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# Resource management
## Scripts
The following scripts can be found in the `resource` directory of this Git
repository. Python 3.8 should be sufficient, older versions may or may not
- `blocklist.py`: Lists all supported block IDs of an unpacked Minecraft JAR, or diffs the ID lists
of two different versions
- `extract.py`: Takes the block type information from `blocks.json` and texture data
from an unpacked Minecraft JAR, storing the result in `colors.json`
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- `generate.py`: Generates `block_types.rs` from `colors.json`
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- `sign_textures.py`: Generates all needed sign graphics from Minecraft assets
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In addition to these scripts, the JSON processor *jq* is a useful tool to work
with MinedMap's resource metadata.
## How to add support for block IDs of a new Minecraft version
1. Download the Minecraft version you want to support as well as the previous
version currently supported by MinedMap. You can use the Minecraft launcher
to do so. On Linux the downloaded JAR archive can be found at
2. Unpack both versions to different directories. The next part assumes that
the unpacked data is stored in `resource/data/old` and `resource/data/new`;
using the respective Minecraft version numbers instead of `old`
and `new` is advisable.
3. Check the added and removed block types using `blocklist.py`:
./blocklist.py diff data/old data/new
4. Append all new block types to `blocks.json`. The following command can be
used to generate the basic JSON structure:
./blocklist.py added data/old data/new | jq -R -n -S --tab '[inputs] | map({key: ., value: {}}) | from_entries'
5. Edit `blocks.json` until the following command passes without errors:
./extract.py blocks.json data/new/assets/minecraft/textures/block colors.json
If possible, the top texture of blocks should be used where different sides
exist. Block types that should not be visible on the map are just set to
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`null` in the JSON (or have a `null` `texture` field when other flags need
to be set, like for sign blocks).
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The `water`, `grass` and `foliage` flags control biome-dependent texture color modifiers.
6. When `colors.json` builds successfully, use the following command to sort
`blocks.json` by block ID:
jq --tab -S < blocks.json > blocks.json.new && mv blocks.json.new blocks.json
Then regenerate `colors.json` one last time, so it is sorted as well.
7. Update the source code with the new block colors:
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./generate.py colors.json ../crates/resource/src/block_types.rs
cargo fmt --all
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After the update, the new version should be tested with old savegames (both
before and after migration by the new version) as well as newly generated
worlds. Use creative mode to add the new block types to your test world.