HREF = "#method_detail" > METHOD< / A > < / FONT > < / TD >
2011-05-10 16:59:40 +02:00
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