Added bullet/tank collision; reduced tick count
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 41 additions and 11 deletions
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ data CPUPlayer = CPUPlayer Micro
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Player CPUPlayer where
playerUpdate (CPUPlayer angle) _ = (CPUPlayer (if (angle+0.1) > 180 then angle-359.08 else angle+0.02), Just angle, True, Just (-angle), False)
playerUpdate (CPUPlayer angle) _ = (CPUPlayer (if (angle+0.2) > 180 then angle-359.8 else angle+0.2), Just angle, True, Just (-angle), False)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Collision ( collisionTankBorder
, collisionBulletBullet
, collisionBulletTank
) where
import Tank
@ -49,3 +50,23 @@ collisionBulletBullet :: (Bullet, Bullet) -> (Bullet, Bullet) -> Bool
collisionBulletBullet (b1, b1') (b2, b2') = distancesq < (bulletDiameter^2)
distancesq = (bulletX b1' - bulletX b2')^2 + (bulletY b1' - bulletY b2')^2
collisionBulletTank :: (Bullet, Bullet) -> (Tank, Tank) -> Bool
collisionBulletTank (b, b') (tank, tank') = (not ((between bx minx maxx) && (between by miny maxy))) && ((between bx' minx maxx) && (between by' miny maxy))
between x a b = x >= a && x <= b
dir t = (fromRational . toRational . tankDir $ t)*pi/180
cosd t = fromRational (round ((cos $ dir t)*1000000)%1000000)
sind t = fromRational (round ((sin $ dir t)*1000000)%1000000)
rotp t (x, y) = ((cosd t)*x + (sind t)*y, -(sind t)*x + (cosd t)*y)
transp t (x, y) = (x - tankX t, y - tankY t)
(bx, by) = (rotp tank) . (transp tank) $ (bulletX b, bulletY b)
(bx', by') = (rotp tank') . (transp tank') $ (bulletX b', bulletY b')
minx = -tankLength/2
maxx = tankLength/2
miny = -tankWidth/2
maxy = tankWidth/2
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ data Bullet = Bullet
, bulletSpeed :: !Micro
, bulletBouncesLeft :: !Int
, bulletTank :: !Int
} deriving Show
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data GameState = GameState
{ level :: !Level
@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ mainLoop = do
liftIO $ threadDelay $ truncate $ 1e6*(minFrameTime - drender)
currenttime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let d = round $ 1e3*(diffUTCTime currenttime t)
let d = round $ 1e2*(diffUTCTime currenttime t)
replicateM_ d simulationStep
let newtime = addUTCTime ((1e-3)*(fromIntegral d)) t
let newtime = addUTCTime ((1e-2)*(fromIntegral d)) t
modify $ \state -> state {time = newtime}
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Tank
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Fixed
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Ratio
updateAngle :: Micro -> State Tank ()
updateAngle angle = do
oldangle <- gets tankDir
tspeed <- gets tankTurnspeed >>= return . (/1000)
tspeed <- liftM (/100) $ gets tankTurnspeed
let diff = angle - oldangle
let diff360 = if (diff > 180)
@ -65,8 +66,8 @@ updateTank game angle move aangle = do
when (isNothing angle || (isJust angle && (tdir == fromJust angle)) || moved) $ do
let anglej = (fromRational . toRational $ tdir)*pi/180
dx = tspeed * fromRational (round ((cos anglej)*1000)%1000000)
dy = tspeed * fromRational (round ((sin anglej)*1000)%1000000)
dx = tspeed * fromRational (round ((cos anglej)*1000)%100000)
dy = tspeed * fromRational (round ((sin anglej)*1000)%100000)
put tank {tankX = dx + tankX tank, tankY = dy + tankY tank, tankMoving = True}
@ -83,8 +84,8 @@ updateBullet game = do
bullet <- get
let angle = (fromRational . toRational . bulletDir $ bullet)*pi/180
speed = bulletSpeed bullet
dx = speed * fromRational (round ((cos angle)*1000)%1000000)
dy = speed * fromRational (round ((sin angle)*1000)%1000000)
dx = speed * fromRational (round ((cos angle)*1000)%100000)
dy = speed * fromRational (round ((sin angle)*1000)%100000)
x = dx + bulletX bullet
y = dy + bulletY bullet
lw = fromIntegral . levelWidth . level $ game
@ -123,8 +124,12 @@ simulationStep = do
lift $ modify $ \state ->
let thebullets = map (runState $ updateBullet state) $ bullets state
leftbullets = collideBullets $ zipWith (\(left, bullet') bullet -> (left, bullet, bullet')) thebullets $ bullets state
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n leftbullets)}) $ zip newtanks [0..]
in state {tanks = thetanks, bullets = newbullets ++ (map snd . filter fst $ leftbullets)}
bt = hitBullets $ liftM2 (\(b, (_, b')) (t, t') -> (b, b', t, t')) (zip (bullets state) leftbullets) (zip (tanks state) newtanks)
leftbullets2 = map (\(left, bullet) -> (left && (all (\(c, b, _) -> (b /= bullet) || (not c)) bt), bullet)) leftbullets
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n leftbullets2)}) $ zip newtanks [0..]
in state {tanks = thetanks, bullets = newbullets ++ (map snd . filter fst $ leftbullets2)}
collideBullets [] = []
@ -135,6 +140,10 @@ simulationStep = do
left = map (\(left, c, b, b') -> (left && not c, b, b')) $ cs
in (collided, left)
hitBullets :: [(Bullet, Bullet, Tank, Tank)] -> [(Bool, Bullet, Tank)]
hitBullets [] = []
hitBullets ((b, b', t, t'):xs) = (collisionBulletTank (b, b') (t, t'), b', t'):(hitBullets xs)
updateTank' game (player, tank) = let (p, angle, move, aangle, shoot) = playerUpdate player tank
t = execState (updateTank game angle move aangle) tank
in (p, t, shoot)
Reference in a new issue