Added 3D models
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 2062 additions and 18 deletions
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ license: GPL-3
license-file: LICENSE
license-file: LICENSE
author: Matthias Schiffer
author: Matthias Schiffer
build-depends: base >= 4, syb, containers, mtl, time, X11, OpenGL, hwiid
build-depends: base >= 4, syb, containers, mtl, time, X11, OpenGL, hwiid, obj-model, obj-model-gl
build-type: Simple
build-type: Simple
data-files: tex/*.png
data-files: tex/*.png model/*.obj
executable: HTanks
executable: HTanks
hs-source-dirs: src
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: HTanks.hs
main-is: HTanks.hs
other-modules: Collision, CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, HWiidPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture, Debris,
other-modules: Collision, CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, HWiidPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture, Debris,
Tank, Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
Tank, Model, Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
--ghc-options: -threaded
--ghc-options: -threaded
extra-libraries: glpng
extra-libraries: glpng
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ import Tank
import GLDriver
import GLDriver
import GLX
import GLX
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time
import Data.Time
import Foreign.C.Types
import Data.Obj3D
import Data.Obj3D.GL
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
let theLevel = testLevel
let theLevel = testLevel
hwiidPlayer <- newHWiidPlayer
--hwiidPlayer <- newHWiidPlayer
gl <- initGL $ glxDriver (levelWidth theLevel) (levelHeight theLevel)
gl <- initGL $ glxDriver (levelWidth theLevel) (levelHeight theLevel)
when (initialized gl) $ do
when (initialized gl) $ do
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ main = do
, Tank 5.0 3.5 0 0 1.5 270 False 3 1 5 1
, Tank 5.0 3.5 0 0 1.5 270 False 3 1 5 1
], bullets = []}
], bullets = []}
mainstate = MainState {run = True, driver = SomeDriver gl, time = currentTime, players =
mainstate = MainState {run = True, driver = SomeDriver gl, time = currentTime, players =
[ --SomePlayer $ DefaultPlayer S.empty 0 0 False
[ SomePlayer $ DefaultPlayer S.empty 0 0 False
SomePlayer $ hwiidPlayer
--SomePlayer $ hwiidPlayer
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer 0
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer 0
], textures = M.empty, gameState = gamestate}
], textures = M.empty, models = M.empty, gameState = gamestate}
runMain mainstate $ do
runMain mainstate $ do
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Game
import GLDriver
import GLDriver
import Player
import Player
import Texture
import Texture
import Model
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ data MainState = MainState
, time :: !UTCTime
, time :: !UTCTime
, players :: ![SomePlayer]
, players :: ![SomePlayer]
, textures :: !(M.Map Texture TextureObject)
, textures :: !(M.Map Texture TextureObject)
, models :: !(M.Map Model InterleavedObj)
, gameState :: !GameState
, gameState :: !GameState
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Model ( Model(..)
, InterleavedObj
) where
import Data.Obj3D.GL (InterleavedObj)
data Model = ModelTank
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -10,11 +10,14 @@ import Level
import Player
import Player
import Tank
import Tank
import Texture
import Texture
import Model
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Obj3D
import Data.Obj3D.GL
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -22,15 +25,19 @@ import Bindings.GLPng
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL (($=), GLfloat, GLdouble, Capability(..), Vector3(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL (($=), GLfloat, GLdouble, Capability(..), Vector3(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BeginEnd (unsafeRenderPrimitive, PrimitiveMode(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BeginEnd (unsafeRenderPrimitive, PrimitiveMode(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.CoordTrans (matrixMode, MatrixMode(..), viewport, Position(..), Size(..), loadIdentity, unsafePreservingMatrix, ortho, translate, rotate)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.CoordTrans (matrixMode, MatrixMode(..), viewport, Position(..), Size(..), loadIdentity, unsafePreservingMatrix, ortho, translate, rotate, scale)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Framebuffer (clear, ClearBuffer(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Framebuffer (clear, ClearBuffer(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment (blend, blendFunc, BlendingFactor(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment (blend, blendFunc, BlendingFactor(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Application (texture)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Application (texture)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (textureBinding, TextureObject(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Objects (textureBinding, TextureObject(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Parameters (Repetition(..), Clamping(..), TextureFilter(..), MinificationFilter, MagnificationFilter)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Parameters (Repetition(..), Clamping(..), TextureFilter(..), MinificationFilter, MagnificationFilter)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Specification (TextureTarget(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Texturing.Specification (TextureTarget(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexArrays (clientState, ClientArrayType(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
texturePath :: Texture -> IO FilePath
texturePath :: Texture -> IO FilePath
texturePath t = getDataFileName $ path t
texturePath t = getDataFileName $ path t
@ -55,6 +62,29 @@ getTexture t = do
modify $ \state -> state {textures = M.insert t tex ts}
modify $ \state -> state {textures = M.insert t tex ts}
return tex
return tex
modelPath :: Model -> IO FilePath
modelPath t = getDataFileName $ path t
path ModelTank = "model/tank.obj"
getModel :: Model -> Main InterleavedObj
getModel m = do
ms <- gets models
let mobj = M.lookup m ms
if (isJust mobj)
return $ fromJust mobj
else do
path <- liftIO $ modelPath m
objmod <- liftIO $ loadObjFile path
model <- case objmod of
Left error -> fail $ show error
Right obj -> liftIO $ makeInterleavedArrays obj
modify $ \state -> state {models = M.insert m model ms}
return model
setup :: Main ()
setup :: Main ()
setup = do
setup = do
@ -62,13 +92,15 @@ setup = do
blend $= Enabled
blend $= Enabled
blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha)
blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha)
-- cache textures
-- cache textures & models
getTexture TextureWood
getTexture TextureWood
getTexture TextureTank
getTexture TextureTank
getTexture TextureCannon
getTexture TextureCannon
getTexture TextureBullet
getTexture TextureBullet
getTexture TextureCrosshair
getTexture TextureCrosshair
getModel ModelTank
return ()
return ()
@ -84,6 +116,8 @@ render = do
textureBullet <- getTexture TextureBullet
textureBullet <- getTexture TextureBullet
textureCrosshair <- getTexture TextureCrosshair
textureCrosshair <- getTexture TextureCrosshair
modelTank <- getModel ModelTank
(lw, lh) <- gets (level . gameState) >>= \l -> return (fromIntegral . levelWidth $ l :: GLfloat, fromIntegral . levelHeight $ l :: GLfloat)
(lw, lh) <- gets (level . gameState) >>= \l -> return (fromIntegral . levelWidth $ l :: GLfloat, fromIntegral . levelHeight $ l :: GLfloat)
liftIO $ do
liftIO $ do
@ -105,6 +139,13 @@ render = do
texCoord $ TexCoord2 0 (lh/2)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 0 (lh/2)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
texture Texture2D $= Disabled
clientState VertexArray $= Enabled
clientState NormalArray $= Enabled
clientState TextureCoordArray $= Enabled
bindInterleavedArrays modelTank
forM_ tanklist $ \tank -> unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
forM_ tanklist $ \tank -> unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
let x = realToFrac . tankX $ tank
let x = realToFrac . tankX $ tank
y = realToFrac . tankY $ tank
y = realToFrac . tankY $ tank
@ -112,11 +153,16 @@ render = do
rotAim = realToFrac . tankAim $ tank
rotAim = realToFrac . tankAim $ tank
translate $ Vector3 x y (0 :: GLfloat)
translate $ Vector3 x y (0 :: GLfloat)
scale 0.1 0.1 (0.1 :: GLfloat)
rotate rotDir $ Vector3 0 0 (1 :: GLfloat)
rotate rotDir $ Vector3 0 0 (1 :: GLfloat)
textureBinding Texture2D $= Just textureTank
--textureBinding Texture2D $= Just textureTank
unsafeRenderPrimitive Quads $ do
unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
rotate 90 $ Vector3 1 0 (0 :: GLfloat)
drawObject modelTank 1
{-unsafeRenderPrimitive Quads $ do
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (0 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (0 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (-0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (-0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)
@ -127,13 +173,19 @@ render = do
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (0.5 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (0.5 :: GLfloat)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (1 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (1 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)-}
rotate (rotAim-rotDir) $ Vector3 0 0 (1 :: GLfloat)
rotate (rotAim-rotDir) $ Vector3 0 0 (1 :: GLfloat)
textureBinding Texture2D $= Just textureCannon
--textureBinding Texture2D $= Just textureCannon
unsafeRenderPrimitive Quads $ do
unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
rotate 90 $ Vector3 1 0 (0 :: GLfloat)
drawObject modelTank 0
{-unsafeRenderPrimitive Quads $ do
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (0 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (0 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (-0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (-0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)
@ -144,7 +196,9 @@ render = do
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (0.5 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (0.5 :: GLfloat)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (1 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
texCoord $ TexCoord2 (1 :: GLfloat) (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (0.5 :: GLfloat) (-0.5 :: GLfloat)-}
texture Texture2D $= Enabled
forM_ bulletlist $ \bullet -> unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
forM_ bulletlist $ \bullet -> unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
let x = realToFrac . bulletX $ bullet
let x = realToFrac . bulletX $ bullet
Reference in a new issue